
  • 网络Institutional Control
  1. 采用部分还原沉淀法合成Fe3O4磁性粒子,通过热处理制度控制粒径和晶相的不同,得到磁性能表现不同的Fe3O4磁性粒子。

    Fe_3O_4 particles were synthesized by partial reduction chemical precipitation method . The diameter of the particles and its crystal phase , which would have the effect on the magnetic property of the particles , were controlled by different heat treatment .

  2. 大众传播与制度控制:中国现代作家的创作生态论

    Mass communication and systematic control : on the creating ecological environment of modern Chinese Writers

  3. 中国股票市场异常波动的本质原因在于制度控制缺陷。

    The essential reason of abnormal fluctuations in China 's market lies in the system control flaw .

  4. 周代的和谐文化主要体现在制度控制、精神控制以及艺术审美三个层面。

    Harmonious culture in Zhou Dynasty is characterized by system control , spiritual control and aesthetic appreciation .

  5. 坚持制度控制;

    Insist system control ;

  6. 制度控制和组织氛围均对公正行为与领导情感信任之间的关系具有削弱作用。

    System control and organizational climate would weaken the relationship of equity behavior and affect-based trust in leader .

  7. 本论文主要是从计划控制、信息控制和规章制度控制三个方面,为一汽提出实施控制的一些建议。

    Plan control , information control and rules control are considered in this assay for FAW 's strategy control .

  8. 从内部制度控制方面分析莆田市中小企业融资困难现状与原因分析。

    SMEs ' financing difficulties in Putian City Status and Cause of analysis from the internal system of control .

  9. 调节作用的分析结果表明,制度控制对控制权分享与领导认知信任之间的关系具有加强作用。

    The analysis of moderating effects showed , system control would strengthen the relationship of control sharing and cognition-based trust in leader .

  10. 在制度控制层面,通过协调外交关系中的交往行为,以实现部落社会的和谐。

    In the system control , the behavior of the interflow in the diplomatic relations is coordinated to realize the harmony among the inter-tribal society .

  11. 包括制度控制系统、预算控制系统、考评控制系统和激励控制系统四大部分。

    The framework includes the system control system , and budget control system , evaluation control system and framework of incentive control system . 6 .

  12. 作为财务控制基础的财务控制方法体系,是实现财务控制目标的基础和保障,具体而言,应由制度控制、定额控制、预算控制、目标控制、责任控制和内部牵制等方法组成。

    Method system of financial control as the base of financial control is the base and indemnify to bring out the objective of financial control .

  13. 随着对世界认识的加深,人们对现代各种制度控制确保社会安全的能力产生了怀疑,人们的风险意识在增加,对风险社会的研究也在深入,从而形成了一种风险文化现象。

    People begin to doubt the social security system and its controlling ability which in trun deepens a risk consciousness , or so called risk cultural phenomenon .

  14. 本文只是在企业集团财务控制机制构建、企业集团财务组织和制度控制、企业集团预算控制等几个方面进行了分析,所得出的结论也只是初步的。

    This paper makes some conclusions which are based on the enterprise groups financial controlling mechanisms structure , enterprise group financial organizations that control enterprise group budget .

  15. 在了解低碳贝氏体钢组织转变特点的基础上,利用冷却制度控制中温转变组织类型能优化低碳贝氏体钢的性能。

    A proper control cooling process influences the intermediate transformation products , in this way the mechanical properties of a low carbon bainitic steel can be fairly optimized .

  16. 分析了我国企业集团财务控制的重要性,阐述了制度控制的种类,探讨了预算制度控制的实施。

    This article analyzes the importance of state-owned enterprise group financial control , elaborates the sorts of system control and discusses how to implement the budget system control .

  17. 财务控制方式主要有组织机构控制、人员制度控制、财务风险控制、全面预算控制、统一结算和集中核算控制等。

    The ways of financial control are organization control , personnel system control , financial risk control , comprehensive budgetary control , unified settlement and centralized accounting control .

  18. 影响话语生产机制的因素主要有制度控制、组织控制、新闻价值体系与从业者自身因素。

    The important impact factors of discourse in the production of mechanisms are System control , organizational control , News values system and its own factors of the practitioners .

  19. 制度控制是地方政府公债微观管理的保障,是实现地方政府公债透明化管理的必要制度设计。

    Control system of local government bonds is the protection of micro-management , local government bonds is to achieve the necessary transparency in the management of the system design .

  20. 本文对会计电算化发展中存在的一些问题提出了对策与建议,并针对财会工作的自身特点,从程序控制和制度控制两个方面阐述了电算化会计信息下的内部控制方法。

    In allusion to the characteristics of finance and accounting , this paper also states the inner control method of computer for accounting from the two aspects of program control and system control .

  21. 而失败的原因大都包括筹资策略盲目,投资方向错误,融资能力不足,或公司的内部财务制度控制不力等财务因素。

    It is , however , surprising that these failures were primarily caused by financial factors , such as ruptures of capitals chain , blindness of investment strategy , financing difficulties and financial control problems .

  22. 社会流动性越来越强,使得原有范围狭小的习俗、惯例、道德规范等内在制度控制的能力减弱甚至丧失,社会处于失序状态。

    The growing social mobility , making the narrow scope of the original customs , practices , ethics , internal control systems and even the loss of weakening the ability of social upheaval in the state .

  23. 基本结论是:乌江公司的管理控制结构必须由单一刚性的制度控制向柔性的全面预算控制和绩效评价控制、激励控制转变。

    The basic conclusion is : The electricity generation business management control structure must control by the rigid system to the flexible as comprehensive budget control and the achievements appraisal control , the motivate control transformation .

  24. 实现以资产为纽带、对所经营的国有资产进行制度控制、战略控制、董事控制和财务控制,从而保证国有资产保值增值的责任。

    It also realizes the system control , the strategy control , the director control and the finance control on its state capital , thus the responsibility of keeping and increasing the state capital is ensured .

  25. 我国是社会主义国家,在市场对资源配置起基础性作用的同时,国有资本还必须发挥制度控制力,控制我国社会主义基本经济制度。

    Our country is a socialist country in which state-owned capital should bring the system control into controlling socialist basic economy system of our country while the market is playing its basic role in allocating the resources .

  26. 若以道德控制、制度控制和法律控制作为系统控制论的一种设想,在实践中将对银行业职务犯罪控制有所裨益。

    If we conduct moral control , principle control and law control as an assumption of systematic control , it will be advantageous for us to get the post crimes under hole in bank circles in practice .

  27. 另外,制度控制对正直行为与下属认知信任、下属胜任行为和谨慎行为与下属情感信任之间的关系具有削弱作用。

    For the development of trust in subordinate , system control would weaken the relationship of integrity behavior and cognition-based trust in subordinate , the relationship between subordinate competence behavior , discreet behavior and affect-based trust in subordinate .

  28. 培养和提高教师队伍的信用素质,要将教育引导与制度控制结合起来,建立集教育引导、监控督促、评议奖惩等措施于一体的行之有效的培养系统,才能收到好的实效。

    To train the students with good credit , we should develop the teachers ' credit quality , combine the education-leading and system-control , and construct an effective system containing education-leading , supervising , and rewards or punishments appraisal .

  29. 分层级的组织控制是基础;财务预算制度控制、资金集中管理制度控制和内部审计制度控制为核心;风险管理文化控制是保障。

    Stratified organize control is the foundation ; Control of the financial budget system , centralized management system for funds control and control of the internal audit system are the core ; Control of a risk management culture is the security .

  30. 制度控制是构建集团公司财务控制体系的基础,集团公司应首先建立和推行财务总监委派制度,对各子公司的财务管理工作实行直接监管。

    Regulation control is the basis of establishment of financial control system in conglomerates . Conglomerates shall principally set up and carry out a CFO appointment institution , in order to cast direct supervisions on financial management of all subsidiary corporations .