
  • 网络secondary vegetation
  1. 中山市城市森林次生植被的群落学研究

    Secondary Vegetation Communities of Urban Forest in Zhongshan Region

  2. 海南次生植被与其土壤性质的关系探讨

    Secondary vegetation and soil property in Hainan

  3. 杭州西湖山区次生植被的极点排序和主分量分析

    Polar ordination and principal components analysis of secondary vegetation on west lake mountains in Hangzhou

  4. 南方丘陵区马尾松次生植被小气候效应研究

    Study on the mini-climate of Pinus massoniana secondary vegetation on hills in the south of China

  5. 高海拔原始暗针叶林采伐迹地次生植被结构与物种多样性研究

    Study on Structure and Species Diversity of Secondary Vegetation on High Altitude Dark Coniferous Forest Cutting Land

  6. 杭州西湖山区次生植被性质研究(一)

    Characteristics of Vegetation on Hills and Lower Mountains in Vicinity of West Lake in Hangzhou ( I )

  7. 次生植被所占比例高达37.45%,表明原生植被受损严重。

    The secondary vegetation accounts for the proportion to be high 37.45 % indicated the primary vegetation had been destructed seriously .

  8. 结果表明,与地带性自然植被下丘陵湿润铁铝土比较,次生植被或人工植被下丘陵湿润铁铝土结构退化现象明显。

    Results showed that compared with the soil under zonal natural vegetation it suffered more structure degradation under secondary or man-made vegetation .

  9. 以生长在坡面园地和次生植被之间的过渡区域的可食用植物为中心展开论述。

    The purpose of this paper is to describe the edible plants grown in the transitional zones between gardens and secondary forest .

  10. 目前矿区废弃地经长期的演替而形成的植物群落,与其他次生植被群落在树种组成和结构上已无明显差异。

    The composition of species and structure of community between in mine spoils and secondary vegetable in mufu mountain are no obvious difference .

  11. 荒草坡上的草地群落是经人为破坏后演化而成的一种次生植被。

    The wild grass communities extensively distributed in North China is a secondary eoenotype into which the primeval vegetation was turned by artificial destroy .

  12. 在野外调查和室内分析的基础上,对海南岛热带次生植被及其土壤性质变化关系开展了研究。

    Evolution of tropical forest and change of soil quality were studied quantitatively on Hainan Island based on investigation in field and analysis in lab.

  13. 比气候顶极群落结构简单的林缘、林窗次生植被中的鸟类群落具有较高的物种多样性,但其群落稳定性较差;

    The forest edges and dormers with higher species diversity were not stable , however , the swamp meadow habitat with simple bird composition showed more stable .

  14. 杭州西湖风景名胜区中西湖山区的森林群落是浙江省目前保存较完整、发育较好的次生植被之一。

    Based upon survey of vegetation in mountainous area of West Lake , the features of vegetation and influence of anthropogenic disturbance on forest community were studied in the present paper .

  15. 研究表明:治理区植物科、属、种的数量,呈现随时间推移而逐步增加的特点,但与保存较好的次生植被区相比则明显偏少;

    The results showed the characteristics that the quantity of family , genus , species increased with the time , but they are fewer than the area of well-conserved secondary vegetation obviously .

  16. 植被性状、植被与土壤复杂关系主要体现在:(1)次生植被类型的物种组成特性间相关性较大;土壤各营养元素含量之间的相关性变化较大;

    The complicated relations between vegetation properties , vegetation and soil are mainly represented in : ( 1 ) close relationship between composition properties of the secondary vegetation and sharp variation of the relationship between nutrient elements in the soil ;

  17. 在西隆山分布的植被类型有5种:山地雨林、季风常绿阔叶林、山地苔藓常绿阔叶林、山顶苔藓矮林和次生植被。

    But the number of species actually distributed in the mountain is higher . 5 vegetation types were found in the mountain , they are : mountane rain forest , monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest , mountane mossy evergreen broad-leaved forest , mountane top mossy thicket and secondary vegetation .

  18. 紫金山次生森林植被特征分析

    Characteristics analysis of secondary forest vegetation in Zijin Mountain

  19. 滇中不同次生演替阶段植被类型对林冠截留的影响

    The Effect of Vegetation at Different Secondary Succession Stages of Semi-Humid Evergreen Broadleaved on Interception in Central Yunnan , China

  20. 以黄土丘陵沟壑区的子午岭次生林区主要植被类型为对象,研究了植被类型对土壤全氮的影响作用。

    Effects of land use type on soil organic C and total N in a small watershed in loess hilly-gully region ;