
  • 网络Nex-Gen;fifa;Gen;maya
  1. 次时代游戏原本指新一代游戏主机下的游戏。

    Gen games originally refer to games under a new generation of game consoles .

  2. 问:次时代PC版将会和家用机版同步?

    Question : NextGen PC will be the same as in the console ?

  3. 遍及移动设备、PC、家用游戏机甚至次时代游戏的免费游戏已经帮助这个行业扩大了受众。

    Available across mobile devices , PCs , consoles , and even coming to next-gen , F2P has helped broaden the demographics of the industry .

  4. 预计索尼和微软(Microsoft)将在E3游戏展上发布其他的次时代游戏。

    At E3 , additional next-gen games are expected to be announced by both Sony and Microsoft ( MSFT ) .

  5. 现在次时代游戏指代和同类游戏相比下更加先进的游戏,即下一代游戏。

    Now , gen games means the more advanced games , comparing with other similar ones , namely , next generation games .

  6. 如果有人愚蠢地掉进一个黑洞,他们会被其巨大的引力粉碎,因为大多数物理学家认为,还是会被推进到一个平行宇宙,或出现在另一次时代?

    If someone foolishly fell into a black hole , will they be crushed by its immense gravity , as most physicists believe , or will they be propelled into a parallel universe or emerge in another time era ?

  7. 上一次冰河时代过后,由于地层移动,英国逐渐倾斜起来。

    Due to the earth movements after the last Ice Age , the country is gradually tilting .

  8. 可以说科学技术每一次划时代的进步无不带有对原有思维方式的一定程度的改变,甚至实质性的突破。

    Say , every epochal progress of science and technology may bring a material breakthrough of inhere thinking method .

  9. 市场的开拓,技术的创新,成本的构成以及开发工具的使用,无一不受次微米时代的影响。

    Market dynamics , technology innovation , cost models , and tools , have all been affected by the deep submicron era .

  10. 构建和谐社会是个历久弥新的话题,有着深层次的时代内容和深刻的理论意蕴。

    Building a harmonious society is a ever hot topic , which has a deep level content of the time and profound theoretical implications .

  11. 在两年前一次《时代杂志》访谈节目“核武器讨伐异教徒:恐怖主义分子能够得到原子弹吗?”

    General Musharraf was more specific in an interview two years ago for a Times documentary ," Nuclear Jihad : Can Terrorists Get the Bomb ?"

  12. 在西部开发和东北振兴以后,国家又一次跨时代意义地提出了中部崛起发展战略。

    Besides Development of the West Regions and Revival of the Northeast , the government has put forward another development strategy of Rising in the Center Regions .

  13. 这是一次划时代的军事革命,其规模之大,内涵之广,影响之深,是历史上任何一次军事革命都无法比拟的。

    It is an epoch-making military innovation , and has larger scale , wilder meaning , and deeper impact than any other military in the human history .

  14. 自从上一次冰河时代结束以来,这算是最大规模的温度上升,而且仅历时几十年,不是几百年。

    That will be the biggest increase since the warming that ended the last Ice Age & but this one will be taking place over decades , not centuries .

  15. 他的一系列初创企业曾使他成为第一次互联网时代英国最成功的商人之一。

    It 's just not going to work , says the man whose string of start-ups made him one of the most successful UK businessmen of the first dotcom era .

  16. 尽管这或许是他无意识的举动,因为他们说,他正在退回到一种第二次童年时代!但我却因为他那个同意的表示而更加爱他了。

    Perhaps it was a mere whim on His part , for he is falling , they say , into second childhood , but I love him for showing so muc interest in you .

  17. 借用一本描写由技术进步而导致的岗位革命(以及岗位流失)的书名来说,随着第二次机器时代的来临,这两名为机器配音的人会觉得自己变得多余吗?

    Will these two voices of the machine find themselves redundant come the second machine age , to use the title of the book describing the jobs revolution ( and job losses ) triggered by technological advances ?

  18. 借用一本描写由技术进步而导致的岗位革命(以及岗位流失)的书名来说,随着“第二次机器时代”的来临,这两名为机器配音的人会觉得自己变得多余吗?

    Will these two voices of the machine find themselves redundant come the " second machine age , " to use the title of the book describing the jobs revolution ( and job losses ) triggered by technological advances ?

  19. 量子通信是通信技术的又一次划时代革命,凭借基于量子力学基本原理的无条件安全性,它已经成为当今通信领域研究的一个热点。

    Nowadays , quantum communication has attracted much attention in the field of communication due to its absolute security based on the principles of quantum mechanics . It is well known to be a revolutionary progress in communication technology .

  20. 断层泥的显微构造特征及其中石英碎砾的表面结构,可以提供有关断层活动方式、性质、期次、时代等重要信息。

    The microstructural features of fault gouge , as well as the surface textures of quartz grain in the gouge may provide us with important information concerning the nature , mode of motion , period and time of faulting .

  21. 从人类文明发展史看,科学技术每一次划时代的进步都推动思维方式的变革,同时思维方式对科学技术的发展有明显的制约作用。

    According to a review of the human civilization history , once the science and technology developed , the thinking method transformed accordingly , while at the same time the development of science and technology was restricted by the thinking method apparently .

  22. 我国沪深300指数期货作为首个金融期货产品经过多年筹备之后,经国务院批准于2010年4月16日正式挂牌交易,而这对于我国金融业来说,将是一次跨时代的变革。

    Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index futures , as the first financial derivative , had been authorized by the State Council , formally listing and exchanging on April 16th , 2010 . The event symbolizes a significant revolution for China financial industry .

  23. 近年来,中国国有商业银行正在经历一次划时代的转型和改革,改革的目标是提升银行的治理效率与治理质量,其中提升财务管理水平是商业银行改善治理的重要内容。

    In recent years , the China state-owned commercial bank was experiencing a time of epoch-making reforming . The reform goal is to promote the government efficiency and the government quality . Among other things , to promote financial control level is one of the most important thing .

  24. 我第一次登上时代周刊封面的时候

    When I was on the cover of Time magazine the first time

  25. 胶东内生金矿成矿期次和成矿时代的讨论

    A discussion on the ore-forming stages and times of endogenous gold in East Shandong Province

  26. 我最喜欢速度训练的原因是它使我感到再一次回到儿童时代。

    My favorite thing about working in speed is that it makes me feel like a kid again .

  27. 当时正好是最后一次大冰川时代,澳大利亚和新几内亚还连在一起。

    At that time , known as the last great Ice Age , Australia was joined to New Guinea .

  28. 书法更深层次上受时代社会政治经济的状况和文化心理的影响。

    Calligraphy is deeply and fundamentally influenced by the social politics , economy and cultural psychology of certain times .

  29. 无论你是为庆祝成功还是为了信念而来,这都将是你的一次具有划时代意义的人生经历。

    Whether you came in victory or in need of belief , this will be a break-through experience for you .

  30. 本文首先指出,中国2000年的人口普查,是中国人口普查所而临的首次世纪之交的人口普查,因此,是一次具有重要时代意义的人口普查。

    The census in 2000 is the first census in China at the turn of the century , so it is important and crucial .