
  1. 你最喜欢的女流行音乐歌手是谁?

    A : Who is your favorite female pop music singer ?

  2. 塞吉奥:朱莉娅,你最喜欢的男歌手是谁?

    Sergio : Julia , who is your favorite male singer .

  3. 你喜爱的歌手是谁?

    Who is your favorite singer ?

  4. 那是你的损失。他说,你听过最好的歌手是谁?

    That is your loss , he said . Who was the finest singer you 've ever heard ?

  5. 你最喜欢的歌手是谁,我到时候帮你点歌。

    D : What are some of your favorite singers , I 'll have them add them to the playlist .

  6. 饶舌歌手你最喜欢的饶舌歌手是谁?

    A : Who are your favorite rappers ?