
gē wǔ
  • song and dance
歌舞 [gē wǔ]
  • [song and dance] 合称歌唱与舞蹈

  • 歌舞晚会

歌舞[gē wǔ]
  1. 故事是通过歌舞的形式来表现的。

    The story is told through song and dance .

  2. 当凯特琳·伯比奇的儿子6岁时,他正在表演一些一年级学生常表演的滑稽歌舞。

    When Katlyn Burbidge 's son was 6 years old , he was performing some ridiculous song and dance typical of a first-grader .

  3. 他在卡巴莱歌舞表演圈中刚刚开始有点名气。

    He was just starting to become known on the cabaret circuit .

  4. 他制作推出了《歌舞线上》这一百老汇经久不衰的剧目。

    He produced ' A Chorus Line ' , Broadway 's longest running show .

  5. 海伦在卡巴莱歌舞表演上非常成功。

    Helen made a successful career in cabaret

  6. 在大都会歌剧院的试唱失败后,她转而投身歌舞喜剧。

    After failing a singing audition at the Metropolitan Opera , she turned to musical comedy .

  7. 她是个明星,我只是个歌舞队的女演员。

    She 's a star ; I 'm just a chorus girl .

  8. 今年春节假期,除了电影票房大热之外,河南卫视春晚的舞蹈节目《唐宫夜宴》也火出了圈。由郑州歌舞剧院创作的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》亮相2021年河南春晚后在社交媒体平台上走红,受到网友的广泛赞誉。

    The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala .

  9. 后来约翰·奥森(JohnOishei)又进行了尝试。他是一位有抱负的编剧,在水牛城经营一个轻歌舞剧院。

    Unto the breach stepped John Oishei , an aspiring playwright who operated a vaudeville theater in Buffalo .

  10. PlaySchool是一个以歌舞、手工与阅读为内容的儿童节目。对许多人而言,这个节目教的知识比他们在学校第一年学到的还多。

    Play School is a childrens show featuring song and dance , craft and reading and for many taught them more than their first year of school .

  11. BL系列适用于多功能歌舞厅、KTV夜总会、影剧院等场合使用。

    EV series can be use in meeting room , small party , KALAOK and club , etc.

  12. 因迪斯尼系列电影歌舞青春一炮而红的哈金斯三月份曾经在其律师办公室与FBI探员碰面,会面的重点是她的Gmail账户被黑客入侵了。

    Miss Hudgens , a star of the High School Musical series , met with FBI agents at her lawyer 's office in March over the hacking of her Gmail account .

  13. 在这支mv中,女歌手顶着七十年代的发型、穿着色彩鲜艳的礼服,用手中的仙女魔法棒变出了一群身着拉斯维加斯式的歌舞女郎服装的女舞者。

    In the video , the singer dressed in a colourful ball gown with a 70s hairdo , uses a fairy wand to make a group of female dancers , dressed in Vegas-style showgirl costumes appear .

  14. 它在日本文学和歌舞伎戏剧中地位显著,以至于衍生出了自己的流派“Chūshingura”,即“忠诚仆人的宝藏”,只包含基于这一历史事件的虚构故事。

    It has been featured so prominently in Japanese literature and kabuki theater that it spawned its own genre - Ch ū shingura , or The Treasure of Loyal Retainers , that only includes fictional stories based on this historical event .

  15. 三楼海湾娱乐宫设有多功能歌舞厅、台球房、健身房、棋牌室、KTV包厢、网球场、美容美发室。

    Haiwan recreational centre on the third floor consists of dance and Karaoke hall , billiards room , gym , Chess & Cards room , KTV BOX , tennis court and beauty salon .

  16. 在访问学校的过程中,凯特王妃还加入了学生的歌舞“Head,FeetandToes”。威廉王子也兴致勃勃地参与了一种当地的快速略带进攻性的排球运动,此外威廉还用一把大砍刀切开了一个大椰子。

    During a tour of a school , Duchess Kate also joined in with a song-and-dance routine of " Head , Feet and Toes . " William also tried out a local sport , a fast , aggressive version of volleyball - and he also chopped open a coconut with a machete !

  17. 对白是日语,不过在最近一次在横滨进行的带妆彩排中,从风格到舞台布景完全是美国式的,忠于鲍勃·福斯(BobFosse)以轻歌舞剧为灵感的创作——该剧在百老汇已经演了20年。

    The dialogue is in Japanese , but at a recent dress rehearsal here , the attitude and staging wereall-American , loyal to Bob Fosse 's vaudeville-inspired production , which has been running on Broadway for two decades .

  18. 山姆·曼迪思(SamMendes)的歌舞剧《查理与巧克力工厂》试探性地为下一季的百老汇演出铺路。它并不是另一场《玛蒂尔达》,但碧翠丝却很喜欢,而且还享受到了尊贵的观剧体验。

    Sam Mendes 's musical version of " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , " which is tentatively slated for Broadway next season , was no " Matilda . " But Beatrice loved it , especially given our own golden-ticket experience .

  19. 在我思忖这个问题的时候,碧翠丝刚好看完了英国歌舞剧《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda),深深沉醉于作者伊妮德·布莱顿(EnidBlyton)创作的历险传奇。这位已故儿童文学作家在美国海岸地区虽然不太主流,但在英国却备受尊敬。

    As I was contemplating all this , Beatrice happened to be fresh off two viewings of the very English musical " Matilda " and knee-deep in the adventure tales of Enid Blyton , the late children 's book author who remains marginal on these shores but is still revered in Britain .

  20. 英国对介绍电视表演或歌舞等节目的主持人的称呼。

    British term for someone who introduces television acts or cabarets etc.

  21. 圣诞节盛宴歌舞的狂欢在英国是很常见的。

    Christmas revels with feasting and dancing were common in England .

  22. 我们原本可以参加国内任何一档滑稽歌舞剧表演的。

    We could have joined any burlesque show in the country .

  23. 你见过哪个歌舞片最后没有美满结局的?

    Have you ever seen a musical without a happy ending ?

  24. 我真想看一场夜总会里的法国歌舞表演。

    I would really like to see a French floor show .

  25. 我永远忘不了在纽约所看过的那出歌舞喜剧。

    I 'll never forget seeing the musical in New York .

  26. 浅析歌舞厅声反馈产生原因及其对策

    The Reasons for Voice Feedback in Musical Hall and the Solutions

  27. 无论它是古典的娱神歌,还是通过改编并用于舞台的现代表演形式,都确立了它歌舞相随的演绎特征。

    So , it has rich features of songs and dances .

  28. 众所周知,黎锦晖的儿童歌舞剧是我国歌剧艺术的雏形,音乐和戏剧是歌剧艺术最重要的两大元素。

    Music and play are two basic elements in opera .

  29. 对云南民族歌舞旅游资源开发的研究

    Research on Developing Tourism Resources of Folk Song and Dance in Yunan

  30. 浙江歌舞总团剧场舞台机械设备配置

    Stage Mechanic Equipments in Zhejiang General Song & Dance Ensemble