
  • 网络electrical sewing machines;Electric sewing machines;sewing machines
  1. 我能在电灯电路上接电使用电动缝纫机吗?

    Can I run my electric sewing-machine off the light circuit ?

  2. 蚀了的电动缝纫机外壳,就好像要证明她话中的含义似的。

    As if to prove her point , Wirasinghe brings out the rusted shell of an electric sewing machine .

  3. 传统的电动机械式缝纫机虽然也可缝制出各式花样,但是需要经验非常丰富的技工,效率也不高。

    While traditional electrical mechanical sewing machines can sew a different sewing track , but need highly experienced craftsmen , efficiency is not high .