
  1. 青海民族史学科自组建以来,在族别、族源、历史演进、语言文字、文学艺术等方面做了拓荒性的研究工作。

    Since the subject formation of the history of Qinghai nationalities , the members of subject makes reclaimable studies on the clan names , clan origin , historic evolution , spoken and written language , literature and art .

  2. 中国早发而深刻的神话历史化是有别于他族的一个文化景观。

    The myths'historization in China was so early and thorough that it was a unique cultural sight among the nations .

  3. 摆手舞是国家级非物质文化遗产,是土家族民族文化的精髓,也是土家族有别于其它族的依据。

    Waving dance is a state-level non-material cultural heritage , is the essence of tujia nationality culture , also be the basis of tujia nationality is different from the other race .