
  • 网络soundtrack;Movie Soundtrack;OST
  1. 今年我也有制作电影原声音乐,观看电影或者纪录片。

    Also I 've been making movies OST , and watching movie or documentary this year .

  2. 史上最成功的电影原声。

    Successful movie soundtracks in history .

  3. 《挑战者2》的电影原声光盘将在复活节时发行。

    The soundtrack of ' Highlander II ' will be released on compact disc at Easter .

  4. 【电影原声播放】再说……我也不能扔下Tony不管。

    Besides ... You know I couldn 't leave Tony alone .

  5. 这个周末主题活动的高潮是伴随约翰·威廉姆斯(JohnWilliams)创作的电影原声音乐放烟火。

    The themed weekend will be capped by fireworks set to the John Williams film soundtrack .

  6. “快乐骑行”是城市中自行车骑车人的互动剧院:每个骑车人从一个单独的地点出发,而所有人的MP3播放器中播放着同样的电影原声音乐。

    Joyride is a kind of interactive theater for bike riders in the city : you take off from a single point , all listening to the same soundtrack on MP3 players .

  7. 【电影原声播放】Michaels船长求你了我是船长片刻之后,我们会打开舱门。

    Captain Michaels . Please This is Captain . In a few moments , we will open the gates .

  8. 好了,让我们先来听听电影原声吧。

    Okey , let 's listen to the original sound track .

  9. 【电影原声播放】看看钟我们就剩15分钟多点。

    Look at the clock ! We have barely15 minutes left !

  10. 【电影原声播放】那你为什么跟他在一起那么久呢?

    So why did you stick with him so long anyways ?

  11. 电影原声,这将使你觉得斯莫基是追你!

    Original soundtrack that will make you think Smokey is chasing you !

  12. 【电影原声播放】如果我父亲在这,他会把门打开的

    If my father were here , he would open the gates .

  13. 《冰雪奇缘》很不错。也许和你听说的那样,它的电影原声甚至比电影更棒。

    And as you may have heard , the soundtrack is even better .

  14. 【电影原声播放】我不明白,你是怎么知道这些事情要发生的?

    I don 't understand , how did you know this would happen ?

  15. 【电影原声播放】他来过之后,你就会变得怪怪的。

    You always act strange after he shows up .

  16. 【电影原声播放】军官,关掉广播水手,这是命令。

    Officer , you turn that off . That is an order , sailor .

  17. 【电影原声播放】但我要提醒你们的是,我们资源非常有限,时间更是少之又少。

    But I remind you that we have very limited resources and extremely limited time .

  18. 我们喜欢听的电影原声大碟。

    the movie soundtrack we love hearing .

  19. 【电影原声播放】俄罗斯和中国,还有日本同意打开舱门

    The people of Russia along with ... China and Japan agree to open the gates !

  20. 【电影原声播放】我知道,为拯救我们的人类文明,我们都不得不去做出困难的决定。

    I know we 've all been forced to make difficult decisions to save our human civilization .

  21. 【电影原声播放】所以,往外走的时候,请小心一点。当然,也请您享受一下这新鲜的空气吧。

    So please , be careful when you step out and of course ... enjoy the fresh air .

  22. 这首歌收录在《诺丁山》电影原声大碟,曾荣登英国排行榜榜首。

    The song , included on the Notting Hill movie soundtrack , hit number one on the UK charts .

  23. 【电影原声播放】如果上面的定义是正确的,那么我们现在所做的一切是毫无人性的,文明也是无从谈起。

    If that 's true , then there 's nothing human and nothing civilized about what we 're doing here .

  24. 听到他的声音的时候,你是不是忘了这只是一个选秀比赛,而误以为你听的是《保镖》的电影原声?

    Have you forgotten you 're listening to a reality show and started to think you 're hearing " The Bodyguard "?

  25. 【电影原声播放】他说政府正在造船。是不是太空船,我不太清楚,但就是类似的东西。

    He said the government is building these ships , space ships , I don 't know what , but something ...

  26. 【电影原声播放】其他死难者同样死得太冤枉了。如果我们以残忍来开始新的生活,你将来怎么跟你的孩子交待。你的孩子又怎么跟他们的后代交待?

    If we start our future with an act of cruelty , what will you tell your children or they tell theirs ?

  27. 【电影原声播放】英国,西班牙,法国,和德国,同时,我相信我可以代表意大利总理。我们投票通过,让这些人进来。

    and I believe I may also speak for the Italian Prime Minister : We vote to let these people come in .

  28. 【电影原声播放】你好爸爸还记得我跟你说过的中国的大坝吗?

    Yeah , hello ? - Dad ? - Adrian ! Adrian Remember I told you about that dam in China ? -

  29. 【电影原声播放】有一位来自印度的天文学家,我们今天能站在这里全都是拜他所赐噢,看在上帝的份上

    There 's a young astrophysicist from India who 's the reason we are all here . Oh , for God 's sake .

  30. 电影原声音乐有效的反应了影片所要捕捉的未了的欲望与生活:不安,无聊,疑虑以及没有回报的爱占据了这里。

    The soundtrack effectively mirrors the half-filled desires and lives that the film capitalizes on : restlessness , ennui , doubt , and unrequited love rule here .