
  1. 原先是迈克尔·杰克逊和蓝尼·克罗维兹(LennyKravitz)于1999年在著名的“马文房间”录音室录制的。歌曲中,通过粗旷的工业放克节拍和高昂的和音,迈克尔召唤一种宇宙的力量。

    Originally recorded by Jackson and Lenny Kravitz in1999 at the legendary Marvin 's Room Studio , the track has Michael summoning a cosmic power over a rugged , industrial funk beat and a soaring chorus .

  2. 1983年9月,凯夫去伦敦的花园录音室录制第一张以他个人名义发行的专辑。

    In September 1983 , Cave traveled to Garden Studios in London to record for the first time under his own name .

  3. 我们也会邀请学校的学生及企业的员工一起到我们的录音室录制好客气老师学习课程。

    We will also be inviting schools and companies to have their students and employees to join us in our studio to record a lesson with Teacher How !

  4. 那一阵子,我们不知道究竟要不要去录音室录制这首歌,因为如果这首歌不在那部电视剧上播的话,我们是不打算把它放进专辑里的。

    For a while , we didn 't know if we were going to put it on the record because if it wasn 't going to be on the show , then we weren 't going to put it on the album .

  5. 新歌是杰克逊制作专辑时在他的录音室中录制的。该套装还包括一张杰克逊1988年伦敦温布利体育场演唱会的DVD。

    The new songs were recorded in Jackson 's studio while he was making the album , and the package also offers a DVD of Jackson 's 1988 concert at London 's Wembley Stadium .

  6. 现在他却爱上了录音室的录制方式。

    Now , he loves the studio process .

  7. 录音室作为录制声音的基础场所,它的环境噪声大小与录音品质有着本质的联系。

    Sound studio as the basis of place of recording sound , ambient noise is intrinsically linked to the quality of the recording products .

  8. 伊尔维萨克兄弟曾为其中的一个制作人友情制作过一档伪纪录片,所以这次作为回报他们可以在录音室合作录制一天。

    The Ylvis brothers had done a mockumentary as a friend service for one of the producers , and the deal was that they 'd get a day in the studio in return .

  9. 您看是用速记的方式记录,还是用录音带记录呢?现在他却爱上了录音室的录制方式。

    Would you want me to take them in shorthand or record them on a cassette tape ? Now , he loves the studio process .