
lù bō
  • recorded broadcast
录播[lù bō]
  1. 基于Internet的远程多媒体教学录播系统

    Internet-based Multi - Media Teaching and Recording System

  2. 基于MPEGLayer-Ⅱ编码的流媒体音频录播系统

    The Stream-Media Audio - Record & Broadcast-System based on MPEG Layer - ⅱ

  3. 系统在Borland的C++Builder6.0集成开发环境下使用Windows底层音频API函数开发,采用双缓冲技术保证实时录播。

    This system is developed on the Borland C + + Builder 6.0 IDE using Windows Waveform Audio API functions , and the real-time record and playback is implemented using double-buffering technique .

  4. 提出一种基于DSP、ISP及专用数字音频接口芯片的数字接口音频卡的实现方案,可以完成音频信号录播、编辑、压缩过程的全数字化处理。

    Give an implement scheme of digital interface audio card based on DSP , ISP and special digital audio interface chip , which can do full process of audio recording , playing , editing and compressing .

  5. 从最早利用协议分析仪发送攻击特征,采用黑客工具,到网络攻击数据的录播重放,IDS测试方法和工具随着入侵检测技术和网络攻击的发展而不断发展。

    From sending signatures , using hacking tools , to replaying the traffics of network attacks , the methodologies and tools of IDS test are developing along with the developing of intrusion detection and hacking .

  6. 在网络时代下,人们不愿花时间等待黄金时段的录播节目,因此,NBC眼下正在筹划迄今为止其最大规模的数字及社交媒体奥运报道。

    In the internet age when people are not willing to wait for time-shifted primetime broadcasts , the broadcaster is planning its most expansive digital and social media coverage of the games to date .

  7. 实验表明,该系统在音频服务器、录播终端均为PⅢ800M的PC机,联机网络为10M带宽局域网(LAN)条件下完全满足企事业单位音频处理方面的要求。

    By experiments , that system is complete to satisfy the enterprise unit to handles audio , when the audio-servers and the terminals of recording & broadcasting are all P ⅲ 800M-PCs , connected by LAN whose band width is 10 M.

  8. 目前在资源服务器上的资源已达1.5T左右,通过录播主机教室实现一人授课万人听课类似活动接近30期、60000多人次。

    Server resources in the resources reached about 1.5 T , through recorded achieve a host classroom instruction classes million people nearly 30 similar activities , and more than 60,000 passengers .

  9. 本文提出了基于校园网的VOD视频点播系统的拓扑设计方案,探讨了VOD视频点播系统的系统架构,并对VOD点播/直播录播系统的各功能模块进行了简要介绍。

    The topological solution and the technology specification based on campus network are put forward in this paper and the construction of the library VOD system is discussed , especially some function modules of the VOD system are simply introduced in this paper .

  10. 悠视(uusee)是一家互联网电视和互动视频运营商,拥有约60个直播频道和350个录播内容频道。

    Uusee is an online television and interactive video operator that broadcasts about 60 live channels and 350 channels of recorded content .

  11. 脸书公司表示:“Lasso是一款录播娱乐短视频的独立的新应用软件,它可以录播小品、美容、健身等各种视频。我们对它的潜力很感兴趣,我们会收集人们和视频创作者们的反馈。

    Facebook said : " Lasso is a new standalone app for short-form , entertaining videos - from comedy to beauty to fitness and more . We 're excited about the potential here , and we 'll be gathering feedback from people and creators . "

  12. 并对智能录播系统做了简单介绍。

    And gives a brief introduction to the Intelligent Recording System .

  13. 网络视频会议录播技术实现方案

    Scheme of Technology of Recording and Playing in Video Conference System

  14. 网络环境下多媒体录播系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development on Multimedia Recording and Broadcasting System in Network Environment

  15. 图像识别技术在录播系统中的应用研究

    Study of Application of Image Recognition Technology in Recording-Broadcasting System

  16. 网络课件实时录播系统及其应用

    The Network Courseware Real-time Records & Broadcasts System and It 's Application

  17. 视频会议流媒体录播技术研究与开发

    Study and Development of Stream Media Recording and Playing in Video Conference System

  18. 直、录播卫星数字电视的接收

    Living and Recorded Satellite Digital Video Broadcast Receive

  19. 软件视频会议中录播功能实现方案浅析

    Analysis of Scheme to Functions of Recording and Playing in Software Video Conference System

  20. 这个节目是先录播的,不是现场直播。

    The program was recorded , not live .

  21. 在中国及世界各地相关电视台进行四天现场直播及实况录播。

    Live and Delayed live for the four days to be shown in China and Worldwide .

  22. 课堂教学自动录播系统图像跟踪技术研究

    Research on the Picture Following Techniques in the Automatic Kinescope and Play System in Class Teaching

  23. 我们设立了一个专设的录播室,让政府官员透过互联网讲述重要事项。

    A purpose-built studio has been set up for officials to speak on major issues on the internet .

  24. 第四章通过基于时间戳和多线程同步控制方法设计实现了网络视频会议录播技术方案,使视频会议系统真正成为了可存储会议系统。

    The fourth part design and implement a scheme of recording and playing in the network video conference system , which make the system be " Caching Conference System " .

  25. 他称:收视率很好地回答了这个问题,他指出,收视率最高的是西海岸地区,那里所有的转播都是延迟录播的。

    That discussion was pretty much answered by the audience , he says , noting that its highest ratings were on the west coast where all of its coverage was tape-delayed .

  26. 第二天晚上,又有1000人聚集到韩国三大电视台之一的演播室,参与桑德尔关于同一话题的实况录播。

    The next night , another 1,000 packed a studio at one of South Korea 's big three networks for a live broadcast on the same topic . Hundreds more came to book signings .

  27. 全自动高清录播系统采用了先进的图像智能拍摄技术、全自动导播技术、高清多轨录像技术、实时刻录技术和网络技术[4]。

    This system has taken many technologies , which is consist of advanced image intelligent photography technology , full automatic director technology , HD multi-track video technology , real-time recording technology and network technology .

  28. 在文章的第四部分重点介绍了平台的功能实现,分为用户管理、公共信息、课件管理、资源管理、系统管理、辅导答疑、直/点播系统、录播功能模块等8个部分。

    This part is divided into 8-part modules , including user management , public information , courseware management , resource management , system management , Tutor , direct / on-demand system , and recorded .

  29. 录播教室是流媒体技术与教学模式变革的产物,它满足了高等院校远程视频教学、精品课程建设和教学质量评估的需求。

    The classroom equipped with record and broadcast devices is the outcome of streaming-media technology development and teaching pattern innovation , which meets the needs of long-distance education , exquisite course and teaching evaluation .