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lù qiú
  • review the case of a condemned person
  1. 中国古代录囚制度及其现代价值

    System of Interrogating Prisoners in Chinese Ancient Times and Its Modern Values

  2. 中国古代录囚制度评析

    On Chinese ancient prison - checking system

  3. 中国古代皇帝和司法官员对监狱中的囚犯定期或不定期的进行巡视、审查和清点的司法制度称之为录囚。

    In ancient China , the judicial system that the emperor and judicial officials tour , check and count the prisoners in the prison is called prison-checking system .

  4. 录囚制度最早发源于奴隶制时期,并经后世朝代的发展演化,已经成为一项重要的监狱司法制度。

    Prisoners in the system of slavery originated in the first period , and by the evolution of later dynasties , the prison has become an important judicial system .