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  • 网络star chromatic
  1. 关于图的星色函数

    On the Star Chromatic Function of Graph

  2. 图的星色函数是研究星染色的一个重要函数.给出几种重要图类的星色函数,讨论星色函数的一些基本性质,提出几个值得进一步研究的问题。

    The author gives here the star chromatic function s of several important graphs ; and discusses some basic properties of star chromatic function ; and proposes several problems deserving further study .

  3. 关于图G-v,G-e和W(2n+1)的星色数

    On the Star Chromatic Numbers of Graphs G-v , G-e and W 2n + 1

  4. 由Vince引进的图的星色数的概念,是图的色数的一个自然推广。

    The concept of the planimetric map ′ s star color figure derived from Vince is a natural popularization of the map ′ s figure .

  5. 1988年,Vince提出星色数的概念之后,得到了大量的关于星色数、圈色数的研究。

    Since 1988 Vince proposed the conception of star-chromatic number , a large amount of study about star-chromatic number , circular chromatic number and the way to do study have been achieved .

  6. 带限制的信号分配问题与半星色数

    A conditional signal assignment problem and half-star chromatic number

  7. 超图的强星色数

    The Strong Star Chromatic Numbers of Hypergraphs

  8. 通过研究带限制的信号分配问题定义了半星色数,并最终解决了手机信号的最优分配问题,找到了半星色数与色数、星色数的密切关系。

    The concept of half-star chromatic number is given by studying a singal assignment problem with constraint conditions , and the optimal assignment problem of singal is also solved in this paper . Furthermore , the relations among half-star chromatic number , chromatic number and star chromatic number are discussed .

  9. 在从样本星的色指数(B-V),(U-B)和视差得到它们的有效温度和光度之后,我们发现在赫罗图上它们大多数是位于主序带内的。

    After deriving their effective temperatures and luminosities from their ( B-V ), ( U-B ) colors and parallaxes we find their positions in the HR diagram to be mostly confined to the main sequence .

  10. 大边数图的星约束色数

    The chromatic number with restricted stars for graphs of large size

  11. 一种有根状茎的海棠,叶具有突尖的裂片,形状像星,花粉色。

    Rhizomatous begonia having leaves with pointed lobes suggestive of stars and pink flowers .

  12. 十颗Me星的低色散光谱

    Low-Dispersion Spectra of Ten Me Stars

  13. 硫酸小诺米星注射液的比色测定法

    Colorimetry of injection of micronomicin sulfate