
  • 网络recording studio;music studio;Recording room
  1. 我们听说她正在录音棚录制她的第二张专辑。

    We understand that she 's in the studio recording her second album

  2. 我开始在一个录音棚工作。

    I started working in a recording studio

  3. 于1981年由独立录音棚Hib-Tone出版了第一支单曲“RadioFreeEurope”。

    R.E.M.released its first single ," Radio Free Europe ", in1981 on the independent record label Hib-Tone .

  4. 普尔努里的AtNightManagement公司总部坐落于斯德哥尔摩最有名的海滨地带,办公楼一层设有四个不同大小的录音棚,以及一间配有巨屏的放映室。

    His At Night Management company is based at one of Stockholm 's most prestigious waterfront addresses . The first-floor office is home to four recording studios of various sizes and a cinema room with an enormous screen .

  5. U2下一张在录音棚制作的专辑是1984年的《难忘的火焰》,直率的风格稍有收敛。

    U2 's next studio album , 1984 's Unforgettable Fire , was a less straightforward effort .

  6. 尽管唱片店很近,和录音棚都在同一条街上,但是能安全地从MJ开的车里跳出来还是让我感到十分高兴。

    Even though it was just up the road , I was glad to get out of MJ 's car and into the safety of the store !

  7. 他们按照她的意见做了:一个由LennyKravitz设计的超一流录音棚(SSl控制台,ATC话筒)。这是唯一一个能够看到大洋景观的录音棚,在今年1月正式投入使用。

    They took her at her word : a state-of-the-art ( SSL console , ATC speakers ) studio , designed by Lenny Kravitz , the only one in existence with ocean views , opens in January .

  8. 我以前从没来过真正的录音棚。

    I 've never been in a real recording studio before .

  9. 外公录那首歌的时候我在录音棚。

    I was at the studio when grandfather recorded it .

  10. 录音棚和其他房子有什么不同?

    Why are these buildings different from all other buildings ?

  11. 多声轨音乐录音棚的声学设计和测试

    The Acoustic Design and Measurements of Multi-Sound Track Recording Room

  12. 任何地方的声音质量更重要,比录音棚。

    Nowhere is sound quality more critical than in the recording studio .

  13. 我想知道什么时候我们会进录音棚。

    I wanna know when we 'll get into a recording studio .

  14. 世界上第一辆美洲豹牌录音棚诞生了

    The world 's first Jag mobile recording studio ... is done .

  15. 泰勒·斯威夫特在一个录音棚被发现了。

    Taylor Swift has been spotted at a recording studio .

  16. 一头栽进自己的录音棚工作到自己睡着。

    I head into my studio and I work until I fall asleep .

  17. 周一,近百名歌手齐聚好莱坞的一间录音棚,

    Dozens of recording stars began gathering at a Hollywood studio on Monday ,

  18. 我们在不同的录音棚录了一路

    I recorded in various studios on the road.Wow .

  19. 然后我得到了录音棚提供的工作机会。风雨袭来时,我们躲在一个工具棚里。

    When the storm broke , we took cover in a tool shed .

  20. 存放控制仪器的地方(如录音棚就是一个控制室)。

    A room housing control equipment ( as in a recording studio ) .

  21. 我一直在等着录音棚能空出时间。

    I 've been waiting for some studio time .

  22. 然后我们就进录音棚吗?

    And then we go into the studio ?

  23. 上海新建电影对白录音棚的建声设计

    Acoustical design for dialogue recording studio of shanghai

  24. 电影对白录音棚的声学设计

    The acoustical design of film studio of speech

  25. 你进录音棚一定非常出色。

    You would be great in the studio .

  26. 录音棚并不能在医学上帮我们什么。

    Recording studio doesn 't help us medically .

  27. 其实我在想为什么一定要租录音棚呢

    So I 've been thinking.Why do we even need to rent a fucking studio ?

  28. 我明白你的意思,今晚在录音棚我都打寒颤了。

    I know what you mean . I got the shivers in this studio tonight .

  29. 但是你从来没来洛杉矶的录音棚过欢迎你谢谢

    But you 've never been out here in Los Angeles , So welcome.thank you .

  30. 他有一个录音棚。

    He has a recording studio .