
lù yīn jī
  • tape-recorder;tape player;tape-deck
录音机 [lù yīn jī]
  • [recording machine] 一种供记录声音用的电声机械,由传声器、放大器和记录器三个部分组成

  1. 解决调度电话录音机干扰的一种方法

    A method to solve the interference problem of operational telephone tape-recorder

  2. 这架录音机坏了,我要请人修一下。

    The tape-recorder doesn 't work . I 'll get it repaired .

  3. 他被连接到了警方的录音机上。

    He was wired up to a police tape recorder .

  4. 卫兵准许我带相机和录音机。

    The guards permitted me to bring my camera and tape recorder

  5. 他没有意识到录音机还在录。

    He had failed to realise that the tape recorder was still running

  6. 我的录音机并没有把每一个字都录下来。

    My tape recorder did not catch every last word .

  7. 你确实带了录音机。

    You did have a tape recorder with you .

  8. 罗德尼把录音机放在桌面上,按下了播放键。

    Rodney put the recorder on the desk top and pushed the play button .

  9. 他们给录音机接上了电源。

    They plugged in their tape-recorders

  10. 学校的视听设备包括放映机和录音机。

    The school 's audio apparatus includes films and records .

  11. 我买这台录音机让人拿大头了。

    I was had when I bought this recorder .

  12. 这录音机对我来说是够好的了。

    This recorder is good enough for me .

  13. 这录音机真轻巧。

    This is a handy tape recorder .

  14. 录音机是关着的。

    The radio is off .

  15. 娜奥米把一个小录音机放在钢琴旁边。开始,停止,出错。

    Naomi put a small recorder near the piano . Starts and stops and mistakes .

  16. 因此,当你做着白日梦时,最好在附近放一个笔记本或录音机。

    Therefore , it 's a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you 're in the daydream zone .

  17. 本机专门破碎电视机、录音机、电脑壳及PVC管材;

    The machine specially broken televisions , tape recorder , electricity skull and PVC tubing .

  18. 如果你有一部退役的iPhone,为什么还要购买数码录音机呢?

    Why buy a digital voice recorder when you have a retired iPhone ?

  19. 他说,达到我目标的最灵方法,就是买一个录音机或CD播放器。

    He said actually the most efficient way to reach my goal would beto have a tape recorder or a CD player .

  20. 浅谈MD数字录音机在电台的应用

    Application of Minidisk Recorder in Radio Station

  21. 使用几款免费应用程序中的任何一款,比如VoiceRecorder和VoiceRecordPro,你就会拥有一部专用的记录录音机或一部设备,来录下采访和演讲。

    Using any of several free apps , including Voice Recorder and Voice Record Pro , you will have a designated memo recorder or a device to record interviews and speeches .

  22. 传统的卫星话音处理工作流程是将解调输出的PCM基群话音信号连接到录音机上,靠磁带记录各个话路时隙的话音信息。

    The traditional work flow is to connect the received PCM primary speech signals with recorders and record speech information by tapes .

  23. 利用MATLAB软件和WINDOWS的录音机资源,把录取的声音信号转变为离散的数字信号,实现语音信号的采集和处理,并对上述研究做了大量的实验和仿真。

    The transcribed voice signals are transformed into discrete digital signals with the matlab and recorder of windows to collect and deal with speech signals . During the procedure a lot of experiments and emulation are made .

  24. 抗体录音机是一种直接和实时录音软件,提供专业录音功能,音频,AVI和MP3格式的支持。

    ACA Audio Recorder is a direct and real-time sound recorder software which offers professional recording features with WAV , AVI and MP3 format support .

  25. 基于TPC-H实验系统实现数字录音机的设计

    The Design of Digital Recordor Based on TPC-H-Experiment System

  26. 介绍了利用Microsoftwindows中的录音机软件、声卡、传声器及常见家用电器制作wav格式的录音素材的方法。

    This paper presents the method for producing audio recording materials in WAV format by means of the recorder software in Microsoft Windows , sound card , microphone and commonly found household electric appliances .

  27. 最后从嵌入式系统设计的角度开发设计了电话数码录音机,将MTUCOS微内核进行实例化的应用。

    Finally , designing and developing a telephone digital recorder ( Dictaphone ) from the view of embedded system design , and instantiating the application of MT_UCOS micro-kernel ;

  28. Slavick太太说上周六录音机电池用光之后,她在电脑上“奋笔疾打”。

    Mrs Slavick said she was " furiously typing " on her computer after the batteries ran out of the recorder last Saturday .

  29. 系统具有各种必要的控制及数据线路,可以与CRT、标准键盘、针型行打、EPROM编程器、单面双密度软盘驱动器、盒式磁带录音机等相接。

    This system contains all necessary control and data circuitry to interface with CRT , standard ASCII keyboard , matrix line printer , EPROM programmer , dual single side double density floppy disk drive , cassette tape recorder , etc.

  30. AmpexATR-100型专业用录音机

    Ampex ATR-100 Professional Audio Recorder