- 名fixation on phonograms;phonogram;sound recording

Article 43 A radio station or television station may broadcast , for noncommercial purposes , a published sound recording without seeking permission from , or paying remuneration to , the copyright owner , performer and producer of the sound recording .
Analysis on Related Law Problems of MP3 Reference of Link
· producers of sound recordings ( for example , cassette recordings and compact discs ) in their recordings ; Protection of Performers , Producers of Phonograms
Sound recordings refers to the original recordation of any sounds ;
Article 14 Protection of Performers , Producers of Phonograms ( Sound Recordings ) and Broadcasting Organizations
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
The audience number is in the millions through its performances on radio , television , and recordings .
Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the right to authorize or prohibit the direct or indirect reproduction of their phonograms .
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms , and Patent Cooperating Treaty .
There are more questions should be answered : who is the exact owner of these unauthorized fixation of the performance ?
Articles 5 , 12 , 14 , 15 and 17 of these Regulations shall apply to products of sound recordings .
In respect of performers , producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations , this obligation only applies in respect of the rights provided under this Agreement .
Although China joined WIPO Perfomlance and Phonograms Treaty in2007 , there is still some difference between its copyright law and international treaty concerning the definition of performers .
However , the provisions of Article 18 of the Berne Convention ( 1971 ) shall also apply , mutatis mutandis , to the rights of performers and producers of phonograms in phonograms .
In order to protect the work or the recording product from willfully duplicating , it is completely right and essential for right owners to adopt the encryption to their work and recording product .
Under the network environment , the duplication of the digitized work and the recording product is an extremely easy matter , very quickly , very cheap , very good in quality and has nearly no difference with the original part .
Discussion about ownership of copyright of performances , audio and video recording products
Providing others'works , performances , or audio-visual recordings to the public through the information network without permission ;
The title and web address of the work , performance , or audio-visual recording to be resumed ;
A large number of audio-video products entertain people as well as enrich their spiritual life . Not only do performers but also audio-video producers contribute to make social effectiveness .
Piracy is such behavior that copys and distributes others ' works , performances , audio and video recording products without a license or authorization of the copyright or neighboring rights .
The Information Transmission Rights is a new " exclusive rights ", which is given copyright holders 、 performers and producers of audio and video products by Copyright Law of 2001 revision .
The will is recorded through word or sound in a material object . There is specific content and time and place . There is signature in the place of making changes .
The owner shall not request that the network service provider delete the work , performance , or audio-visual recording , or disconnect the link to the work , performance , or audio-visual recording .
A producer of sound recordings or video recordings shall have the right to authorize others to reproduce and distribute his sound recordings or video recordings and the right to receive remuneration therefor .
The administrative protection of the rights of performers , producers of audio or video recordings , and other right holders related to copyright who communicate to the public their performance or audio and video products through Internet shall be governed by these measures .