
  • 网络Issuer
  1. 设立电影发行单位,应当具备下列条件。

    The following conditions shall be met to establish film releasing units .

  2. 顾客的数字每个发行单位。

    Number of customers per distribution unit .

  3. 金融工具发行单位的清偿力是衡量金融脆弱性程度最直接指标。

    The direct indicator measuring financial fragility is the solvency of the unit issuing financial instrument .

  4. 电影发行单位是指为电影放映单位有偿提供电影片的单位。

    Film releasing units refer to units that provide films to film showing units for value .

  5. 出版物发行单位设立

    Establishment of Publication Distributing Entities

  6. 失效或过时文件应迅速自发行单位或使用场所移走,否则就应设法保证不致被误用;

    Invalid and / or obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue or use , or otherwise assured against unintended use .

  7. 从非出版物出版、发行单位进货的;出版单位违反本规定第二十七条第二款的;

    Purchasing publications from a non-publication publishing or distributing entity ; A publishing entity violates Paragraph 2 of Article 27 of the present Provisions ;

  8. 出版物发行单位变更其他登记事项,向批准的新闻出版行政部门备案。

    If a publication distributing entity intends to modify other registered particulars , it shall report to the administrative department of press and publication that granted the approval for record .

  9. 出版单位委托出版物总发行单位发行出版物,应使用统一的《出版物发行委托书》;

    A publishing entity shall , when authorizing an entity engaging in general distribution of publications to distribute the publications , use the uniform " Power of Attorney for Distributing Publications ";

  10. 不得从非出版物出版、发行单位进货;不得以任何形式参与买卖书号、刊号、版号;

    It / he shall not purchase publications from a non-publication publishing or distributing entity ; It / he shall not participate in the trading of book numbers , serial numbers or publisher 's codes in any form ;

  11. 因合并、分立而设立新的出版物发行单位,超过批准部门行政区域变更地址,须依照本规定办理批准手续。

    If a publication distributing entity newly established after merger or division intends to modify its address in excess of jurisdiction of the approval department , it must go through formalities for approval in accordance with the present provisions .

  12. 不得接受发行申请单位的馈赠;

    Shall not receive gifts from units applying for the issue ;

  13. 基金公司的资金主要来源于发行基金单位,实现筹资。

    Capital of fund company is from fund issuing organization .

  14. 其基本思路就是由陕西省委、省政府牵头,由陕西旅游集团公司和一家证券公司联合成立陕西大遗址旅游产业投资基金管理公司,通过发行基金单位,面对个人和机构投资者筹集资金。

    The essential thinking is that Shaanxi provincial party committee and provincial government take the lead and Shaanxi Tourism Group Company and a bond company found jointly Shaanxi big relics tourism industry investment fund management company that collects funds of individuals and organizations investors through publishing fund scrips .

  15. 本市对电影发行、放映单位的设立实行宏观调控。

    The Municipality shall apply macro-control and regulation over the establishment of film releasing and showing units .

  16. 基金的一种,发行的基金单位数目是固定的,通常在证券交易所挂牌交易。

    Type of fund that has a fixed number of shares usually listed on a major stock exchange .

  17. 从事出版物发行业务的单位和个人须向指定的数据库管理单位提供有关数据。

    An entity or individual engaging in the publication distributing business must , provide with the designated database management entity with the relevant data .

  18. 第十七条邮票、邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简等邮资凭证由国务院邮政主管部门发行,任何单位或者个人不得伪造。

    Article 17 . Postage stamps , stamped envelopes , stamped postcards , stamped aerogrammes and other postage certificates shall be issued by the competent department of postal services under the State Council , and no unit or individual shall be allowed to produce false copies .

  19. 本规定所称总发行,是指出版物总发行单位统一包销出版物。

    " General distribution " mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications .

  20. 《律吕新书》校点札记(之一)&选择底本,兼论版本系统本规定所称总发行,是指出版物总发行单位统一包销出版物。

    Notes on My Punctuation of The New Book of Temperament & About Choosing Master Copy and Edition System " General distribution " mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications .

  21. 发行内部资料性出版物的;向无总发行权的单位转让或变相转让出版物总发行权的;

    Distributing internally circulated publications ; Transferring either directly or in a disguised form the right of general distribution of publications to an entity that does not have right of general distribution ;

  22. 权利人的实际损失,可以根据权利人因侵权所造成复制品发行减少量或者侵权复制品销售量与权利人发行该复制品单位利润乘积计算。

    A right holder 's actual loss may be computed by multiplying the decrement in the number of reproductions due to infringement or the sales volume of infringing copies with the unit profit the right holder 's would gain in producing those copies .