
  • 网络genetic definition
  1. Development与Operations之间下一个迭代发生在定义新系统的部署结构时。

    The next iteration between Development and Operations occurs when the deployment structure of the new system has been defined .

  2. 如果在一次中断期间发生的定义更改很少甚至没有,那么所有完整存储库都不可用也是可以接受的。

    It may be acceptable to have all full repositories unavailable if there are few or no definitional changes occurring during an outage .

  3. 跳跃发生相变定义为两个节点之间的一条最短路径上发生还是不发生层间跳跃的转变。

    The hopping-occurrence phase transition is defined as the transition between the situations where the hopping occurs or not occurs in a shortest path between two nodes .

  4. 利用预想事故的时间裕度和发生概率定义了预想事故的风险指标,并定义了度量系统在特定类型事故集合下的暂态安全风险指标,然后据此提出了一种对系统进行暂态安全评估的方法。

    An index of risk of contingencies utilizing the time margin of contingency and probability of contingency occurrence is defined , and an index of transient security risk of the system are also defined under certain kind of contingency set .

  5. 警报:显示警报,通知您在运行时发生的已定义情景事件。

    Alerts : Display alerts that notify you of defined situation events that occur at run time .

  6. 如前文所述,软件发布发生在Tivoli的定义区域中。

    As stated earlier , software distribution happens through defined regions in Tivoli .

  7. 本文将疲劳裂纹扩展速率发生转折的温度定义为疲劳裂纹扩展的韧脆转化温度FDBTT。

    We defined the transition of FCGR as a fatigue ductile-brittle transition temperature ( FDBTT ) .

  8. 在本文提出的方法中故障事件发生的概率被定义为一模糊数。

    In the method presented in this paper , the probability of the occurence of the failure event is defined as a fuzzy member .

  9. 与您可能假设的情况相反,即时优化不在创建实例时或方法运行时发生,而是在定义类的作用域内发生。

    Contrary to what you might assume , just-in-time does not happen when an instance is created , or methods run , but rather in the scope where the class is defined .

  10. 以系统参数通过某一临界值时,如果系统的随机吸引子或随机鞍的形态发生突然变化,则认为系统发生随机分岔为定义,分析了参激强度和外激强度的变化对于随机分岔的影响。

    As an alternative definition , stochastic bifurcation may be defined as a sudden change in character of a stochastic attractor when the bifurcation parameter of the system passes through a critical value .