
  • 网络distribution channel
  1. 对一些产业来说,如果克罗克森的话是对的,盗版也算是一种很棒的发行渠道。

    If Croxson is right , for some industries , piracy is a wonderful distribution channel .

  2. 基金公司高管们表示,作为多数基金主要发行渠道的大型商业银行愿意支持这种行为,因为它们可以从中获得额外的佣金。

    Executives say the large commercial banks , which are the main distribution channel for most funds , are happy to support such gimmicks because it ensures extra commissions .

  3. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)总编辑詹姆斯·班内特(JamesBennet)称,使用即时文章功能发布新闻报道,意味着“失去对发行渠道的控制权”。

    James Bennet , editor in chief of The Atlantic , one of the project 's initial publications , said that publishing pieces through instant articles means " losing control over the means of your distribution . " On the other hand , he said ,

  4. 创造性构建医学期刊群的专业化发行渠道

    Creatively construct distribution channels for medical periodical group in China

  5. 图书馆上游出版发行渠道建设探析

    Study on the Publishing and Circulation Channels as the Upriver of Library

  6. 银行家:从历史上看,这里有许多不同的货币发行渠道。

    B : Historically , there have been a number of different issues of currency .

  7. 这些都是旧的发行渠道,可这些钞票正逐步地从流通领域中消失。

    These are all forms of old issues that are gradually being retired from circulation .

  8. 发行渠道是否通畅与健壮,直接关系到报刊的市场影响力和品牌形象。

    The haleness and smoothness of issuance channel will relate the market force of the newspapers and periodical directly .

  9. 这就使本已拥挤不堪的发行渠道竞争更加激烈,从而限制了新基金发行的范围和规模。

    This has made an already crowded channel even more competitive , limiting the scope and scale of new launches .

  10. 新闻网站是传统媒体的互联网版本,是传统媒体发行渠道的一种补充,新闻网站对于传统媒体的发展,有着深远的促进作用。

    News portal is the Internet version and the supplement of the traditional media , and has promoting for the traditional media .

  11. 为适应网络信息的高速发展和出版发行渠道的变化,文章从文献采访模式、文献采访内容、文献采访工作流程三个方面,对文献采访工作的革新进行了探索。

    This paper discusses the reform of document purchase from three aspects : the pattern , the content and the flow of work .

  12. 但中国投资者已经广泛涉足影子银行资产,因为银行体系本身已经成为了影子银行产品的主要发行渠道。

    But exposure to the shadow assets in China is very broad because banks themselves have become the main channel for their distribution .

  13. 这些策略和理论对报纸发行渠道的建立同样具有指导意义。我们应将其灵活地运用于报业的实践,使报业方面的理论研究能跟得上我国报业实践的发展。

    We should use it flexibly in the newspaper industry and make its research adapt to the development of the practice in our country .

  14. 利用调查表法对目前医学图书的编辑策划状况、信息收集、发行渠道、读者购买图书的途径等进行调查,了解和分析目前医学图书出版策划的现状。

    The planning status of selecting subjects , information-collecting , publishing channels , approaches of purchasing etc , were investigated and analyzed from the questionnaire .

  15. 其日益加剧的竞争已经变成了对图书发行渠道的竞争,谁占据了有利的渠道,谁就能在复杂的图书市场上存活下来。

    The increasingly sharpen competition has become a kind of competence on publishing channel . Having advantageous channels means a survival in complicated book marketing .

  16. 发行渠道匮乏一直是内地基金公司面临的主要挑战,它使得银行主导了基金的发行。

    The lack of distribution channels in China has been a major challenge for fund companies in the mainland , allowing banks to dominate fund distribution .

  17. 论文还从期刊管理、发行渠道、市场经营、网络化等角度,提出了我国科技期刊发展的改革建议。本文共包括图13幅,表31个。

    The author suggests that the reform of Chinese journals be based on journal administration , distribution channels , marketing , and networking.13 diagrams , 31 tables and 3 appendices are included .

  18. 报纸发行渠道管理策略:加强对发行渠道管理、控制;激励渠道成员,协调渠道成员的竞合关系;提高发行渠道专业化水平。

    Strategies on newspaper distributing administration : strengthening management and control over distributing channel ; encouraging channel members to coordinate the competition and cooperation relationship ; enhancing the level of specialization of distributing channel . 3 .

  19. 今年新成立的基金一直在艰难地进行筹资,因为在中国,作为共同基金主要发行渠道的零售银行,并不太重视销售基金,而是更在意维持贷存比。

    New fund launches this year have struggled to raise assets as retail banks , the main distribution channel for mutual funds in China , have focused less on selling funds and more on maintaining loan-to-deposit ratios .

  20. 针对开拓国际市场,需要做好市场调研和配音工作,培养适应国际竞争的复合人才,拓宽发行渠道。

    To explore the international market , we need to do a good job of market research and dubbing , improve the training of compound talents that adapt to the international competition , and widen the channels of distribution and so on .

  21. 在市场化运作中,都市报注重读者需求与办报质量,广开发行渠道,培育了读者市场,开拓了广告市场,完善了发行市场。

    In the process urban newspapers have attached great importance to the needs of the readers and to the quality of the papers , tapped all channels for distribution , nurtured the reading public , and opened up a market for commercials .

  22. 对于社科期刊而言,计算机给作者以新的研究技巧,给编者以新的编辑模式,给出版者以新的发行渠道,给读者以新的阅读媒体,这一切都正在赋予期刊一个全新的面貌。

    As far as social science periodicals are concerned , the computer provides authors with new research skills , editors with new editing modes , publishers with new circulation channels and readers with new reading media , thus giving a brand-new look to periodicals .

  23. 其次,对我国健康类期刊的发展历史和发展现状分别进行调查研究,调查内容包括健康期刊的创办背景、基本情况、经济效益、发行渠道、目标读者以及网络传播、内容设置等方面。

    Secondly , the development history and the present development conditions of health magazine in our country were investigated and researched respectively . Investigation content includes the establishment background , basic circumstance , economic performance , the issue outlet , reader of target , the network communication etc.

  24. 此时,我国党政期刊应该积极转变观念,从加强刊社领导市场意识、探索期刊准确定位、树立全面的编辑观、拓展发行渠道等多方位进行市场化改革。

    At present , the periodicals should change the idea actively and carry on the reform of marketization by means of strengthening the leaders ' consciousness of the market , exploring the right localization of the periodicals , establishing the overall idea of editorship , expanding the channel of issuance .

  25. 外汇占款则是基础货币发行的重要渠道之一。

    Foreign exchange is an important channel of base currency issuance .

  26. 新华书店是我国精神文明建设的重要窗口,是图书、电子音像制品等出版物发行的主要渠道。

    Xinhua Bookstore is the window of our country 's Spiritual Civilization Construction and also the main channel for publications .

  27. 其次,从当下财经类期刊的发行方式和渠道、发行构成以及发行中存在的问题三个方面概述了财经类期刊的发行现状。

    Secondly , this paper discusses the distribution mode , channels , structure and problems in periodical of finance and economics .

  28. 尽管面临如此众多的巨大挑战,社交媒体平台还是其他企业触达用户和应用软件推广发行的有效渠道。

    Despite these enormous challenges , social media platforms remain effective ways for other businesses to reach audiences and for apps to gain distribution .

  29. 通过理财产品和债券发行,融资渠道正逐渐向其他非银行机构转移,融资利率将由风险、借款人信用等级和债务状况等因素来决定。

    When financing channels gradually shift to other nonbank institutions via wealth-management products or bonds , interest rates will be determined by risks , the borrowers ' credit ratings and debt profile .

  30. 1985年后陆续出现自办发行和多渠道发行报刊,邮政垄断地位被打破,市场竞争的局面开始出现,邮发业务量逐步被分流。

    After 1985 , it appeared a succession of multi-channel publishing and distribution of newspapers and periodicals , which broke the monopoly of China Post and market competition began to emerge , the quantity of Post business gradually diverted .