
  1. 通过对佛教网络资源的一些整合,使Internet成为继承祖国优秀文化的重要手段,并与建设高度发达的社会主义物质文明和精神文明相适应。

    This paper is just a result of practices of comprehensive exploitation of Buddhism resources on the Internet in an attempt to make it main means to inherit the culture of Chinese nation and also adaptable to the highly advanced socialist material and spiritual civilizations in China .

  2. 塑造高度发达的社会主义生产力形象必须大力发展生产力。

    Therefore , to shape advanced socialist productive forces must improve productive forces .

  3. 中国文化现代化模式的抉择只能是以马克思主义为指导的、批判继承历史传统又充分体现时代精神的、立足本国而又面向世界的高度发达的社会主义新文化。

    The pattern of Chinese culture 's modernization can only be the new socialist culture .

  4. 这种社会主义不是初级阶段的社会主义,而是发达的社会主义社会。

    Such socialism is not a socialist society at its primary stage , but a developed socialist society .

  5. 我国用了半个世纪的时间,付出了巨大的代价,试图在一个经济不发达的社会主义初级阶段实现彻底消灭失业的伟大理想,实践的结果告诉我们那是完全不切实际的幻想。

    The final practical result tell us that the plan that our country pay much attention and great energy to dispel the unemployment completely in the primary step of socialism is an unrealistic hope .

  6. 目前有一些教材认为:列宁提出的初级形式的社会主义、没有稳固基础的社会主义、发达的社会主义、完备形式的社会主义的概念,是说明社会主义发展过程中成熟程度不同的阶段。

    Lenin posed the concepts such as Socialism in the primary form , Socialism with unsteady base , Developed Socialism , and Socialism in complete form . Some scholars hold that by these , Lenin meant to illustrate the different stages of Socialism at different levels of maturity .

  7. 认识中国的社会主义必须正确处理社会主义理想与社会主义现实、不发达的社会主义与发达的资本主义、先进的社会主义与落实的封建主义残余的关系。

    To recognize China 's socialism we must correctly deal with the relations between the ideal of socialism and the reality of socialism , the relations between the undeveloped socialism and the developed capitalism , as well as the relations between the advanced socialism and the backward feudalism remnants .

  8. 到下世纪中叶我们建成中等发达水平的社会主义国家时,就会大进一步地说服他们。

    When we have turned China into a moderately developed socialist country by the middle of the next century , they will be completely convinced .

  9. 发达的生产力是构建社会主义和谐社会的物质基础;

    The developed productivity is the substantial basis to construct the harmonious society of socialism ;

  10. 将使我们党兴旺发达,使我们的社会主义事业兴旺发达,使我们的国家和各民族兴旺发达。

    It will bring prosperity to our Party , our socialist cause , our country and the people of all our nationalities .

  11. 从发达的资本主义国家到社会主义市场经济下的中国,社会责任的承担与企业的发展已经息息相关。

    From the developed capitalist countries to China which under the socialist market economy , social responsibility has been closely related to the development of enterprises .

  12. 我们需要探讨的实际上是在生产力不够发达的中国如何建设社会主义这一关键问题。

    And relation to it , it is the problem how to construct socialism in China which productive power is not very high , that need our give suggests .