
  • 网络ICT;information & communication;communication;information communication;Telematics
  1. 信息通讯技术可转变政府工作方式,增强其责任心和透明度。

    ICT can also transform governments , making them more accountable and transparent .

  2. 最后,经济增长尤其是信息通讯技术领域的不确定性也对需要有影响。

    Finally , uncertainties about economic growth , especially in the ICT sector , have also had an impact on demand .

  3. 基于Agent技术的Internet信息通讯的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Internet Information Communication Based on Agent Cooperative Technology

  4. 随着Internet/Intranet和Web技术的日益成熟,目前企业纷纷采用B/S模式来实现信息通讯、企业管理和电子商务。

    With the ripeness of Internet / Intranet and Web technology , the enterprises always use B / S mode to realize information communication , management and e-commercial .

  5. 最后结合现代信息通讯技术发展,给出基于3G通讯技术的呼叫中心系统解决方案。

    Finally , combined with the development of modern information communication technology , the Solutions of call center system based on 3G communication technology are put forward .

  6. net语言研制的新一代数字化雷达人工影响天气作业指挥系统,包括天气雷达监测、大气探测、火箭高炮作业指挥、作业信息通讯、作业效果检验、作业档案和资料管理6个子系统。

    Net and digital radar includes six sub-systems : weather radar monitoring , atmosphere detection , rocket and artillery seeding operation and decision-making , operating information communication , operating effectiveness evaluation , operation archives and data management .

  7. 印度政府上月再次发出威胁,要禁止黑莓服务,除非rim让政府访问其加密信息通讯系统传送的数据。

    The Indian government last month renewed a threat to ban BlackBerry services unless rim gave it access to data transferred by its secured messaging system .

  8. 沙特阿拉伯似乎将效仿这种做法,国有控股的沙特电信(sauditelecom)的一名官员表示,该国将要禁止黑莓的信息通讯服务。

    Saudi Arabia appeared to be following suit , with an official at Saudi Telecom , a state - controlled company , saying the kingdom was banning BlackBerry Messenger services .

  9. DSRC标准是ISO/TC204制定的智能交通系统(ITS)中车&路信息通讯的协议。

    DSRC is a vehicle-road communication standard applied to ITS domain issued by ISO / TC204 .

  10. 提出了基于LAPS芯片的光寻址特性一种新的仿生味觉细胞网络的传感器,用于检测神经递质5-HT,并应用于味觉细胞间的信息通讯和信息传递的研究。

    With the addressability and flexibility of LAPS chip , we developed a taste cell network-based biomimetic sensor for detection of the neurotransmitter 5-HT and investigation of taste cell-to-cell communication .

  11. 本文应用MATLAB(数值计算实验)对由两个三维混沌系统(Chua系统与Lorenz系统)构造的高维超混沌系统进行了动态模拟,实现了高维系统的混沌同步及其信息通讯的编码与解码过程。

    The paper studied the synchronization between two high-dimension chaos systems ( constructed of Chua system and Lorenz system ) by dynamic simulating of MATLAB . The process of message code and decode were carried out .

  12. 一些小分子代谢产物和第二信使分子(Ca++,IP3,cAMP和ATP)能扩散通过这一结构,这种信使分子的交换为神经细胞提供了短距离和长距离的信息通讯。

    Some metabolic products of small molecules and the second messenger molecules ( Ca ~ ( + + ), IP_3 , cAMP and ATP ) can freely pass the channel , and the exchange of these messenger molecules provides different communication manners in short or long distance .

  13. 以知识查询与操纵语言规范(KQML)作为代理间的通讯语言,使用基于消息/对话的形式实现物流外包各参与方间的信息通讯。

    The Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language criterion ( KQML ) was adopted as the communication language among all logistics outsourcing agents . Based on the form of Message / Dialogue , the information communication and sharing among outsourcing agents was realized .

  14. 基于信息通讯技术的农业知识传播机制研究

    A Study on the Framework of ICT Based Agricultural Knowledge Transfer

  15. 人类的发展,伴随着信息通讯的发展。

    Human development is along with information and communication development .

  16. 关于信息通讯技术对大学教学影响的理论分析

    An Analysis of Influences of ICTs on University Instruction

  17. 在不久的将来,光子晶体的成果必将对信息通讯业产生重大的影响。

    In the future , photonic crystal will effect information and communication significantly .

  18. 应用信息通讯技术,转变政府工作方式

    Transforming Governments , One Application at a Time

  19. 如能有效应用信息通讯技术,可提高政府工作效率,有助于收入征收工作。

    The effective use of ICT can make governments more efficient and help collect revenue .

  20. 测量控制网自动化的信息通讯系统

    Automatic Information Communication System for Measuring Control

  21. 此外,确保可及性还可推动基于信息通讯技术的地方主导型创新,这是我们的第三项工作重点。

    And it enables locally-driven , ICT-enabled innovation , which is the third area of focus .

  22. 复杂网络上的信息通讯

    Communication of information in complex networks

  23. 这些中心是为了将不断增加的信息通讯技术工作传播到发展中国家。

    The centers are meant to help spread the growth of ICT jobs to developing countries .

  24. 一个简单的例子是信息通讯:每一次通讯都需要一个演讲者和一个听众。

    A simple example is communication : every communication requires both a speaker and a listener .

  25. 随着信息通讯技术的发展,语音通信在现代社会已经得到了全面普及。

    With the development of information and communication technology , voice communication is popular in modern society .

  26. 为了达到更高的教育目标,信息通讯技术必须得到最大程度的利用。

    To achieve the higher education functional goals , ICT need be harnessed to its full potentiality .

  27. 与此同时,信息通讯技术的迅猛发展,使越来越多的企业开始采用电子商务平台。

    Along with the development of information communication technology , more and more enterprises adopt e-commerce platform .

  28. 身后可能留下一种自动信息通讯装置,以等待高级文明的可能的萌发。

    It have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization .

  29. 在此基础之上讨论了敏捷型生产的体系结构和运行逻辑,并更深入地阐述了敏捷型数字化生产车间的信息通讯以及与之相对应的制造资源业务管理流程。

    Further more , the agile digital workshop information communication and corresponding manufacturing resources management workflows are discussed .

  30. 高速发展的信息通讯技术,将我们带入网络时代。校园网络成为各类教育机构开展信息化建设的标志,并在校园管理、辅助教学等方便发挥了巨大的作用。

    The campus network bas become an important mark to develop information system in all kinds of education organizations .