
  1. 科学地确认、计量、记录和报告会计主体的人力资产开发信息,确立劳动者在各会计主体中的地位,促使各会计主体有效利用人力资产,合理开发人力资产,具有十分重要的意义。

    It is of great importance to confirm , measure , record and report human resources information in accounting as well as promote the rational use and development of human resources .

  2. 信息网络提高了劳动者的素质,提高了劳动工具的质量,扩大了扩大对象的范围;

    Information net raises the quality of working people , increases the quality of tools and widen the scope of the labor object ;

  3. 万宝盛华表示,由于互联网上有关国内外就业机会的信息大量增加,劳动者也越来越清楚自身的价值。

    Workers are also becoming more aware of their worth with the Internet providing much greater information on job opportunities at home and abroad , says manpower .