
  • 网络Information Overflow;information overload
  1. 处于后工业时代的大众,被快速变革的社会现实所挤压,过度的信息泛滥和爆炸围绕和围困周围。

    In the post-industrial era of mass , extruded by rapid change of social reality , excessive information overload and explosion surrounds and besieged around .

  2. 然而由于网站数量过多以及由此带来的信息泛滥,使得有用信息的获取越来越困难,搜索引擎只能提供信息的查找范围,而具体的内容还要靠详细搜查。

    However , because of too many web sites and the information overflow resulting from this , it is more and more difficult to obtain useful information .

  3. 信息泛滥影响下教师个人知识的有效管理

    Effective Management of Teachers ′ Individual Knowledge Influenced by Information Flooding

  4. 恶性竞争的后果是上市公司虚假会计信息泛滥。

    As a result , unreal information of listed corporations is flooding .

  5. 信息泛滥对青少年的负面影响及对策

    On Negative Influences of Information Flooding to Adolescents and Countermeasures

  6. 塞吉奥:对,网上信息泛滥。

    Sergio : Yeah , too much information on the web site .

  7. 信息泛滥与网络伦理

    Overflow of Information and Ethics of Network

  8. 在这个信息泛滥的时代,我们对接受信息的种类本身呈现多元化。

    In the age of information overflowing , the ways we accept information are much diversified .

  9. 如今,微博受众正面临着信息泛滥,真假难辨等问题。

    Nowadays , micro-blog audience facing a deluge of information , the problem such as false ones .

  10. 主要表现为检索结果准确率低,相关度低,广告信息泛滥等。

    The issues exist in search results including low accuracy , low correlation and the proliferation of advertising messages .

  11. 二是由于微博中的碎片化写作方式带来的无意义信息泛滥和谣言滋生的问题。

    Second , the proliferation of fragmented writing " microblog " the way of information and rumors , and breeding problems .

  12. 而且随着互联网的信息泛滥,一些网站的有害信息慢慢腐蚀毒害着人们。

    With the information flood in the internet , some mal-information can spread over the internet , it can make people corrupted .

  13. 针对电子就业市场垃圾信息泛滥的现状,提出基于双向需求的服务模型。

    In order to deal with the rubbish information inundation of electronic job market , a service model is proposed with two-way demand .

  14. 令人啼笑皆非的是,社交媒体在寻找合适雇员方面却带来了完全不同的难题:那就是信息泛滥。

    Social media , paradoxically , poses an entirely different sort of dilemma in the search for good hires : it reveals too much .

  15. 青少年儿童处在这样一个信息泛滥的时代,媒体信息基本上占据了他们全部的业余时间。

    In an age with all kinds of overwhelming information , the extracurricular activities of young children have almost been occupied by media resources .

  16. 然而,当我们痛斥垃圾信息泛滥,反过来审视我们自己的工作时,却发现我们的工作中都不同程度地存在着制造垃圾信息的情况。

    Yet , if we carefully examine our work , we can find that we , as editors , are constantly producing junk information to certain degree .

  17. 将失范现象归结为四类:虚假新闻充斥;不良信息泛滥;侵权现象严重;舆论导向偏失。

    Anomie phenomenon will be reduced to four categories : full of false news ; undesirable proliferation of information ; infringement is a serious problem ; ignored public opinion .

  18. 它在给青少年带来积极影响的同时,也不可避免会造成一些负面效应如信息泛滥,垃圾污染,游戏网恋,网络上瘾,黑客行为,乃至网络犯罪。

    It has brought about positive influence but also inevitably some bad effects such as news spread unchecked , trash polluted , network addictation , hacker action even computer crime .

  19. 在信息泛滥设计浮躁的今天,消费主义所引领的高速设计模式,让受众越来越少地找到熟悉温暖愉悦的体验,也缺乏在情感上的共鸣和慰藉。

    Today , overloading information , high-speed inconstant design modes led by consumerism , make audiences find less and less familiar , warm and pleasant experience for lack of emotional resonance and solace .

  20. 云南的烟草经济占据地方财政收入的半壁江山,地方性控烟政策、法规缺位,反控烟信息泛滥,控烟工作举步维艰。

    Tobacco economy of Yunnan accounted for more than half of the local fiscal revenue , while the absence of local policies and regulations , the overflow of anti-tobacco control information makes tobacco control work harder .

  21. 例如互联网上黄色低俗信息泛滥,违法犯罪行为高发,利用互联网炒作敏感问题、社会矛盾最终影响社会稳定的事件也层出不穷。

    Events such as the Internet , the proliferation of yellow vulgar , the high incidence of criminal behavior , use of the Internet hype sensitive issues , social contradictions , ultimately affecting social stability are endless .

  22. 目前,互联网上虚假药品信息泛滥,急需先进的互联网信息抽取技术来增强国家药监部门对医药电子商务市场的监管能力。

    Currently , the Internet is flooded with false drug information , and thus an advanced web information extraction technology is extremely necessary to reinforce the supervision of related departments of the country over medical electronic business markets .

  23. 都容易导致虚假有害信息泛滥,误导社会舆论,使得人心涣散,影响媒体公信力,引发社会矛盾,甚至影响社会和谐。

    These reasons led to many phenomena such as mendacious false and harmful information , misleading the public opinion , dividing in public opinion , influencing of media credibility , to cause the social contradiction , and even affected social harmony .

  24. 网络有害信息的泛滥成为困扰网络发展的重要问题之一。

    The overflow of baleful Internet information becomes one of the big problems puzzling the Internet development .

  25. 这次枪击标志着美式枪击案正式“登陆”宁静的芬兰小镇。这一现象多是由互联网信息的泛滥和青少年的孤独感造成的。

    The shooting marked the arrival in peaceful small-town Finland of US-style high-school massacres , a phenomenon spurred by the internet and the isolation of a troubled teenager .

  26. 上市公司财务造假一直是社会各界关注的热点问题,虚假会计信息的泛滥将破坏国家的经济秩序,并损害投资者的长远利益。

    The financial cheating of listed company is always a focusing problem that the society cares about . The overflow of false accounting information will destruct nation 's economic order and do harm to the future benefit of every investor of the company .

  27. 伴随着信息资源的泛滥,人们发现传统的信息检索途径已经愈来愈难以快速的检索到自己所关心、所需要的信息知识。

    Because of the proliferation of information resources , people found that it became harder and harder to retrieval the information that they concerned through traditional retrieval way .

  28. 因此,我们希望,除了研究我们是如何进行高效沟通的外,该实验室还要考虑如何防止推特上有价值的信息淹没在泛滥的数字中。

    So , let 's hope that , in addition to studying how we communicate in shorthand , the lab looks at how to keep valuable info on Twitter from being lost within the digital inundation .

  29. 随着计算机及网络技术的飞速发展,当越来越多的公司及个人成为Internet用户后,黑客入侵、信息泄密以及病毒泛滥所带来的危害引起了世界各地的高度重视。

    With the rapid development of computer and network technology , more and more companies and persons are surfing the internet , all of the world are regarding the hurt aroused by hacker intrusion , information leakiness and virus flood as importance .

  30. 然而,目前统计数据现实状况令人堪忧,统计信息失真呈现出泛滥之势,成为统计实践中一直未能解决的顽症。

    However ,, statistics status becomes very worst and lose its authenticity , which become an unsolved question in statistical practice now .