
  • 网络hacking;Hackers Attack;hack attack;The Hacker Crackdown
  1. 该模型利用事先建立攻击决策库和攻击数据库、各测试环节自动执行,可提高测试速度,使测试过程智能化;通过模拟黑客攻击,有效降低IDS的评估误差。

    The model make attack policy database and attack database in advance and make each part of model automatically execute so that speed up the test procedure and make the procedure intelligently , simulating hack attack can decrease the test error .

  2. 黑客攻击的证书颁发机构的最大一次袭击带来的问题已经成为整个系统并提出了许多实现,该系统在21世纪需要的是需求大幅更新。

    A hack attack on one of the biggest certificate authorities has brought into question the entire system and made many realize that the system is in drastic need of updating for21st century demands .

  3. 一直挂在线上会使你的个人电脑更容易被黑客攻击。

    ADSL is always on , which makes your PC much more vulnerable to hacking .

  4. Target和Neiman受到的黑客攻击也改变了成本计算:尽管零售商不愿按凯捷咨询公司估计的那样花费67.5亿美元让所有注册机兼容芯片密码,但他们现在面临的潜在责任要大得多。

    The Target and Neiman hacks have also changed the cost calculation : although retailers have been reluctant to spend the $ 6.75 billion that Capgemini consultants estimate it will take to convert all their registers to be chip-and-PIN-compatible , the potential liability they now face is dramatically greater .

  5. 塔吉特遭到了受到黑客攻击的消费者的集体诉讼。

    Target has been hit with class actions from hacked consumers .

  6. 多达18%的人甚至退还过设备,除非他们能够保证自己的敏感信息不被黑客攻击。

    A full 18 percent have even returned devices until they feel they can get safer guarantees against having their sensitive information hacked .

  7. 到目前为止,信用卡发行商已经计算出,即使是承担塔吉特遭受的这种大型黑客攻击,也比更换所有的塑料卡要便宜。

    Card issuers have so far calculated that absorbing the liability for even big hacks like the Target one is still cheaper than replacing all that plastic .

  8. 上周这个网站被黑客攻击了。

    This site was attacked by a hacker last week .

  9. 在linux平台上实现了黑客攻击工具箱的软件。

    Designs and implements the software of this toolkit under the linux platform .

  10. 当时巴西政府的官方声明称断电的起因并不是电网遭受黑客攻击。而MajorTV则在节目中称这两次断电是黑客所为。

    The Brazilian government issued an official statement saying soot was responsible for the power outages , not cyber attacks from foreign criminals .

  11. Target并未透露其系统如何被黑客攻击,但确实暴露出了问题并着手解决。

    Target hasn 't said how its systems were hacked , but it did say that the issue that allowed the breach has been identified and resolved .

  12. 反向代理服务器可以保护服务器免受病毒攻击和大多数黑客攻击,因为反向代理服务器是惟一能够通过Internet访问的服务器。

    A reverse proxy protects the server from virus attacks and most hacking attempts because the reverse proxy server is the only server accessible from the Internet .

  13. 随着Web服务成为当今网络应用的主流,针对于此的恶意程序和黑客攻击越来越多,造成了巨大的危害。

    Since Web Service has become the main flow of network applications , more and more malicious software and hacker attacks target at this filed and commit great loss .

  14. 随着黑客攻击事件数量的不断上升,蠕虫在Internet上的泛滥,信息安全逐渐成为人们眼中的焦点。

    With the ever-increasing number of hacker attacks and the spread of the worm on the Internet , information security has gradually become the focus of people 's eyes .

  15. 当PKI提供服务时,PKI系统可能成为网络黑客攻击的重点目标。

    When PKI provides services , PKI system will be the target of Internet hackers .

  16. 提出基于Windowsserver2003系统的黑客攻击行为分类法,为黑客攻击行为分类研究提供了参考。

    A basing on Windows Server 2003 approach of hacker 's intrusion is proposed , which provides reference to the research on the attack classification .

  17. IP欺骗是适用于TCP/IP环境的一种复杂的技术攻击,是网络中黑客攻击时采用的一种重要手段。

    IP deceiving is a complicated technique for network attack under TCP / IP , which is an important means utilized by Hackers to attack network .

  18. 周三,硅谷(Siliconvalley)一家安全公司的研究人员表示,他们发现了一种黑客攻击苹果(Apple)产品的新方式。

    Researchers at a Silicon Valley security company said on Wednesday that they had found a new manner in which hackers can infect Apple products .

  19. 黑客攻击机制与防范分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)原理与防范

    Principle and Prevention of Hacker Attack Mechanism of DDoS attack and its prevention

  20. 目前的很多黑客攻击手段,如钓鱼攻击、SQL注入攻击等各种网络攻击方式都是由身份认证开始的。

    Forever , many hackers attack means , such as phishing and SQL injection attacks , start from the identity authentication .

  21. 许多源自中国的黑客攻击借助的是先前未披露过的微软(microsoft)软件漏洞,以及复杂的策划。

    Many attacks emanating from China have relied on both previously undisclosed vulnerabilities in Microsoft software and on sophisticated " social engineering " .

  22. 更加严重的是,Twitter在被黑客攻击窃取走部分网页上的文件后,最近正遭受一系列信息泄漏事件。

    More seriously , Twitter recently suffered a series of leaks after hackers accessed documents stored on the web .

  23. 但是,它可能对黑客攻击产生误报,把正常的网络流量当成黑客流量,引起网络阻塞,虚报正常的IP地址。

    However , it may make false alarms that misjudge normal traffic as hacking traffic and cause network problems to block the normal IP address by false alarms .

  24. NBC的另一个技术团队负责应对各种网络破坏行为,包括黑客攻击。

    Another group has played out various online disruptions , including hacker attacks .

  25. 继好莱坞娱乐公司之后,HBO也成为黑客攻击目标。

    HBO has joined the ranks of Hollywood entertainment companies to suffer a major cyber attack .

  26. 婚外情网站“阿什利•麦迪逊”(AshleyMadison)去年遭黑客攻击,让数百万用户陷入难堪境地。

    The hacking last year of the Ashley Madison adultery site caused embarrassment to millions .

  27. 事实证明,所有这些密码在去年遭到黑客攻击的成人网站AshleyMadison用户中颇受欢迎。

    All proved popular with users of theadultery site , Ashley Madison , hacked last year .

  28. 本文演示的技术对任何操作系统都起作用;但是我们选择Linux而不选择MicrosoftWindows,因为Linux比较不容易成为病毒和黑客攻击的目标。

    The techniques demonstrated in this article work with any operating system ; however , we chose Linux over Microsoft Windows as a less vulnerable target to viruses and hacking .

  29. 尽管朝鲜否认自己应该对那次黑客攻击负责,但该国曾向联合国(UN)投诉这部影片,并指责美国支持恐怖主义。

    While North Korea has denied responsibility for the hack , it has complained to the UN about the film and accused the US of sponsoring terrorism .

  30. 先前几个版本的java都被证实易于受到黑客攻击,但三周之前发布的最新版java预计将把上千万台个人电脑置于风险之中。

    Several previous versions of java have been found vulnerable to hacking attacks but the latest , uncovered three weeks ago , is estimated to put tens of millions of PCs at risk .