
  • 网络blacklisting system;a blacklist system
  1. 这一新规定增加了其他潜在的指标,包括导游和其他旅游服务供应商的黑名单制度。

    The new regulation has added other potential targets , including tour guides and other tourism service providers to the blacklist system .

  2. 人力资源与社会保障部近日起草的意见稿显示,我国将引入黑名单制度以确保社保基金政策的实施。

    China will introduce a blacklist system to ensure implementation of its policy on social insurance funds , according to a draft by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security .

  3. 关于探索与建立食品药品行政重点监控黑名单制度研究

    Research on the Exploration and Establishment Of Food and Drug Administrative Key Monitoring System

  4. 如完善广告审查制度;建立虚假广告代言人的黑名单制度,对黑名单代言人予以封杀,禁止刊登、播放其代言的广告。

    Such as improving advertising review system ; create a blacklist system for false advertising spokesmen , spokesperson of the blacklist to be " blocked " to prohibit the publication or broadcasting of its endorsement of the ads.

  5. 同时,该县对存在拖欠的单位实行“黑名单”制度。

    Meanwhile , the county owed to the presence of the unit a " black list " system .

  6. 因此,迫切需要尽快建立针对长江航运干线的黑名单管理制度,以规范长江航运市场秩序。

    Therefore , it is urgently needed to establish the " Blacklist System " for the main route of Changjiang shipping , so as to regulate the market order .

  7. 诚信航运从这里启航&船舶黑、白名单制度成效显著

    Quality Shipping starts here & The White List and the Black List of ships have brought about good results

  8. 我们国家关于黑名单方面的相关制度,也正在逐步完善的过程中。

    Related system concerning blacklist in our nation , is being in gradually perfect process .