
  1. 小企业成长与资源配置能力

    The Growth of Small Firms and the Ability of Resources Allocation

  2. 增强政府宏观引导功能和资源配置能力。

    Strengthen the function of governmental macro-control and ability of resource arrangement .

  3. 区域竞争力是指区域的资源配置能力。

    Firstly , the region competitive capability is the ability of the resource distribution ;

  4. 科技资源配置能力分析与评价

    The Analysis and Evaluation on the Allocation Capability of Science and Technology Resource about Ningbo

  5. 效率水平反映了商业银行的资源配置能力、市场竞争力和可持续发展能力。

    Efficiency of commercial banks reflects the ability of resource allocation , market competitiveness and sustainable development .

  6. 科技资源配置能力反映了一个地区科技资源运用情况。

    The analysis and evaluation on the allocation capability of science and technology resources based on fuzzy evaluation ;

  7. 因此,以高校二级学院为评价对象,更利于高校资源配置能力的有效提高。

    Therefore , it is benefit to improve the ability of resources-allocation through view each institution as evaluation-object .

  8. 对银行效率影响因素的回归结果反映出,银行资产质量、资源配置能力、人力资本、经营管理能力及产权结构等是影响我国银行业效率的主要因素。

    The main influencing factors of banking efficiency are asset quality , resource distribution , management and the quality of human resource .

  9. 其次,政府应通过提升资源配置能力,实现自身直接供给公共服务能力的增强。

    Secondly , the government should realize the ability of directly supply of public services through improves the ability of allocation of resources .

  10. 当前山西旅游产业发展的根本症结是产业资源配置能力不足,表现为山西旅游悖论。

    Currently , the radical sticking point stunting travel industry of Shanxi to develop is incapacity for configuring industrial resources , manifested itself in the contradiction of Shanxi travel .

  11. 通过研究,得出的结论有以下几方而:(1)浙江省农业科技资源配置能力和资源存量有了较大提高,创新能力显著增强。

    Followings are the conclusions : ( 1 ) Zhejiang agricultural science and technology resource allocation capability and resource inventory has been greatly improved , significantly enhance the innovation capability .

  12. 建立一个具有良好流动性的国债市场,有助于强化国债市场的基础性地位,增强国债市场的风险防范能力,改善国债市场的价值评估能力,以及提高国债市场的资源配置能力。

    The improvement of liquidity of treasury market helps to strengthen its foundational status , and enhance the functions of treasury market on risk management , valuation and resource allocation .

  13. 另外,研究高新技术产品群发展模式的重要特征,对提高我国稀缺科技资源配置能力和配置效率具有重要的政策参考功能。

    In addition , to study attribute of hi-tech product clustering mode has a key funtion in decision-making to enhance collocating capability and collocating efficiency in China 's scarce science and technology resource .

  14. 区域产业核心竞争力不同于企业竞争力和国家竞争力,是指区域产业独特的资源配置能力和市场开拓能力。

    Being different from the enterprise competitiveness and the national competitiveness , the core competence of regional industries refers to the peculiar capacity of resource disposition and the capacity of market pioneering of regional industries .

  15. 在分析深圳市电价机制特点的基础上,提出了完善深圳市峰谷电价机制的具体做法,建立了具有优化电力资源配置能力的新峰谷电价机制。

    On the basis of analyzing tariff mechanism character in shenzhen , bring out the specific practice to better TOU tariff mechanism in Shenzhen and establish new tariff mechanism with the capacity of optimizing power resource distribution .

  16. 这势必要求电网企业进一步加大电网投入、消除电网瓶颈、提升技术装备水平、提高资源配置能力、强化市场载体功能。

    It will require that the power grid enterprise to increase investment , eliminate network bottlenecks , improve the level of technology and equipment , improve the capabilities of market configuration , strengthen the function of market carrier .

  17. 结果表明,企业借贷总量的变化率、中间业务收入比重、不良资产率与银行效率显著负相关,而产权形式、资本充足率、资源配置能力银行效率显著正相关。

    The results show that business loan 、 intermediary business income proportion and non-performing Asset proportion has negative correlation with banking efficiency , while the property right , Capital adequacy rate , resource allocation competence have positive correlation coefficient .

  18. 高新区创新体系的创新绩效就是该创新体系在创新方面所取得的成绩,它取决于高新区对现有创新资源配置能力的绩效,是资源状况与配置力相综合的结果。

    Innovation Performance of high-tech zone is the performance of the innovation system of innovation in what has been achieved . It depends on the performance of allocating the existing resources in high-tech zones . It is result of extant resources and allocation .

  19. 随着市场经济的发展,能源和电力需求将保持快速增长,对加快电网建设,提高电网安全供电水平和资源配置能力提出了迫切要求。

    With the development of market economy , the energy and power demand has keen increasing rapidly , which has made it much imperative to speed up the electric power grid construction and improve electric power supply security and resources allocation capability of the power grid .

  20. 网络信息资源微观配置能力评价

    Research on the Evaluation of the Microcosmic Allocation Ability of Internet Information Resources

  21. 新加坡就得益于她的管理和优化资源配置的能力。

    Singapore benefited by managing and leveraging other peoples'resources .

  22. 而企业内因成长理论则表明,企业成长是企业内部的资源配置与能力协调的结果。

    The theory of the firm endogenous growth shows that the firm growth is the internal result of resource allocation and capability coordination .

  23. 上层交易组织一方面帮助农业抵御市场风险,另一方面会提高资源的配置能力。

    On one hand the upper transaction organizations help agriculture resist market risks ; On the other hand it can improve the resources allocation .

  24. 同时,股票市场对外部经济资源的配置能力,应是公司绩效、股票市场内部效率和股票市场外部效率的有机统一。

    At the meanwhile , the allocation capability of external resource of the stock market is organic unification of corporate performance , internal efficiency and external efficiency .

  25. 这主要是由于我国的股票市场还比较不完善,市场化率较低,资源配置的能力较弱,没有合适的机制引导资金的合理流动。

    The main reason is Chinese stock market is still relatively incomplete , the market rate is low , the resource allocation function of market is weak , and there is not suitable mechanism to guide the rational flow of funds .

  26. 其次研究社会、产业、企业三个层面各因素对高技术企业成长模式的影响,以及成长模式对高技术企业资源配置、能力培育的指导。

    Secondly , we study the elements of community , industry , enterprises ' levels that may affect high-technology firms ' growth pattern , as well as the growth pattern of high-technology firms can guide the firm to allocate resources and improve competitive competencies .

  27. 石家庄市农业R&D资源配置与创新能力研究

    Study of Resource Allocation and Innovation Ability to Shijiazhuang Agricultural R & D Resources

  28. 黄河上游梯级水库对水资源调节配置的能力分析

    Capability Analysis of Regulating Allocation of Water Resources for Cascade Reservoirs on the Yellow River

  29. 而低质量审计将导致丧失引导资源合理配置的能力。

    And low quality audit will lead to the loss of the ability of rational allocation of resources .

  30. 铁路第六次大面积提速在优化运力资源配置扩大运输能力方面取得的成果

    The achievement made by the sixth large-scale speed-up of national railways in terms of optimizing transportation capacity resources and expanding transportation capacity