
  • 网络networked society;the network society;Cybersociety
  1. 网络社会正是在这种Internet技术基础上发展而来的。

    Network society is developed from Internet technology .

  2. 换句话来说,网络社会(thenetworksociety)就是一个信息技术范式体现在了社会的各个角落。

    In other words , the network society is an " information technology paradigm " embodied in every corner of the society .

  3. 从一般的角度来看,网络社会确实是虚拟的。

    From an ordinary perspective , the network community is virtual .

  4. 网络社会交往主体的人性假设

    Humanism Supposition on the Intercourse Main Body of Network Society

  5. 网络社会&虚拟与实在的互动

    Network Society : the Exchange Action of Virtuality and Reality

  6. 网络社会及其对经典社会学理论的挑战

    The Network Community and Its Challenge to Classical Sociological Theories

  7. 论网络社会的伦理道德问题及解决的措施

    On Ethics and Moral Problems of Internet and Its Countermeasures

  8. 虚拟现实和网络社会的虚拟性

    The virtual reality and the virtual characteristic of network society

  9. 信息网络社会化的区位整合机制

    The Located Integrating Mechanism of the Socialization of Information Networks

  10. 网络社会化与青年思想教育

    The Socialization of Network and Ideological Education of Youth

  11. 网络社会思想政治工作保障机制研究

    A Study on Guarantee Mechanism of Ideological and Political Work in Network Society

  12. 网络社会的伦理问题探究

    The Research of the Ethical Problems of Network Society

  13. 网络社会的概念辨析

    Discussion on the Concepts of Network Society & Cyberspace

  14. 网络社会的到来,对人们的思想理念、行为方式、心理健康产生了重大的影响。

    The development of Internet affects people 's ideas , behavior and psychology .

  15. 网络社会学的基本议题

    Major Subjects of the Internet Sociology Network Data NETWORK

  16. 第三网络社会与新差序格局

    The Third Network Society and New Different Relationship Pattern

  17. 信息共享与网络社会公正

    Shared information in the network and social fairness

  18. 针对网络社会道德特点的德育措施

    Moral measure aimed at charateristics of network society

  19. 网络社会的到来给当代大学生思想政治教育工作带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。

    Internet has brought great opportunities and challenges to the ideological work in universities .

  20. 信息网络社会,存在新的影响品牌建设的因素。

    There are the new factors that influence building brand in the information society .

  21. 网络社会与现实社会的关系研究

    On Relation of Network Society and Real Society

  22. 网络社会的道德规范初探

    Primary Analysis on the Morality of Internet Society

  23. 网络社会中学校德育工作研究

    Study on school moral education in network society

  24. 网络社会的崛起不可避免地衍生了网络政治的凸现。

    The rising of Netork Society brings inevitably about the rising of Network Politics .

  25. 网络社会是人类运用科学技术改变历史的又一次重要的飞跃。

    Network society is an important leap in human history of science and technology .

  26. 由电脑架构而成的网络社会,是由市民与网民所共同构成的二元性社会。

    The network society is a dual-society which is comprised by citizens and netizens .

  27. 首先网络社会的主体、客体以及工具系统都是具有客观实在性的;

    But network society actually is objective reality .

  28. 怎样构建和谐网络社会

    How to Construct a Harmonious Network Society

  29. 就现阶段而言,青少年是网络社会的主体。

    In the current situation , youngsters are the main bady of the network society .

  30. 三是现行学校德育滞后于社会的发展,德育工作者的素质还不能适应网络社会发展的需求。

    The present education works isn 't competent for the development of the net society .