
  • 网络Network security protection;ZoneAlarm Free
  1. 主要研究如何通过基于Windows操作系统内核的包过滤防火墙系统来实现网络安全防护。

    This paper analyzes the network security protection realized by a packet filter firewall system based on Windows operation system Kernel .

  2. 入侵检测系统(IDS)是一种被动式的网络安全防护系统。

    Intrusion detection system ( IDS ) is a passive network security protection equipment .

  3. 移动网络安全防护中,传统的入侵检测系统难以应对新型的移动网络DoS攻击。

    Traditional intrusion detection system of mobile network also cannot detect the novel DoS attack .

  4. 防火墙(Firewall)与入侵检测系统(IDS)作为两种网络安全防护技术应用越来越广泛。

    Firewall and Intrusion detection system ( IDS ) are widely used as two types of network safety protection technology .

  5. DMIS系统中调度集中系统的网络安全防护问题

    Protection Question on Network Safety of CTC System in DMIS

  6. 入侵检测系统是一种重要的网络安全防护措施,但是,IDS常常触发大量误警,使得网络安全员不堪重负。

    Intrusion detection system is an important measure to protect network security . But the IDS triggered thousands of false alarms , which make network security analyst tired of dealing with these alarms .

  7. 由于DMIS系统的迅速发展,调度集中系统及微机联锁的网络安全防护将越来越引起人们的高度关注。

    Due to the rapid expansion of the DMIS system , the network safety protection will arise more and more attention .

  8. 针对政府上网和企业关键业务上网的对网络安全防护的需求,本文借鉴已有的GAP技术,设计并实现了安全数据交换平台(DGAP系统)。

    Then aiming at the requirement of network protection bye-commerce and e-governance , the author presents a design for another implementation named DGAP in this paper .

  9. 入侵检测系统IDS是一种主动的网络安全防护系统,它是继数据加密、防火墙等传统安全技术之后的新一代安全保障技术。

    Intrusion detection system ( IDS ) is an active protection system for network security . It is a new type of security protection technology following traditional security protection methods such as data encrypting , firewall and so on .

  10. 同时,构建了基于策略的网络安全防护框架,在该框架下结合网络层访问控制的特点,开发了一个PBAC的网络安全防护应用原型。

    At the same , the article creates a policy-based framework for network security . In this framework an application prototype of PBAC is programmed for access control of network .

  11. 本课题是福建省重点科研项目《信息网络安全防护技术》(项目编号2001H103)的一部分。

    Our work is a part of a key research project of Fujian province-Information Network Security Protection Techniques ( No. 2001H103 ) .

  12. 防火墙在企业网络安全防护中的应用

    The Application of Firewall in the Safe Protection of Enterprise Network

  13. 烟机企业信息网络安全防护体系的建立

    Establishment of Information Net security Protection System in Tobacco Machinery Enterprise

  14. 地调自动化系统完善网络安全防护的几点建议

    Suggestions to Improve the Network Security of Dispatch Automation Systems

  15. 贵阳市南供电局信息中心计算机网络安全防护研究

    Study of IT Network Security in South Guiyang Power Bureau

  16. 开放式通用网络安全防护联动模型的研究

    Research on Open and Common Interaction Model of Network Security Defense System

  17. 高校网络安全防护教育缺失问题分析

    Analysis to the University Education on Internet Security and Protection

  18. 创建客票系统网络安全防护体系

    Establishing Network Security Protection System for Ticketing and Reservation System

  19. 发电厂计算机网络安全防护体系的探讨

    Analysis and Construction of Security Protection System for Computer Network of Power Plant

  20. 而鼓励私营部门加强网络安全防护措施的努力,也始终效果不一。

    And efforts to encourage greater private sector cyber defence have been mixed .

  21. 安全隔离技术在电力信息网络安全防护中的应用

    Application of security isolation technology in security protection for electric power information network

  22. 三峡梯调中心网络安全防护体系的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Network Security Protect System in Three Gorges Cascade Dispatching Center

  23. 一个指导网络安全防护的辅助决策系统

    A Decision Support System Instructing Network Security Defense

  24. 构筑图书馆网络安全防护系统

    Building a Network Security System for a Library

  25. 互连网络安全防护机制

    The Mechanism of Security Protects For Interconnection Network

  26. 大型分布式企业网络安全防护

    Safe protection of network of large distributive enterprise

  27. 阐述了网络安全防护工作的长期性、动态性;

    It clarifies that the network security and protection are a long-term and dynamic job ;

  28. 企业计算机网络安全防护的几点措施

    On safeguards for computer network of enterprises

  29. 构建无线网络安全防护体系

    A Wireless Network Security Protection System

  30. 构建二维网络安全防护系统

    Constructing planar network security protection system