
  • 网络Network-Layer Protocol;network layer protocol;IPSec
  1. 其中,局域网仿真和MPOA适用范围广,可以接入各种网络层协议。

    LANE and MPOA have a wide range of applications , which are accessible to all kinds of network layer protocols .

  2. 向上和网络层协议IP,IPX接口将IP/IPX报文送交IP/IPX协议处理,形成发送网络层报文的控制机制。

    The higher-level interfaces include those with network layer protocols suck as IP and IPX which send IP / IPX packets to network layer for further processing , and provide the complete control mechanisms for sending network layer packets .

  3. 在这种情况下,对链路层及网络层协议加以改进以提高无线环境下的TCP性能成为了业界研究的焦点。

    Thus , there are many researches on link-layer and network-layer protocol and algorithm improvement .

  4. 使用UML设计和实现TETRA网络层协议

    Design and implement network layer protocol in TETRA use UML

  5. 一个PDA电子邮件系统网络层协议的设计与实现

    Designing and Realization of IP on PDA Email System

  6. ISDN网络层协议模型化验证及其功能实现

    Modeling , Verification of ISDN Network Layer Protocol and Its Realization

  7. 回想一下,InternetProtocol(IP)是传输协议(通常称为传输控制协议或TCP)下面的核心网络层协议。

    Recall that the Internet Protocol ( IP ) is the core network layer protocol that sits below the transport protocol ( most commonly the Transmission Control Protocol , or TCP ) .

  8. SSL和TLS不是特定于Java的协议,它们是为维护通过套接字的数据的完整性和私密性而设计的网络层协议。

    SSL and TLS are not Java-specific protocols , but rather network-layer protocols designed to maintain the integrity and privacy of traffic across a socket .

  9. 由于上层的同步工具直接通过FTP协议进行传输数据;而传输层与网络层协议&TCP/IP协议在Linux内核中已经得到很好的支持。

    Because in application layer the synchronization tool use ftp protocol to transmit data , and the TCP / IP protocol has been supported well in Linux kernel .

  10. 该系统不但实现了话音的高速传输,并为开发MAC层协议和网络层协议的研发人员提供了与实际环境相符的测试平台。

    The system realizes a high speed transmission for voice and provides a testing platform matching the actual environment for researchers who study on MAC and network protocol .

  11. 设计并实现了网络层协议IP、ARP、ICMP等,可靠流式报文段传输协议TCP以及应用层协议HTTP协议。

    The protocols of network level such as IP , ARP and ICMP are analyzed and implemented . Reliable stream segment transferring protocol TCP and the application level protocol HTTP is implement .

  12. 同时MAC地址是不能被路由的,换句话说,网络层协议将不会把MAC地址作为目的地址(而且,它还比IP地址多了两字节)。

    MAC addresses are not routable , either ; in other words , Internet protocols will not accept a MAC address as a destination ( for one thing , it 's two bytes longer than an IP address ) .

  13. 以NLRI与特定的网络层协议相联系的功能。

    The ability to associate a particular network layer protocol with NLRI .

  14. 分组无线网网络层协议的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Net Layer Protocol of Packet Radio Network

  15. 网络层协议处理器的设计与研究

    The Design and Research about Protocol Processor at Network layer

  16. 其次,设计了一种基于网络层协议的拓扑发现模型。

    Second , this paper designs a topology discovery model which is based on the network layer protocol .

  17. 数据收集协议是网络层协议,研究传感器节点如何将数据传送给基站。

    Data collection protocol is a network layer protocol . It studies how sensor nodes transmit data to the base station .

  18. 这使得在设计防火墙的过程中可以直接使用已有的成熟的网络层协议和驱动组件,既简化了设计又使得工作在应用层的防火墙能满足新的要求。

    So , in the process of design firewall can use own mature network layer agreement directly and the drive module , simplify the design and make the work satisfy the new request in the fireproofing wall of the application layer .

  19. Internet网络层安全协议理论研究与实现

    Theoretic researches and implementation of IP securing protocol via internet network layer

  20. 一种提高能量效率的adhoc网络MAC层协议

    A MAC Protocol for Improving Energy Efficiency of Ad Hoc Networks

  21. 移动adhoc网络MAC层协议退避算法研究

    Study on the Back-off Algorithm of MAC Layer of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  22. 在IXA1200体系结构上实现链路层协议和网络层控制协议,从而实现Internet高效接入服务器的功能。

    Implements the datalink layer and network control protocols on Intel IXA 1200 architecture , thereby implements the function of efficient Internet access server .

  23. 一种基于电力线的家庭控制网络MAC层协议的研究

    Study on MAC layer protocol for home control network based on power line

  24. 基于竞争机制的无线传感器网络MAC层协议的研究综述

    Survey of a Competitive Mechanism Based on MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network

  25. 基于多信道跳频的adhoc网络MAC层协议研究

    Research on the MAC Layer Protocol of Ad Hoc Network Based on Multi-channel and Hopping Schemes

  26. 双向HFC网络MAC层协议的原理与实现

    The Theory And Implementation Of MAC Layer Protocol On Bi - directional HFC Network

  27. 作为网络层安全协议,实现了基于IP数据包的安全保护,并能为上层协议提供透明的安全服务。

    As the network layer safety protocol , it achieves IP data safety protection , and can provide the transparent safety service for the upper layers .

  28. 计算机网络链路层协议的PASCAL算法

    PASCAL Algorithm of Link-Layer Protocol on Computer Network

  29. 1的OSI网络应用层协议的开发环境,并给出了开发实例。

    Are presented in this paper , finally , some protocols developed in the DE are given .

  30. 针对节点电量局限性问题,除了改进电源技术外,本文从MAC层和网络层的协议角度出发提出了改进方案。

    As for the constraint of node energy , besides the improvements on battery technology itself , researchers have proposed modified schemes on the perspective of MAC layer protocols and network layer protocols .