
wǎnɡ ɡuān
  • gateway
  1. 网关这个名词是随着Internet的发展而产生的。

    Gateway is a device which generates with the development of the Internet .

  2. 基于XML网络管理中多协议转换网关的研究

    Transforming Bridge Research of Multi-protocol Translation Gateway in XML-based Network Management

  3. 该软件的操作不需要互联网网关的支持

    No Internet gateways are needed for the programs operation .

  4. 目前有两种比较常用的方法可以实现Web对数据库的访问,一种方法是Web浏览器通过Web网关间接访问;

    There are two approaches to refer to the database through Web .

  5. 创建对象数据库与WEB之间的XML网关

    Building XML Gateway Between OODB and Web

  6. 网关地址可以是路由器的IP地址。

    The gateway address could be your router IP address .

  7. 协议网关是一种目前解决卫星接入Internet问题的比较看好的方案。

    Gateway protocol accelerator is the best project to settle the problem of satellite access internet at present .

  8. IP电话网关中的自适应语音编码策略

    An Adaptive Algorithms About Voice Coding in IP Telephony

  9. 主要包括:实时IP传真网关功能结构设计;

    Including mainly : the functional architecture designs of the real-time FoIP gateway ;

  10. IP电话网关的多线程实现

    Implementation of Multi - thread in IP Telephony Gateway

  11. 它跟踪系统IP地址、网络掩码、路由和网关信息。

    It tracks system IP addresses , netmasks , routes , and gateway information .

  12. 323标准,我国也相继推出了IP电话网关国家标准。

    China specifies the IP Phone Gateway recommendation .

  13. 基于Linux的电力自动化系统通信网关的总体设计

    Design of communication protocol gateway based on Linux for power automation system

  14. 交互式数字电视系统的IP网关

    IP gateway of interactive digital TV system

  15. Linux网关流量控制管理应用

    Management and Application of Traffic Control on Linux Gateway

  16. 基于LINUX的全状态检测包过滤计费网关的研究与实现

    Implementation of a Linux-based all-state packet filtering accounting system

  17. adhoc动态源路由协议的移动网关扩展

    Mobile Gateway Extension of DSR Protocol in Ad Hoc Networks

  18. VoIP网关和web交换设置。

    VoIP gateway and web exchange device .

  19. 家庭网关是智能家庭网络的关键设备,是家庭网络设备与Internet沟通的桥梁。

    Smart Home Gateway is the key to the Home Network , and is a bridge between Internet and the home network devices .

  20. 基于Linux的网桥和NAT网关集成的实现

    Implementation of Integration of Bridge and NAT Gateway Based on Linux

  21. Linux下基于Squid的多能代理系统与透明网关解决方案

    A Transparent Gateway and Proxy Solution Based on Squid on Linux

  22. 基于NGN的多功能宽带接入网关设计及QoS分析

    Design and QoS Analysis of Multi-function Access Gateway Based on NGN

  23. 把MAS系统按业务关系划分为多个子网,在子网内设置网关agent。

    We divide the MAS into several subnets and set a gateway agent for each subnet .

  24. 基于NAT的FreeBSD负载均衡网关研究

    The Load Balancing Research of Free BSD Based on NAT Gateway

  25. NGN中支持QoS的媒体网关关键技术及其实现

    Key Technologies for Implementation of QoS-guaranteed Media Gateways in NGN

  26. Parlay/OSA网关中面向会话CORBA伺服程序的研究与实现

    The Study and Implementation of Session-oriented CORBA Servant in Parlay / OSA Gateway

  27. 网关接收安全子网的IP数据包,根据要求利用IPSec技术对IP数据包进行封装后转发;

    While gateway receive message from safe subnet , package and transmit the message using IPsec technique ;

  28. 移动自组网(MANET)的结点要进行Internet连接,就必须寻找Internet网关。

    In order to MANET node to possess Internet connectivity , it must be able to find an Internet gateway .

  29. 应用于中小型企业的VPN网关的设计与实现

    The Research and Design of VPN Gateway Applied by Small to Medium Business

  30. 分布式VPN网关及其密钥协商的同步

    A VPN Gateway Based on Distributed System and Synchronization of Its Key Exchange