
wǎng luò zhà piàn
  • Internet Fraud;phishing;Internet scam;online/Internet/cyber fraud
  1. 网络监控的紧迫性不仅仅是在带宽利用上,越来越多的病毒木马蠕虫等恶意程序、垃圾邮件、网络诈骗、钓鱼网站、网络犯罪等现象出现,也给社会安定造成极大的压力。

    Urgency not only in network monitoring bandwidth utilization , more and more malicious programs such as viruses Trojans worms , spam , phishing , phishing sites , network crime phenomenon caused a great deal of pressure , but also to social stability .

  2. 普通网络诈骗犯罪侵犯客体主要是公私财物所有权。

    The main object of common Internet fraud crime is the ownership of public and private property .

  3. P2P电子商务比传统电子商务更方便、更灵活,但用户所涉及的风险和安全威胁也越大,各种网络诈骗层出不穷。

    P2P Electronic Commerce greatly enhances the conveniency and flexibility of e-business , on the other hand that aggravates the risk and security threatening of business activity .

  4. 手机短信与网络诈骗犯罪

    On Mobile Short Message and Crimes of Net Bluff

  5. 网络诈骗犯罪的产生既有现实原因,也有网络本身的原因。

    Network fraud has both practical reasons and reasons for the network itself .

  6. 大河网讯研究表明:大量的电脑用户易受网络诈骗。

    Many computer users are leaving themselves open to online fraud , research shows .

  7. 正是这三方面为网络诈骗提供了契机。

    All three present opportunities for fraud .

  8. 在立法方面,目前我国有关网络诈骗的立法比较滞后,现有刑法规定中直接涉及网络诈骗犯罪的仅有两条。

    In aspect of legislation , there are only two accusations in the criminal law which directly involves Internet fraud crime .

  9. 而通过克隆网站的方式,网络诈骗者每天可以复制几十个甚至上百个相同的购物网站。

    And the kind that carries clone website , network nobbler can duplicate everyday a few shop identically to about a hundred very website .

  10. 大家旺和中国银行强强联手,为您提供第三方认证担保服务,坚决打击网络诈骗。

    Da Jia Wang cooperates with Bank of China , provides a third party certification service to crack down the crime of swindling on net .

  11. 互联网时代犯罪分子多以即时通信软件为工具进行网络诈骗等违法活动。

    In Internet era , a lot of criminals usually carry out Internet fraud and other criminal activities , using instant messaging software as a medium .

  12. 网络诈骗犯罪不是刑法规定的某种具体罪名,而是从刑法理论上对利用网络实施的各种诈骗犯罪的总称。

    Internet fraud crime is not one of the concrete accusations in the criminal law but a general name of all kinds of fraud crime implemented on the Internet .

  13. 有关如何防范网络诈骗的提示,请参阅下文的防范网络诈骗的最佳做法部分。

    For tips on how to avoid being the victim of online fraud , see the best practices to help protect yourself from online fraud section later in this article .

  14. 尤其是网络诈骗犯罪的发案率年年攀升,可以说几乎已经成为计算机互联网络中的严重问题。

    Particularly , it is the online fraud crimes that hold a rising incidence of crime cases , and is turning out to be a serious problem of computers and the Internet .

  15. 一位民政部官员周一警告募捐者,在为地震受灾者募捐时要小心网络诈骗。

    By Guan Xiaofeng ( China Daily ) People should guard against Internet fraud while donating for the quake victims , Pang Chenmin , an official of the Ministry of Civil Affairs , warned on Monday .

  16. 所谓网络诈骗犯罪是指行为人通过计算机、通讯等技术手段,或者利用其所处的地位,在网络环境中实施的侵害或者威胁法律所保护的财产和利益的行为。

    The so-called network fraud is the perpetrator of threat against the property and interests which laws protected by computer , communications and other technical means , or use of its unique position in the network environment .

  17. 我们在暗自庆幸其优点给人类社会带来便利之时,网络诈骗、网络盗窃、网络犯罪等违法活动已悄然无声的出现,成为人类社会的公敌。

    We are rejoicing its merit the human society to bring when secretly the convenience for , the network cheating , the network burglary , the network crime and so on the illegal active silently appearance has become the human society public enemy .

  18. 小心别成为网络银行诈骗案的受害者。

    Be careful not to fall victim to online banking fraud .

  19. 骗子诈骗警告类似于网络钓鱼诈骗。

    A phoney fraud alert is similar to a phishing scam .

  20. 网络基金诈骗犯罪应根据有无采用集资或传销方式予以不同处理。

    Network Fund Fraud shall be treated by whether or not it using illegal fund-raising or pyramid-selling .

  21. 第二个案例是通过网络进行诈骗,骗取现金,最终也是通过电子证据的认定进行定案。

    The second case is the fraud through internet which is also closed by application of electronic evidences .

  22. 要防范网络金融诈骗犯罪,必须加强对网络金融从业人员及相关人员的管理,加强网络金融监管制度的建设,加强技术防范措施建设,加强国际合作,加强对网络金融诈骗犯罪的打击。

    To prevent such crimes , we have to tighten the management of network financial practioners and the related personnel , strengthen the construction of supervising and managing system , reinforce the technical counter-measures , enhance the international cooperation , and intensify the force of fighting .

  23. 与传统的交易相比,它具有很多自身的优势,同时,也带来了网络信用卡诈骗犯罪。

    Compared with the traditional trading , it has a lot of advantages , also brings the network card fraud .

  24. 对网络信用卡诈骗犯罪的立法进程进行了基本了解,对相关问题的国内外研究现状进行了评述,并简述了论文选题的理论意义和现实意义。

    Have a basic understanding of the legislation course of credit card fraud . Reviews on the present research at home and abroad .

  25. 我们相信大部分创业者是好的,但有部分思想恶劣之人,通过网络作起了诈骗的生意。

    We believe most entrepreneurs are good , but some of the thinking of the poor , through the network played a fraud business .

  26. 近年来,伴随着网络普及程度的提高,网络诈骗犯罪亦日趋严重。

    In recent years , accompanied by the widespread expansion of network , Internet fraud has become increasingly serious .

  27. 利用网络钓鱼等手法进行的网络诈骗活动日益猖獗,严重威胁了网络的健康发展和应用。

    Nowadays , network cheating , such as phishing has been taken to increasingly rampant criminal activities , which has seriously affected the development and application of the Internet .

  28. 网络的开放性、不确定性、虚拟性等特点使网络诈骗犯罪的证据更加复杂多变、网络诈骗犯罪的取证更加困难。

    The openness , uncertainty , virtuality and other characteristics of network make the evidence of network fraud more complex and more difficult to obtain .

  29. 经过测试,系统能够很好的看到系统可以逐步的对网络进行过滤,可以很简单的进行操作与观察,能在很大程度上减少网络攻击与诈骗的发生。

    After testing , the system can well see the system can filter the network gradually , can be very simple to operate and observation , can greatly reduce the occurrence of cyber attacks and fraud .