
wǎnɡ luò dǎ yìn jī
  • network printer
  1. 分析校园网环境下提供打印服务的几种方式,介绍网络打印机的安装、使用,最新网络打印技术Internet打印、IPP协议及其发展。

    The paper analyzed some ways for offering printing services via campus-wide LAN . This paper also introduced how to install and use network printer , the new technique and development about distributed printing on the Internet and the Internet Printing Protocol .

  2. 500目录服务[3]的NPnP方案,并通过模拟一台网络打印机的NPnP接入给出了有关的实现过程。

    500 directory service . Also the realizability of the scheme is discussed by a simulative implementation of the NPnP process of a network printer .

  3. 您可在目标计算机上自动安装网络打印机。

    You can automatically install network printers on the destination computers .

  4. 管理网络打印机并分配任务到打印队列。

    Manage a network printer and assign to a print queue .

  5. 网络打印机,或连接到另一台计算机的打印机

    A network printer , or a printer attached to another computer

  6. “管理网络打印机配置和发布选项。”

    " Manages network printer configuration and publishing options . "

  7. 网络打印机安全分析与防范

    The Analysis of The Security and Defend of Network Printers

  8. 您需要指定一个有效的网络打印机名

    You need to specify a valid network printer name

  9. 该向导将提供对网络打印机的访问权限。

    This wizard will provide access to network printers .

  10. 打印服务器提供并管理到网络打印机和打印机驱动程序的访问。

    Print servers provide and manage access to network printers and printer drivers .

  11. 登录域可使您访问网络打印机和计算机

    Logging on to a domain gives you access to network printers and computers

  12. 添加,删除和配置本地及网络打印机及传真打印机。

    Adds , removes , and configures local and network printers and fax printers .

  13. 网络打印机联网方法与使用

    Connection Method and use of the Network Printer

  14. 网络打印机概念及应用

    The Concept and Appilcation of Network Printers

  15. “向导。使用该策略来禁止用户浏览网络打印机。删除浏览”

    " from within the Add Printer wizard . Use this policy to disallow users "

  16. 与网络打印机相关联的打印问题最好由本地网络管理员解决。

    Printing issues associated with a network printer are best handled by your local network administrator .

  17. 控制网络打印机打印作业的网络计算机。

    A computer on a network that controls the printing jobs for printers on the network .

  18. 这个软件是用于确定所有计算机,在本地股和网络打印机。

    This software is used to determine all computers , shares and printers on your local network .

  19. 将打印作业从队列中取出并发送到网络打印机的服务器。

    A server that takes print jobs out of a queue and directs them to a network printer .

  20. 请选择要添加的网络打印机。注意:打印机通常连接到计算机。

    Select the network printer that you want to add . note : printers are usually attached to computers .

  21. 不安装网络打印机,请清除所有复选框,然后单击“下一步”继续。

    To continue without installing network printers , clear all of the check boxes , and then click next .

  22. 自从上次重新启动后,从其他打印服务器向这台服务器要求添加共享网络打印机的调用总数。

    Total number of calls from other print servers to add shared network printers to this server since last restart .

  23. 使用打印机文件夹可以添加并安装本地或网络打印机,或更改现有打印机的设置。

    Use the Printers folder to add a new local or network printer , or to change settings for existing printers .

  24. 对于安全性,论文以网络打印机为载体,提出了通用安全打印方案。

    For the security character , a universal secure printing scheme ( USPS ) is proposed , and it uses network printer as research object .

  25. 本文首先分析了现有网络打印机存在的安全隐患;针对这些安全隐患,给出了一种解决现有网络打印机安全隐患的实现方案,设计一种网络打印安全体系结构。

    In view of these vulnerabilities , a strategy to solve the network printer security problems is proposed and a network printing security architecture is designed .

  26. 随着现代企业对网络打印机的普及,人们在从网络打印获得极大方便的同时,也面临着更为严峻的安全问题。

    Network printers have been increasingly used by modern enterprise , people obtain great convenience through network printing , but also faced with more severe security problems .

  27. 网络打印机目前脱机。现在可以安装打印机,但是在没有连接之前,无法打印。

    This network printer is currently offline . You can install the printer now , but you will not be able to print to it until it comes back online .

  28. 现代企业对网络打印机的应用越来越普及,随之带来网络打印机的安全问题越来越受到人们的关注,而对这方面的研究在国内外还是一片空白。

    Network printers have been increasingly used by modern enterprises , and the problem of the network printing security has been paid more and more attention , but its researches at home and aboard is still blank .

  29. 系统采用身份认证技术保证打印源头的安全性,通过对数据包进行加密以保证数据传输的安全性,并通过在打印机前端设置嵌入式防火墙来增强网络打印机的抗攻击性能。

    The system uses authentication to ensure the source security , uses encryption technology to ensure data transmission security and uses embedded firewall at the front of the printer to enhance the anti-attack performance of the network printer .

  30. 本文通过分析网络打印机存在的安全隐患和容易受到的各类攻击,深入研究网络打印安全体系结构,设计一个网络打印安全系统,解决现有网络打印机存在的安全隐患问题。

    In-depth study of network printing security architecture , the paper designs a network printing security system to solve the unsafe problems of the existing network printer . Firstly , the security vulnerabilities of network printers are analyzed .