
  • 网络Restrict users;Limited user
  1. SOA安全性帮助限制用户对服务的访问。

    SOA security helps restrict user access to services .

  2. SSH提供两种限制用户访问的机制:Deny和Allow属性。

    SSH provides two mechanisms to restrict user access : Deny and Allow attributes .

  3. 要基于用户登录信息限制用户只能检索特定数据,可以在QuerySubject过滤器中使用以下表达式。

    To allow a user to retrieve only specific data based on their logon information , we can use the following expression in the Query Subject filter .

  4. 如果报表使用windows集成安全性,则会限制用户安全令牌能够传递到其他计算机的次数。

    If the report uses windows integrated security , there are limits on how many times a user security token can be passed to other computers .

  5. 数据库中有一些视图,但是限制用户只能访问Catalog视图和Orders视图。

    There are several views in the database , but users are restricted to the Catalog view and to the Orders view .

  6. 您将理解到如何根据User是否登录启用登录、限制用户行为,甚至根据User的角色添加一些授权。

    You 'll learn how to enable logins , limit activity based on whether or not the User is logged in , and even add in some authorization based on the User 's role .

  7. 考虑更新默认设置以便限制用户可为元数据导入多少SAPBW查询或立方体。

    Consider updating the default settings to limit how many SAP BW queries or cubes a user can import for metadata .

  8. 可以使用服务器配置文档来配置LotusDomino环境,以便路由器限制用户向他们的邮件数据库传递消息的能力。

    You can configure the Lotus Domino environment using a Server Configuration document so that the router limits users'ability to have messages routed to their mail database .

  9. 如果使用基于角色的资料库,您可以将角色赋予到每个终端用户,并使用这些角色限制用户对HTTP资料库的访问。

    For example , if you use role-based repositories , you can assign a role to each user and use those roles to limit access to the HTTP repository .

  10. 这个选项的目的显然是要限制用户运行sudo命令的范围,这是一种好做法。

    This option clearly tries to lock down specific areas where a user runs a sudo command , which is good practice .

  11. 在其中一些国家,Facebook甚至免费提供将智能手机数据与基本的公共在线服务机构、部分新闻网站和Facebook自己连接起来的服务,但限制用户接触更广泛的消息来源。后者可能有助于揭穿假新闻。

    And in some of these countries , Facebook even offers free smartphone data connections to basic public online services , some news sites and Facebook itself - but limits access to broader sources that could help debunk fake news .

  12. 由于Windows和z/OS之间唯一共同的算法是DES,因此必须限制用户使用DESD和DES3算法。

    Since the only common algorithm between Windows and z / OS is DES , users must be restricted from using the DESD and DES3 algorithms .

  13. ConstrainedText根据样式限制用户输入的单行文本控件。

    ConstrainedText A single-line text control that constrains the user input by styles .

  14. viewportmetatag还支持最小和最大伸缩,可用来限制用户对呈现页面的控制力。

    The viewport metatag also supports minimum scale and maximum scale , which can be used to constrain just how much control a user has over the rendering of the page .

  15. “限制用户只能使用列表中明确允许的管理单元”

    " Restrict users to the explicitly permitted list of snap-ins "

  16. 属性,以便限制用户可以输入的文本数量。

    Property to limit the quantity of text that users can enter .

  17. 他们可以限制用户能否备份和恢复内容。

    They can limit whether you can backup and restore the content .

  18. 逆这一潮流而动可能会限制用户花在移动网络上的时间。

    Reversing that could limit the time users spend on the mobile web .

  19. 这对于限制用户能够在云中部署的内容方面非常有效。

    This is very effective in restricting what someone can deploy into the cloud .

  20. 不能限制用户只能查看公用文件夹中的某些文件。

    You cannot restrict people to just seeing some files in the public folder .

  21. “限制用户保存或打开可能含有病毒的附件”

    " Restrict users from saving or opening attachments that could potentially contain a virus "

  22. 通过将域分配给这些卷组,就可以限制用户对这些资源的访问。

    By assigning domains to these volume groups , users can be restricted accessing these resources .

  23. “限制用户在会议中可以向其他人发送的文件的大小。”

    " Limits the size of files users can send to others in a conference . "

  24. 第二部分是角色,它将限制用户可以进入的域。

    The second piece is the role , which limits the domains that the user may enter .

  25. 实现了多用户并行操作,采用设置用户权限的方式限制用户操作范围,保证了系统中数据的安全性。

    It ensures the safety of the data through setting users ' authority to limit users ' operation .

  26. 第一个准则是限制用户可送入用电系统的谐波电流。

    The first is a limitation in the harmonic current that a user can transmit into the utility system .

  27. 隐藏菜单项是控制应用程序的用户界面和限制用户命令的一种方法。

    Hiding menu items is a way to control the user interface of your application and restrict user commands .

  28. 在用电高峰期,能根据电力部门的设定自动限制用户的用电功率。

    During the peak time , it can limit user'power automically accord to the electric power department 's distribution .

  29. 这种用户与租户的关系是非常重要的信息,用于限制用户可以访问的数据。

    That user-to-tenant relationship is the key information that is used to restrict the data that can be accessed by the user .

  30. 云计算供应商不得利用其市场地位把用户锁定在自己特定的平台内、限制用户选择云计算供应商。

    Cloud providers must not use their market position to lock customers into their particular platforms and limit their choice of providers .