
Therefore , the author puts forward his opinions on the reform of management system and traffic organization , and suggests that imported goods be not affected by restriction , so that the overstocking of goods can be reduced .
It also refers to buying , selling and transporting goods or articles banned to be imported or exported in large quantity without lawful certificate .
The import or export of endangered wild animals and plants and their products which are subject to the import or export restrictions of the CITES shall conform with these Regulations .
Where the import or export of goods , articles such as cultural relics , wildlife animals , plants and the products thereof are prohibited or restricted by other laws or administrative regulations , the provisions of the laws and regulations in question shall be observed .
The other one is to straight store road network with the generalized forward star structure , which can represent turn restrictions and intersection delays .
Since effective templing prevents the Weft at the fell from crimping , it follows that the warp crimp at the fell must be correspondingly high .
Green trade barrier has become the tool to limit the import and export of developing countries by developed countries under the name of environment protection .
The quality of previous seismic data in Tankou area was not so good because of restriction of complicated seismic geological condition , past acquisition equipments and technology .
At-grade intersections were restricted by space and times . Intersection bottleneck have become one of the important factor of restricting the entire road traffic system to function efficiency fully .
When high-speed trains passing each other in a short tunnel , because of the influence of the tunnel space limit and portal effect , train in the tunnel intersection of pneumatic change is more complex and intense compared to the open wire passing .
The UK had to limit its exposure .
Any changes to the list of goods and technologies whose import and export are restricted or prohibited .
Rules of import and export Guizhou Province implement the active open-up policies , and following promotion policies excluding commodities restrict to import and export by the state .
Because of the restrict of the WTO with the tariff , many countries begin to use Green Barriers to restrict the import and export .