
  • Railway traction power;railway motive power
  1. 简要回顾了我国铁路牵引动力改革的成就;

    The achievement of reforming railway traction power of China is reviewed .

  2. 广深准高速铁路牵引动力的若干问题

    Tractive Force on Guang Shen Qulasi High Speed Line

  3. 铁路牵引动力四十年来的发展

    Development of Railway Tractive Power in Past 40 years

  4. 集通铁路牵引动力由蒸汽机车过渡为内燃机车的探讨

    Research on the Locomotive Transition from Steam to Diesel about Traction Power on Ji - Tong Line

  5. 机车型谱是铁路牵引动力技术政策实施的具体化。

    The rational design for the series of types of locomotives is concerned with the concrete implementation of the technical policy on the tractive power of our railways .

  6. 确定内燃牵引过渡到电力牵引的临界运量和时间,以及确定铁路牵引动力的合理配置。

    The critical transport capacity and time are determined during the transition from the diesel locomotive to the electric locomotive , and the railway towing power is reasonably and economically disposed .

  7. 建国四十年来,尤其是在近十年的改革中,铁路牵引动力及机务工作发生了很大的变化。

    The forty years since the founding of People 's Republic of China , especially the recent ten years of reform , have seen great changes in railway tractive power and locomotive Work .

  8. 综述了铁路牵引动力从蒸汽到内燃、电力的发展历程,介绍了各个阶段国内外的发展情况及各阶段的主要技术革新。

    Make a comprehensive introduction to the development of rail traction technology , from steam engine to diesel and electric . Development of both home and abroad and the main technical innovation at different development stages are presented .

  9. 展望了21世纪初叶世界铁路牵引动力总的发展趋势,特别是内燃机车和内燃动车的发展趋势及其在铁路牵引动力中的地位;

    The author has looked forward to the general development trend of railway traction power all over the world at the beginning of the 21st century , especially the development trend and positions in railway traction power of diesel locomotives and motorcars ;

  10. 电力牵引为主,电力机车担负运量的比重要逐步增加一这是我国铁路牵引动力技术政策的既定方针。

    " With electric traction being the primary mode , the ratio of traffic load shared by electric locomotive should be increased gradually " & This is the established policy in the technical guiding principles of railway traction driving force in our country .

  11. 电力电子技术与铁路机车牵引动力的发展

    Power Electronics and the Development of Traction Drive in Railway

  12. 关于我国铁路各种牵引动力合理使用范围的研究

    A study on rational utilization of various means of railway motive power in China

  13. 200km/h电动旅客列车组动力车&我国铁路高速牵引动力的新起点

    Power car of 200 km / h electric passenger train & A new jumping off point of high speed traction

  14. 机车是铁路运输的牵引动力,也是能源消耗大户,其消耗的能源占总运营支出的一半以上。

    Locomotive is not only the traction power of railway transportation , but also a large energy consumption user . The total energy consumption of locomotives is more than half of the operating expenses .

  15. 电力牵引以其特有的优势成为了铁路的重要牵引动力,我国《中长期铁路规划》将电气化铁路作为今后铁路建设的主要任务。

    Electricity has become the main traction power in railway systems . Constructing electrified railway is the major task of Chinese railway development according to The Middle and Long Term Plan of Chinese Railway Network .

  16. 21世纪铁路以电力作为牵引动力改造的必要性

    Necessity of reform railway traction power by using electric power supply in 21st century

  17. 内燃机车是我国铁路运输的主要牵引动力之一,随着科技的发展和铁路运输任务的增加,铁路运输对内燃机车柴油机提出了高可靠性的要求。

    The locomotive powered by internal combustion engine is one of the main railway traction powers . With the development of technology and the increase of the railway transportation tasks , high reliable internal combustion engines are urgently required .

  18. 要提高铁路运输能力,其关键在于牵引动力现代化,而对铁路牵引动力的改造,又是实现铁路现代化的中心环节。

    The key to increase the transportation capability is the modernization of traction power , whereas the improvement of traction power is the key link to modernize the railway .