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  • triathlon;iron-man triathlon
  1. 为了完成这场铁人三项,你得有超强的意志力!

    To complete this triathlon , you 're going to need true grit !

  2. 铁人三项开始是游泳,然后是自行车和赛跑。

    Triathlon begins with swimming , followed by cycling and running .

  3. 目前世界上还没有一家上市的铁人三项比赛运营商,而总部位于美国的活动推广商LiveNation,市销率也才不到一倍。

    There are no listed triathlon organisers but Live Nation , a US-based events company , trades at under one times revenues .

  4. TalkUltra播客创建者伊恩科利斯(IanCorless)说,自己从铁人三项赛“升级”至了极限马拉松赛。

    Ian Corless , who produces the Talk Ultra podcast , says he graduated to ultra marathons from triathlons and Ironman races .

  5. 举个例子,Matt在eBay上卖二手的稀有鞋品,或者Kelly参加过铁人三项比赛。

    For example , Matt resells rare shoes on eBay or Kelly participates in triathlons .

  6. 铁人三项世界锦标赛(IronmanTriathlonWorldChampionship)的两位冠军得主就因为心脏病需要动手术而被迫退役。

    Cardiac conditions that required surgery have forced into retirement two winners of the Ironman Triathlon World Championship .

  7. 上周,挪威人LotteMiller在艰难的女子铁人三项比赛中排名第24位。

    Norwegian Lotte Miller placed 24th in the difficult women 's triathlon last week .

  8. 之后我听了纽约特殊外科医院(HospitalforSpecialSurgery)运动医学专家约尔丹•梅茨尔博士(JordanMetzl)讲述他在第一次参加铁人三项赛时差点晕倒的事情。

    I then heard Jordan Metzl , a sports medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York , describe how he had nearly crashed during his first Ironman race .

  9. 波士顿麻省总医院(MassachusettsGeneralHospital)心脏病专家、铁人三项和马拉松选手亚伦??巴吉胥(AaronBaggish)说:“你跑得的路越长,得到的关注也就越多。”

    The longer you go , the more attention people pay to you , ' said Aaron Baggish , a triathlete , marathoner and Massachusetts General Hospital cardiologist .

  10. 这位《真爱如血》的明星,CK内衣的模特在夏威夷比赛铁人三项时大汗淋漓并脱下了上衣。

    The former True Blood star – and Calvin Klein underwear model – takes it off while working up a sweat during a triathlon in Hawaii .

  11. MECHADBROOKS米查·布鲁克斯这位《真爱如血》的明星,CK内衣的模特在夏威夷比赛铁人三项时大汗淋漓并脱下了上衣。

    The former True Blood star - and Calvin Klein underwear model - takes it off while working up a sweat during a triathlon in Hawaii .

  12. 虽然看起来如果没有哥哥的帮助,乔尼可能难以完成比赛,但铁人三项官方规则中附录K的第七条,允许运动员接受赛事官员或其他运动员的帮助。

    Although it seemed clear that Jonny would have had difficulty finishing without his brother 's aid , Appendix K , Rule 7 of the official triathlon rules allows athletes to receive assistance from either race officials or other athletes .

  13. 科纳等铁人三项比赛的主办方是佛罗里达州坦帕市的世界铁人公司(WorldTriathlonCorporation)。2015年,该公司委托进行的一项调查发现,铁人三项比赛选手的年均家庭收入为24.7万美元。

    A 2015 survey conducted for the World Triathlon Corporation - the Tampa , Fla. - based organizers of Kona and other Ironman races - found that the average annual household income for Ironman participants is $ 247000 .

  14. 当马克·布鲁曼克伦兹(MarcBlumencranz)有机会参加2013年夏威夷凯卢阿-科纳的铁人三项世界锦标赛(IronmanTriathlonWorldChampionships)时,他不惜一切代价去做准备,力求完成比赛。

    When Marc Blumencranz had an opportunity to compete in the 2013 Ironman Triathlon World Championships in Kailua-Kona , Hawaii , he spared no expense in his preparations to go the distance .

  15. 在更大规模赛事(比如纽约和芝加哥铁人三项)中为高管提供组织服务的特德肯尼迪(TedKennedy)表示,他经常问高管们怎么找到时间训练,答案无一例外地一样。

    Ted Kennedy , who organises events for executives within larger competitions such as the New York and Chicago triathlons , says he often asks when executives find the time to train and the answer is boringly the same .

  16. 王健林和盈方体育传媒和世界铁人三项公司(WTC)将被合并,成立一个新的公司——万达体育控股有限公司。

    Wang 's Wanda Group has set up Wanda Sports company , an integration of sports marketing company Infront Sports & Media and World Triathlon Corporation ( WTC ) .

  17. 2014年8月,当她在魁北克Mont-Tremblant完成铁人三项比赛一周之后,他带她去中央公园的TavernontheGreen餐馆共进晚餐,庆祝生日。

    In August 2014 , a week after she completed a full Ironman triathlon in Mont-Tremblant , Quebec , he took her out for a birthday dinner at Tavern on the Green in Central Park .

  18. 半个世纪过去了,传统依然延续。3T的发展不断壮大。在公路,跑道和铁人三项的领域里。3T意味着无与伦比的设计与持久的卓越。

    A half-century later , the tradition lives on.3T goes from strength to strength , with victories in road , track and triathlon races , awards for design , and an enduring name for excellence .

  19. 伍德喜欢的一种铁人三项名叫半程铁人三项(Ironman70.3),这种耐力赛包括1.2英里(合1.9公里)的露天游泳、56英里的自行车骑行、最后是13.1英里的路跑。

    The kind of triathlon Mr Oud favours is called an Ironman 70.3 , a torture test involving a 1.2 mile ( 1.9km ) open-water swim , a 56-mile bike race , topped off with a 13.1 mile road race .

  20. 在墨西哥科苏梅尔的铁人三项世界系列赛决赛中,处于领先位置的英国选手乔尼•布朗利(JonnyBrownlee)在比赛进行到只剩不到半英里时放慢了速度,踉踉跄跄地拐向一处补水站。

    At the final race of the World Triathlon Series in Cozumel , Mexico , Jonny Brownlee of Britain was leading with less than half a mile to go when he slowed and staggered over to a water station .

  21. 52岁的布鲁曼克伦兹是纽约州普莱恩维尤市大型私有保险经纪和财产管理公司BWD的总经理。不过,铁人三项运动中不乏事业成功人士。

    Mr. Blumencranz , now 52 , is a managing director for BWD , a large , privately held insurance brokerage and wealth-management firm in Plainview , N.Y. But his career success hardly makes him an anomaly in the sport .

  22. 这项政策吸引了大量投资,不到一年的时间,万达买了西甲冠军马德里竞技的股权,并在八月份和盈方体育传媒和世界铁人三项公司(WTC)合并,在体育方面投资了116亿元(约18.5亿美元)

    The expectations have drawn hugh investment into the sector . In less than a year , Wanda bought stake in Spanish La Liga champions Atletico Madrid , merged Infront and then bought WTC in August , spending about 11.6 billion yuan ( about 1.85 billion U.S. dollars ) in this area .

  23. 铁人三项的各项之间是没有休息时间的。

    There are no intervals between the three events of triathlon .

  24. 为了预防抽筋,铁人三项选手并不喝水。

    To prevent these cramps , tri-athletes do not drink water .

  25. 因此说铁人三项是非常残酷的比赛。

    That 's what makes the triathlon such a uniquely brutal event .

  26. 这个地区孕育了游泳、赛跑及铁人三项的冠军。

    The area has produced champions in swimming , running and triathlon .

  27. 铁人三项自行车&跑换项过程的调整与训练

    Training and Adjustment of Transition from Cycling to Running in Triathlon Competition

  28. 最近在台场海滨公园,一些球迷观看了铁人三项比赛。

    At Odaiba Marine Park , some fans recently watched the triathlon .

  29. 国家铁人三项队高原训练模式建立与实施

    The Establishment and Application of Plateau Training Mode for National Triathlon Team

  30. 本规程解释权归上海铁人三项运动俱乐部所有。

    Shanghai Triathlon Club reserves all rights on the explanation of this brochure .