
  • 网络caller;Calling party;call originator
  1. 由于呼叫方没有发送所需的信息,netmeeting无法回复该呼叫。

    NetMeeting cannot return this call because the caller did not send the required information .

  2. 由呼叫方设置(仅路由和远程访问服务)

    Set by Caller ( Routing and Remote Access Service only )

  3. 请输入呼叫方id。

    Please enter the user 's caller-ID.

  4. 本文主要研究了CAMEL4体系中的呼叫方处理CPH特性并设计了相应的实现方案。

    This thesis mainly discusses the CPH characteristic and its implementation .

  5. INCS-2呼叫方处理能力及其实现

    IN CS 2 Call Party Handling and Its Implementation

  6. 然后,为了能访问到呼叫方和被叫方的地址信息,电话局向信令网关发一个SS7消息。

    The central office then sends an SS7 message to a signaling gateway in order to get access to calling and called address information .

  7. CNN编辑布莱恩·里斯成功地利用该漏洞偷听了朋友、家人和一位同事的电话,有一次甚至还能够看到被呼叫方的实时视频。

    CNN editor Brian Ries successfully used it on friends , family members and a colleague , and in one instance was even able to see video of the people he was calling .

  8. 并非所有被引用的特权都指派给呼叫方。

    Not all privileges referenced are assigned to the caller .

  9. 接听电话后听不到呼叫方的声音。

    The caller cannot be heard after accepting the call .

  10. 企图释放并非呼叫方所拥有的多用户终端运行程序。

    Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller .

  11. 正在创建要被用来显示呼叫方的视频的窗口。

    Creating a window that will be used to display a caller 's video .

  12. 除了不会阻塞之外,非阻塞读不能给呼叫方任何保证。

    A nonblocking read makes no guarantee to the caller besides the fact that it won 't block .

  13. 当对访问权限进行强制检查时,在呼叫方或默认上下文中不能强制执行激活。

    Activation cannot be forced in the caller 's or the default context when access checks are enforced .

  14. 使用设备参数将允许使用当前首选设备替换呼叫方的可信设备。

    Using the device parameter allows the caller 's dependable device to be overridden with the currently preferred device .

  15. 在某些情况下,如果被呼叫方按下音量键来拒接电话,该漏洞还可以直播视频。

    In some cases , the bug can also show live video of the other person if they press a volume button to dismiss the call .

  16. 该呼叫不是协议方。

    The call is not part of a conference .

  17. 当苹果手机的这个漏洞被触发,发起呼叫的一方则能够听到被呼叫一方的现场音频,即使被呼叫方没有接电话。

    When the bug is activated , the person who initiated the call is able to hear the live audio on the other person 's phone , even though the recipient has not accepted the call .

  18. 从呼叫开始到被叫方应答所需的时间间隔。

    The interval of time between the initiation of a call and the instant when the called party answers .

  19. 对于一般的智能业务的设计与实现而言,主要是考虑如何在智能网的半呼叫模型基础之上实现呼叫方处理能力。

    For the design and realization of common intelligent service , we mainly consider how to realize CPH capabilities .

  20. 被呼数据终端设备(DTE)发送出来的一种呼叫控制信号,用以表示它接受呼叫方的呼叫。

    A call control signal sent by the called DTE to indicate that it accepts the incoming call .