
  • 网络End expiratory;PEEP;end-tidal
  1. 目的探讨允许性高碳酸的血症(PHV)联用低呼气末正压(PEEP)通气治疗危重哮喘的效果。

    Objectives To investigate the effectiveness of PHV combined with low PEEP for severe asthma .

  2. 呼气末正压治疗重症哮喘的临床观察

    Clinical observation to treating severity asthma with peep

  3. 目的探讨呼气末定量CT对早期小气道病变的诊断价值。

    Objective To determine whether the end expiratory quantitative CT has value in detecting early stage small airway diseases .

  4. 体外循环围术期心脏迷走神经活动与心排量和呼气末CO2关系

    Relationship of Cardiac Vagus Activity on cardiac Output and End-tidal CO2 Tension Occurring Perioperatively with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  5. 两组呼吸频率和呼气末二氧化碳均存在显著性差异(P<0.01,P<0.05)。

    Breath rate and P ET CO 2 showed significant difference between the two groups ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 胸腹部CT扫描呼吸方法的探讨&过度换气呼气末屏气与平静呼吸吸气末屏气的比较

    Research on breath method of chest and abdomen in CT scan : comparison between breath out after excessive breath and breath in after normal breath

  7. 目的通过平静呼吸吸气末屏气(组)A与过度换气呼气末屏气(组)B的比较,找出既能增加屏气时间,又能减少层面差异的方法。

    Objective To find a method that allow increase breath holding time and decrease slice difference by compared with breath holding after excessive breath and after nomal breath .

  8. 全麻中IPPV时潮气量与呼气末CO2分压的关系

    Relationship between Tidal Volume with End & tidal PCO_2 during IPPV in Anesthetized Patients

  9. 目的探讨以不同肺牵张指数(lungstressindex)选择的呼气末正压(PEEP)与急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)肺复张容积与氧合的关系。

    Objective To determine the relationship of stress index with lung recruitment and gas exchange in dogs with acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) .

  10. 每组均给予三种肺复张方法:控制性肺膨胀(SI)、呼气末正压(PEEP)递增法(IP)和压力控制法(PCV)。

    RM methods included sustained inflation , incremental positive end-expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) and pressure controlled ventilation .

  11. 目的:观察呼气末正压(PEEP)对重症哮喘患者的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe the therapeutical action in severity asthma with PEEP .

  12. 容量控制通气,潮气量6ml/kg,高呼气末正压,PEEP为12~15cmH2O(高PEEP)。

    Volume controlled ventilation with high positive end-expiratory pressure ( high PEEP ) .

  13. 高呼气末正压机械通气策略在ARDS患者中应用的系统评价

    Effect of a High Positive End-Expiratory Pressure Ventilation Strategy in Patients with ARDS : A Systematic Review

  14. 结论:呼气末HRCT可用于评估OLD患者肺残气量并可诊断这类疾病。

    Conclusions : Postexpiratory HRCT can be used to evaluate air trapping in patients with OLD , and be useful in the diagnosis of these diseases .

  15. 方法:应用呼气末阻断法测定了36例COPD患者机械通气时的PEEPi。

    Methods : 36 COPD patients were studied through end expiratory blocking method .

  16. 分别于6个时点行室间隔平面胸部CT扫描:平静呼气末(T1);

    Chest computed tomograph ( CT ) of the layer of interventricular septum was performed at the end of normal expiration ( FRC ) at 6 time points : ( 1 ) the baseline ( T_1 );

  17. 目的应用肺泡复张法(recruitmentmanoeuver,RM),同时调节呼气末正压水平,观察ARDS病人功能残气量的变化,评价肺泡复张法在治疗ARDS中的临床价值。

    Aim To evaluate the effect of different PEEP on ARDS patient 's functional residual capacity ( FRC ) by alveolar recruitment manoeuver .

  18. 方法对临床和肺功能检查确诊的肺气肿病人40例与正常对照组20例,用HRCT分别进行深呼气末和深吸气末的CT扫描,测其CT值。

    Methods Forty pulmonary emphysema patients ( diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema was made by a combination of clinical and pulmonary function tests ) were scanned by HRCT at the end of inspiration and expiration .

  19. 目的探讨外源性呼气末正压(PEEP)对气过压力影响的规律。

    Objective To study the effects of positive ent - expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) in airway pressure with a lung model .

  20. 研究呼气末正压(PEEP)通气对全麻中及术后肺分流(Qs/Qt)的影响。

    The effects of positive end-expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) on pulmonary shunt were studied during gen - eral anesthesia and postoperative period .

  21. 【方法】实验动物麻醉后气管插管,呼吸机保持正常的呼气末潮气量和动脉CO2浓度。

    【 Methods 】 After general anesthesia , animals were endotracheal intubated and mechanically ventilated by a respirator . A normal tidal volume and a normal arterial carbon dioxide were maintained during the experiment .

  22. 方法在35例机械通气患者中,测定在不同水平的呼气末正压(PEEP)时的CVP值,并进行相关性分析。

    Methods Determining CVP of35 patients undergoing mechanical ventilation at various PEEP levels , and analyzing the relation between CVP and PEEP .

  23. 目的比较胸廓外持续负压(CNEP)和呼气末正压(PEEP)对健康犬血流动力学和呼吸力学的影响。

    To compare the hemodynamics and pulmonary mechanics effects of CNEP and PEEP .

  24. 随着呼气末气道正压(PEEP)的加大,通气良好肺组织持续增加,其中在LIP,d位置显著增加。

    With increase of positive end expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) , a continual increase of the normally aerated area was found , which indicated continuous alveolar recruitment .

  25. 目的观察呼气末正压(PEEP)对急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)绵羊内脏器官灌注的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of positive end-expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) on splanchnic perfusion in sheep with acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) .

  26. LBD组术中呼气末二氧化碳分压明显高于OBD组。

    Intraoperative laparoscopic end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure was significantly higher than the open surgery group .

  27. 资料与方法对经严格选择的63名无症状非吸烟者进行肺吸气末与呼气末HRCT扫描,其中32名进行肺功能测试。

    Materials and Methods Lung HRCT scans were performed at end inspiratory and end expiratory in 63 subjects , and PFT were performed in 32 of them .

  28. 方法20例OSAS患者,在呼气末二氧化碳仪的监控下,对其清醒及睡眠呼吸暂停期的上气道进行多层螺旋CT扫描检查。18例同龄正常成年人作为对照组。

    Methods Twenty patients with OSAS underwent multislice CT scan while awake and during sleep apnea episodes under monitoring of capnography , 18 age - matched normal subjects were selected as the control group .

  29. 目的探讨无症状长期吸烟者肺小气道损害的深吸气末和深呼气末HRCT表现。

    Objective To evaluate the value of the end inspiratory and end expiratory HRCT ( functional HRCT ) in detecting early stage small airway disease to cigarette smoking .

  30. 目的采用低潮气量加呼气末正压(PEEP)通气,观察对急性肺损伤(ALI)氧代谢的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of low tidal volume with positive end-expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) on oxygen metabolism in14 acute lung injury ( ALI ) patients .