
cóng shū
  • series;collection;set;series of books
丛书 [cóng shū]
  • [collection] 由很多书汇编成集的一套书

  • 知识青年自学丛书

丛书[cóng shū]
  1. 在撰写《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》之前,梅里安花费了数十年时间记录她发表在系列丛书中的欧洲植物和昆虫。

    Before writing Metamorphosis , Merian spent decades documenting European plants and insects that she published in a series of books .

  2. 其中一个窍门引用了一系列丛书作参考,叫做“一分钟的床前故事。”而我,现在真不愿意承认但是我那时的第一反应和现在非常的不同。

    And one of them made reference to a series of books called " The One-Minute Bedtime Story . " And I wince9 saying those words now , but my first reaction at the time was very different .

  3. 丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。

    The third book in the series is currently in preparation .

  4. 《牛津化学初级读本》丛书旨在论述有机化学中的重要问题。

    The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry

  5. 本系列丛书将包括小说和非小说类纪实文学作品。

    The series will include both fiction and non-fiction

  6. 案头放着一套科技丛书。

    There is a series of science and technology on the desk .

  7. 为了便于青少年学习,他们编了一套《自然科学小丛书》。

    They have compiled a collection of Elementary Readings on the Natural Scieces to help young people in their studies .

  8. 这部丛书分三辑,每辑五本。

    This set of books are in three parts , and each part is in five volumes .

  9. 例如,假设您正在创建一个销售联机丛书的web应用程序。

    For example , suppose you are creating a web application that sells books online .

  10. 《WTO实用英语会话学习丛书》评介

    Review of Practical English Conversation for WTO

  11. 阅读关于它的文档(联机丛书,知识库,google等等)。

    Read about it ( books online , KB , google etc ) .

  12. 还有哈里波特系列丛书的作者J·K·罗琳。

    And J.K.Rowling , author of the Harry Potter books .

  13. 这个系列丛书的许多作者现在都是IBMRational的雇员,其中一些书目讨论了特定的Rational产品。

    Many of the series'authors are current IBM Rational employees , and some books discuss specific Rational products .

  14. SQLServer联机丛书中的孤立用户疑难解答主题中没有讲述解决此问题的具体步骤。

    The Troubleshooting Orphaned Users'topic in SQL Server Books Online does not outline the exact steps for troubleshooting this problem .

  15. 注意:要添加标准SQLServer登录,请参阅SQLServer联机丛书中的“spaddlogin”主题。

    Note To add a standard SQL Server login , see the " sp_addlogin " topic in SQL Server Books Online .

  16. 该丛书系列中的《SOA治理》(SOAGovernance)将会带来更多技术和组织方面的最佳实践及模式集合。

    The upcoming title SOA Governance as part of this book series will provide a collection of additional technical and organizational best practices and patterns .

  17. 我们认为Spectrum是一部正在被书写的史书,在多年以后这系列丛书仍将为艺术家和读者提供参考和灵感。

    We think of Spectrum as an ongoing history book series , collections that can be used as both a reference and as an inspiration to artists and readers for many years to come .

  18. 语言与文学交叉研究丛书之一:《实践中的文学研究》MSP430系列单片机与串行EEPROM的接口

    The Interface Series : Literary Studies in Action Interface of MSP430 Series Singlechip and Serial EEPROM

  19. 本丛书每册含6套全真模拟试题、6份录音文本材料及答案、一张MP3光盘。

    Each book in this series with six exam questions , 6 recorded text materials and answers , an MP3 .

  20. 因此,服务发现的过程是关联SOA治理的一组模式的活动,我们即将发表的《SOA治理》(SOAGovernance)中会单独阐述它,该书是该丛书系列的一部分。

    The process of service discovery is therefore related to a set of SOA governance patterns documented separately in the upcoming title SOA Governance that will be released as part of this book series .

  21. 这套15张的邮票将纪念英国对这部美剧作出的贡献。该剧改编自乔治·R·R·马丁的畅销系列丛书《冰与火之歌》。

    The collection of 15 stamps will mark the significant British contribution to the US show which is based on the best-selling book series " A Song of Ice and Fire " by George R R Martin .

  22. 若要搜索其他主题,请使用联机丛书或msdn的搜索功能。

    To search for other topics , use the search feature of Books Online or msdn .

  23. Arsenovski还是多个主要出版商的丛书作者,拥有微软认证解决方案开发专家(MCSD,MicrosoftCertifiedSolutionDeveloper)证书,并在2005年被提名为VisualBasicMVP。

    Arsenovski is a contributing author for different major publications , holds a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer ( MCSD ) certification , and was named Visual Basic MVP in2005 .

  24. JK罗琳写了关于哈利波特的系列丛书,这个孩子的前额有一块伤疤,身世隐密。

    JK Rowling has written a series of books about Harry Potter , a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past .

  25. 什么书?我在看当代美国作家Rothman的系列丛书。

    What 's that ? Jamie : I 'm reading books on Rothman 's list of contemporary American authors .

  26. JK罗林的《哈利波特》系列丛书以微弱劣势屈居第二,托尔金的《魔戒》三部曲位列第三。

    The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling was a close second , followed by The Lord of The Rings trilogy by JRR Tolkien in third place .

  27. 《中国语言生活绿皮书》是关于语言生活的系列丛书,按内容分为A类和B类,A类发布语言文字的软性规范标准,B类是语言生活的状况与分析研究。

    The Green Paper on Language Situation in China ( GPLSC ) is a series book concerning language situation in China , encompassing two different types according to the content . Type A promulgates the soft norms of the language while Type B investigates and analyzes the language situation .

  28. 《哈利波特》系列丛书的作者JK罗琳,将根据她在2001年写的54页霍格沃茨教科书《神奇动物在哪里》撰写三部电影剧本。

    JK Rowling , author of the Harry Potter book series , is going to write three films based on the 54-page Hogwarts textbook she wrote in 2001 .

  29. 约翰·基尔卡伦是出版入门读物《傻瓜丛书》的IDG全球书业的主席和总经理。

    John Kilcullen is the chairman and CEO of IDG Books Worldwide , which publishes the " Dummies " series of how-to books .

  30. J.K.罗琳的著名魔幻系列哈利波特丛书的第一部,自1997年出版,销量已达1.07亿本。

    The first novel of J. K. Rowling 's famous " Harry Potter " series sold over 107 million copies after its 1997 publication .