
  • Voice recorder;digital voice recorder;Recorder Pen
  1. 在整个访谈过程中,研究者用录音笔记录访谈内容。

    Throughout the interview , the author used the voice recorder to record the content of the interview .

  2. 若您有录音笔或手机录音功能,在讲座组织方没有明文禁止的情况下,帮俺和大家录个音;

    If you have voice recorder , please record the lecture to share with others who are interested but can not attend ;

  3. 但如果你想找一种经济实惠的方式录制清晰可辨的对话,斯塔尼福斯推荐使用ZoomH1录音笔(在zoom.co.jp上的售价为100美元(约合人民币612元))。

    But if you want an affordable way to capture intelligible dialogue , Mr. Staniforth recommended the Zoom H1 ( $ 100 , zoom . co.jp ) .

  4. 录音笔里的电池是锂电池,可以随时更换使用。

    The internal battery of the recorder pen is lithium battery can be charged and used anytime .

  5. 记者:您现在接受记者采访时带着录音笔吗?

    Reporter ( R ): Have you your recorder with you when you are having this interview ?

  6. 我说要带录音笔,是因为对香港传媒比较敏感。

    I said I want to bring my recorder , it is because Hong Kong media is very sensitive .

  7. 写作任务每个人单独进行,用录音笔记录每位受试者写作的全过程。

    The writing task was undertaken individually and a tape recorder was used to record the whole process of thinking-aloud .

  8. 于是我们就从她不久前倡议香港艺人接受媒体采访时自带录音笔谈起。

    So I started the interview from her recent suggestion that when artists being interviewed , they should bring along their own recorder .

  9. 实验在三个实验室进行,所有叙述的故事都录进录音笔并且转写下来。

    The experiment is conducted in three laboratories . In the end , the stories they told are recorded in the tape and then transcribed .

  10. 我说要带录音笔,是怕被歪曲了真实情况,必须要自我保护。

    When I say I want to bring a recorder , because I don 't like things to be twisted from true fact , I have to protect myself .

  11. 这么多年来,我们中的大多数人恐怕至少都买过一台奥林巴斯的相机、望远镜或数码录音笔,但我们很少考虑关于它的领导层或董事会的事。

    Over the years , most of us have bought at least one of its cameras , binoculars or digital voice recorders , without much thought to its executives and board .

  12. 我随机参加了9次评课活动,并用录音笔或数码相机进行了全程录音(像),以收集资料,通过对文本的分析了解老师们是如何评课的。

    The researcher has taken part in their lesson-evaluating activities for 9 times , and recorded the entire process with a voice recorder or a digital camera to collect information . In analysis of the typescripts , the researcher understands how they evaluate lessons .

  13. 记者们知道,采访中最好的时刻,是你收起录音笔然后说,“非常感谢你抽出时间接受采访。”然后,从你连珠炮般的问题中解放出来的受访者会告诉你她一直渴望吐露的事情。

    Journalists know that the best moment in the interview often comes when you put away your pen and say , " Thank you so much for your time . " Then the interviewee - freed from your barrage of questions - tells you the thing she had been wanting to say all along .