
  • 网络Recording;recording function;voice recorder;line in
  1. Nucleus系统的移动终端录音功能设计

    Design of Mobile Terminal Recording Function Based on Nucleus

  2. Skype、MSN、QQ等即时消息软件给我们的生活和工作带来了很多便利,但它们都没有设计录音功能。

    Instance Messagers ( IMs ) such as Skype / MSN / QQ bring us many conveniences . But none of them has recording function .

  3. 其他功能包括电子书、一般个人电子手账功能、MP3播放器、相簿、录音功能等。

    Other functions include E-book , general PDA functions , MP3 player , album and voice recorder , etc.

  4. 在对AMR算法及手机平台分析的基础上,提出了基于AMR语音压缩算法的手机录音功能的设计方案。

    Through analyzing working principle of mobile terminal and adaptive multi-rate ( AMR ) voice coding and decoding algorithm , this paper proposes recording design scheme based on AMR voice compressing algorithm .

  5. 前置提取设备使用基于CTI技术的语音卡插入工控机实现,完成信令交互、话音压缩编码及录音功能,并根据信令过程记录通话日志。

    Pre-extracting Device is made up of an industrial computer with a CTI technology based voice card . It does signaling interactions , compresses voices data , records conversations , generates call logs according to call processes .

  6. 目前的Solaris操作系统还采用它自身的SADA(Solaris音频驱动架构)来支持音频设备,它只提供了基本的数字音频播放和录音功能,还不支持MIDI等音频文件格式。

    The current Solaris operating system uses SADA ( Solaris Audio Driver Architecture ) to support audio devices , it just provides the basic digital audio playback and recording functions , and do not support MIDI audio file format .

  7. 那么把录音功能开上一晚上会怎么样呢?

    What about leaving the recording function on all night ?

  8. 当然,你的电话要有录音功能的才行。

    Thank you for calling and we 'll return your message as soon as possible .

  9. 这一台有自动回带,录音功能,和接收AM/FM波段的收音机。

    This unit has auto-reverse , recording capability , and an AM / FM radio band .

  10. 同时还具有录音功能,你可以用好几种语言识别国旗哟!

    You can identify flags in several languages with you voice because the software has recording functions .

  11. 这台有接收AM/FM波段的之收音机,内置的麦克风,录音功能,和没有自动回带装置。

    It has an AM / FM band , built-in microphone , recording capability , and no auto-reverse .

  12. 设计并通过MFC/C++编程实现具有防录音回放功能的说话人识别系统。

    Design and Establish the Speaker Recognition System with Anti-Playback function through MFC / C + + coding .

  13. 这架相机是否有录音或录像功能?

    Does this camera have voice or video recording ?

  14. 双麦克风使得相机具有录音和喇叭功能,并作为公共广播系统能被连接到相机。

    Both a microphone for audio recording and speakers as part of a public address system can be connected to the cameras .

  15. 另外,联合的解决方案将通过强大的录音和分析功能,预测和计划安排功能帮助联系中心达到性能最优化。

    In addition , the joint solutions will help ensure optimized contact center performance through robust recording and analysis , as well as forecasting and scheduling functionality .

  16. 手机包括“双声迹”高保真录音及回放功能,以及双后置摄像头,能捕捉高分辨率的图像和视频。

    The device includes " dual track " -- high fidelity sound recording and playback , as well as dual rear-cameras that capture high resolution images and videos .

  17. 但googlevoice用一个精美的个性化网页,将所有上述功能集于一身,还加入了通话录音等其它先进功能。

    But Google voice pulls them all together in an elegant personalised web page and adds other advanced features such as the ability to record a call .

  18. 在此基础上,给出UDA1341TS在基于S3C2410X的触摸式语音电子菜单系统中的软硬件设计方案,设计并实现了播音、录音、播放等功能。

    On this condition , the software and hardware design scheme of the application of UDA1341TS are put forward in touching audio electronic menu which was based on S3C2410X .

  19. 服务器应用程序是系统的主控制部分,实现计算机对音频数据的采集、录音保存和回放功能,并将语音数据通过网络传输至客户端。

    First the server program is the main control unit for collecting audio data , saving records and rewinding , then transmitting the audio data to the client by net .

  20. 接处警子系统除了为用户提供了接警、处警、指挥调度、联动、反馈、结案归档的警情各阶段处理能力外,还包括案件查询统计,录音查放等功能和一定的辅助决策支持。

    Accepting and handling police information subsystem in addition to providing a user receiving , handling , command control , interactive , feedback , the police information archiving closed phases throughput , but also including cases enquiries statistics , or other recording of certain ancillary functions and decision support .

  21. 若您有录音笔或手机录音功能,在讲座组织方没有明文禁止的情况下,帮俺和大家录个音;

    If you have voice recorder , please record the lecture to share with others who are interested but can not attend ;

  22. 抗体录音机是一种直接和实时录音软件,提供专业录音功能,音频,AVI和MP3格式的支持。

    ACA Audio Recorder is a direct and real-time sound recorder software which offers professional recording features with WAV , AVI and MP3 format support .

  23. 所谓网络录音盒是指一种可以通过网络向远程的计算机提供录音盒所在位置的监听以及录音功能的网络设备。

    The so-called network recording box refers to a network through a remote computer to the provision of recording the location of the box and recording wiretapping functional network equipment .