
zhǎn chì fēi xiáng
  • Spread your wings and fly;spread its wings to fly
展翅飞翔[zhǎn chì fēi xiáng]
  1. 它望着天空中展翅飞翔的大鹏,忍不住发笑,说:

    It looked up at the roc soaring in the sky and couldn ’ t help laughing .

  2. Terrafugia需要借助一些东风才能展翅飞翔。

    Terrafugia needs some wind beneath its improbable wings .

  3. 而坚持认为这正是我们展翅飞翔的时机。

    Keep on thinking it 's our time to fly * .

  4. 在书卷之间展翅飞翔是多么地惬意!

    How easy it is to fly on paper wings !

  5. 教师给学生的爱能够让学生们带着希望展翅飞翔。

    The love that teachers give students can make their hopes take wings .

  6. 鸟儿到处展翅飞翔。

    Birds are flapping about everywhere . Follow the flight of a bird ;

  7. 当你了解你有双翼时,你可以再次展翅飞翔。

    And when you understand you have wings , you can soar again .

  8. 在孩提时,你梦想过像鸟儿一样展翅飞翔吗?

    Did you ever dream as a kid about flying like a bird ?

  9. 鸟儿在海天之间展翅飞翔。

    Birds are flying gaily in the sky .

  10. 但他们竭尽所能也没能让这只鹦鹉展翅飞翔!

    They all tried their best , but couldn 't make the parrot fly !

  11. 浩瀚的宇宙,我们一样展翅飞翔。

    The vast universe , we as wings .

  12. 自灌木丛知更鸟、鹪鹩展翅飞翔。

    The robin and the wren are flown , and from the shrubs the jay .

  13. 电力特种光缆进网质量检验现状及存在问题长飞(上海)在逆境中展翅飞翔&访长飞光纤光缆(上海)有限公司总经理张雁翔

    The network access examination state and existed problems of electric power special optical fiber wires

  14. 突然间,他展翅飞翔,猛地升到空中。

    So she spread her brown wings for flight , and soared into the air .

  15. 相信小鸟们都能快乐地长大,与展翅飞翔!

    It is believed that the birds can all grow up happily , hovers with spread the wings !

  16. 我害怕变化,直到我看到,哪怕最美丽的蝴蝶也是经过蜕变才能展翅飞翔。

    I feared change , until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly had to undergo a metamorphosis before it could fly .

  17. 吉米-亨德里克斯写给他的“小女孩”的情书排在了第十位,信中他鼓励她“展翅飞翔”。

    Jimi Hendrix 's letter to his ' little girl ' comes in at tenth as he encourages her to ' spread her wings ' .

  18. 无忧无虑四处为家只要我想到一个地方只需展翅飞翔它就可以无需背负一身负担;

    Carefree four home just as long as I can think of a place it can spread its wings without having to bear a burden ;

  19. 在另一时期当地球致密被驱散时,我们的双翼将再次出现而能展翅飞翔。

    The wings will come at another time in the physical when the density of earth has lifted and our species can then fly again .

  20. 楚庄王笑了一笑,回答说:“三年不展翅飞翔,是为了让羽翼长得更加丰满;

    King Zhuang of Chu smiled and answered : " It didn 't spread its wings to fly for three years in order to grow full-fledged .

  21. 王平:想象一下,在开幕式上一只只鸽子在运动场上空展翅飞翔,景象何其壮观。

    Wang Ping : Imagine , what a grand view that was , when many doves spread their wings and flew into the sky at the opening !

  22. 蝴蝶要通过这一挤压过程将体液从身体挤压到翅膀,这样它才能在脱茧而出后展翅飞翔

    The butterfly transfers its body fluid to its wings by the process of the extrusion . The butterfly may fly after creeping out from its cocoon 's hole

  23. 妮娜很期待能够展翅飞翔,休息一下并环游世界。我们绝对支持她。

    Nina is excited to spread her wings , get some rest , travel the world and also take it by storm , and we support her a thousand-fold .

  24. 妮妮来自于天空,她是一只展翅飞翔的燕子,其造型创意来自北京传统的沙燕风筝。

    Among the kite designs , the golden-winged swallow is traditionally one of the most popular . Nini 's figure is drawn from this grand tradition of flying designs .

  25. 鸟儿轻而易举地就飞起来了,它们用翅膀拍打着空气,穿过空气上空,展翅飞翔。

    Birds fly very easily . They beat the air with their wings and climb up through the air . Then they spread their wings and float on the air .

  26. 无论你在大小急诊机构工作,在城市、村庄还是乡下,会议都鼓励您在新的方向中展翅飞翔。

    Whether you work in a small or large Emergency Department ; in the city , the country or the bush , this conference will encourage you to spread your wings in new directions .

  27. 吉米-亨德里克斯写给他的小女孩的情书排在了第十位,信中他鼓励她展翅飞翔。虽然这封情书的收信人不详,但这并不影响它在前十名中占得一席之地。

    Jimi Hendrix 's letter to his ' little girl ' comes in at tenth as he encourages her to ' spread her wings ' . The recipient of the letter is unclear but still earns itself a place in the top spot .

  28. 又如久被关在铁笼里的小鸟,多么想展翅飞翔,尽情享受那海阔天空。

    Put it in another way . I am like a small bird that , after having been kept in an iron cage for a long time , yearns now to flap my wings and fly up into the expansive sky in an outburst of delight .

  29. 因为思想是一只属于天空的鸟,在语言的牢笼中它或许能展翅,却不能飞翔。

    For thought is a bird of space , that in a cage of words many indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly .