
zhèng wén
  • text;main body
正文 [zhèng wén]
  • [text] 著作的本文

正文[zhèng wén]
  1. 这项条约的正文共八条。

    The main body of the treaty consists of eight articles .

  2. 第二部分是正文,共五章。

    The second part is main body , which has five chapters .

  3. 她不仅写了正文部分,而且还挑选了插图。

    She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustrations .

  4. 看正文第5行。

    Look at line 5 of the text .

  5. 我的工作是设计页面上的正文和图表。

    My job is to lay out the text and graphics on the page .

  6. 正文一律用小写字体。

    The text is all in lower case .

  7. 我希望标题和正文使用不同的字体。

    I 'd like the heading to be in a different typeface from the text .

  8. 正文可以从4点变到108点,但印刷质量丝毫不会降低。

    Text can be scaled from 4 points to 108 points without any loss of quality .

  9. 正文开头的文字让我们颇为担心。

    The first words of the text filled us with misgiving .

  10. 我们略掉了我们认为对正文不甚紧要的脚注。

    We have omitted footnotes which we judged inessential to the text .

  11. 他答应亲自编辑正文的内容。

    He undertook to edit the text himself .

  12. 正文内容准确,信息量大。

    The text is precise and informative .

  13. 正文占了231页。

    The text fills 231 pages .

  14. 这些插图是严格地解释正文内容的。

    The illustrations are strictly illustrative of the text .

  15. 这些插图使正文臻于完备。

    These illustrations fulfil the text .

  16. 正文用大字,注用小字。

    The text is in large type , the notes in small .

  17. 正文附有一个详细的词汇表。

    The text is supplemented by an adequate glossary .

  18. 正文共分为六章,另加以附录

    The whole content includes six chapters and addenda .

  19. 本书采用的办法是在正文中不用莱布尼兹记号。

    The policy adopted in this book is to disallow Leibnizian notation within the text .

  20. 硬拷贝输出可以拿在手里,如印有正文(文字或数字)或图形的纸张。

    Hardcopy output can be held in your hand-examples are paper with text or graphics printed on it .

  21. 案例正文真实地记录了埃美公司的人力资源管理体系和合并过程中出现的问题

    The body text veraciously recorded EM company ? s HR management systemand problems raised from the merger .

  22. 封面设计一般七、八版,运气不好有可能达到50版。通常快速的设计需要7-8个版本的迭代才能选出定稿,之后还需要做一些微调(把标题调大一点儿、换一个正文字体、市场部要求作者的名字用金箔等)。

    A quick design process might involve seven or eight different iterations before a final design is chosen , followed by a process of fine-tuning ( make the title bigger , try a script font , Marketing wants the author in gold foil , etc ) .

  23. 在每个页面上为标题、脚注和正文组件创建Style类型的组件。

    Create components of type Style for header , footer and body components , on each page .

  24. 创建SIP和HTTP调用流图表,并有完整的标题和正文内容

    Create SIP and HTTP call flow diagrams complete with full header and body content

  25. 当用户输入搜索正文时,调用Javascript建立cookie。

    Call the Javascript to set up the cookie when a user enters search text .

  26. 在正文之内,有名为“splash”的div元素;这是非常标准的Web实践。

    Within the body , there 's a div named " splash "; that 's pretty standard Web practice .

  27. 本文正文分五部分,第一章简述了OCT的原理和现有动态聚焦OCT的实现方法;

    The first chapter introduces the principle of OCT and present ways of dynamic focusing .

  28. 首先,深入研究了网页分类、抽取规则提取和复用以及正文信息抽取的问题。传统的WEB信息抽取针对的是模板单一的网站,抽取规则不能复用,可适应性低。

    The traditional WEB information extraction system is based on the single template , the rules extracted cannot reuse because of the differences of the website templates , and the adaptation is low .

  29. 上述方法是基于REST的请求的范例:正确使用HTTPPOST并将有效负载包括在请求的正文中。

    The method above is exemplary of a RESTful request : proper use of HTTP POST and inclusion of the payload in the body of the request .

  30. 请注意,现时标志(20010711-0001287634)和接收方的身份是被添加到SOAP正文部分的订单信息中的。

    Note that a nonce ( 20010711-0001287634 ) and the identity of the recipient are added to the order information in the SOAP body .