
  • Regular;regular employee;FTE
  1. 波林还认为,实习生制度剥夺了正式员工的机会。

    Mr Perlin also argues that internships take away opportunities from regular workers .

  2. 实习生和正式员工一样,能够获取内部资源和内部消息。

    Interns , like regular employees , are also given the same access to internal resources and information .

  3. 凯西16岁就到Villa打工,高中毕业后成了正式员工。

    Cathey took a part-time job with Villa at age 16 and became a full-time employee after graduating from high school .

  4. 而且临时工参加在职培训的机会也比正式员工少得多。

    Irregulars also get far less on-the-job training than their contracted counterparts .

  5. 但我不算正式员工

    but I 'm not formally affiliated with the staff .

  6. 合同工的薪资水平比正式员工低40%。

    They earn 40 per cent less than permanent staff .

  7. 询问一下一般有多少实习生最后成为了正式员工。

    Ask how many interns are made permanent .

  8. 博物馆有三名正式员工,年运营成本为40万欧元。

    It has three permanent employees and will cost € 400,000 a year to run .

  9. 尽管总体而言正式员工薪水平均比临时工多出9%,但情况还是如此。

    This is despite permanent staff generally getting paid 9pc more on average than temps .

  10. 在成为正式员工之前,你们要进行相应的培训。

    Before becoming part of the official staff , you have to take relevant vocational training .

  11. 此手册涉及的内容适用于本公司正式员工,试用期员工和签约的实习生。

    This handbook applies to all the employees who are in permanent , probationary and trainee appointments .

  12. 由于认同度的差异,外包员工的能力总体上比正式员工要低。

    Due to the identification-missing , the competence of outsourcing employee is not as good as official employee .

  13. 只要圆满完成试用期,你即可转为正式员工。

    You 'll be transferred to the permanent staff subject to your satisfactory completion of the probationary period .

  14. 沃利斯表示,脸书希望有尽可能多的实习生能在实习期结束后留下成为正式员工。

    Wallis says that Facebook always hopes to make as many full-time offers as possible after an intern cycle .

  15. 我们鼓励你去和其他部门的员工交谈,比起正式员工,你可以问更多的问题。

    You are encouraged to talk with staff from other departments , and ask more questions than a formal employee .

  16. 员工不再留恋于一个企业,雇佣的流动性也越来越大,使正式员工的数量也减少。

    Employees no longer see in an enterprise , hire liquidity is growing , the number of formal employee also reduced .

  17. 今年7月,正式员工的现金收入大增2.6%,为17年来最高。

    In July cash earnings for regular employees rose a hefty 2.6 per cent , the fastest increase for 17 years .

  18. 3个月试用后,如一切顺利,将转为正式员工并且加薪。

    If you work all right after three months you will be put on the permanent payroll and be given a raise .

  19. 让我们考虑以下情况:一家公司正在做出难以撤销的决定,例如聘用一位新的正式员工,或者收购一家新工厂。

    Consider a company making a hard-to-reverse decision such as hiring a new permanent member of staff or buying a new factory .

  20. 即便做的是相同的工作,临时工平均薪酬远低于正式员工。

    Average pay for irregulars falls far short of that for " regular " employees , even if they are doing exactly the same job .

  21. 很多时候从实习生转成正式员工的关键在于在暑期末给别人留下好印象。

    Much of the ability to convert the internship into a full-time position came from leaving a good impression at the end of the summer .

  22. 暑假实习使这些公司有机会更好地了解实习生,从中挑选优秀人才作为未来的正式员工。

    The summer internship is the opportunity for them to get to know these students better , and select the best among them as future employees .

  23. 许多日本公司认为爱护自己的员工是它们的社会责任,不到万不得已不会在国内裁减正式员工。

    Many Japanese companies consider it a social responsibility to care for their workers and prefer to make cutting full-time jobs at home a last resort .

  24. 上世纪九十年代期间,日本公司倾向于雇佣非正式员工,为了减少开支,刻意少雇佣甚至不雇佣正式员工。

    During the1990s companies placed a greater emphasis on non-regular workers , often reducing or freezing the hiring of regular workers , in order to reduce costs .

  25. 在面试中或职场上,实习生,尤其是无薪实习生,很少需要遵守与正式员工同样严格的标准。

    Interns , especially unpaid ones , are rarely held to the same rigorous standards during the interview process or in the workplace as actual employees are .

  26. 不到一个月后,亨氏宣布,拥有1200名正式员工的匹兹堡总部将裁员350人,北美其他地区的业务也将裁掉250名员工。

    Within another month , Heinz announced it would cut 350 of the 1,200 full-time jobs at Pittsburgh headquarters , plus another 250 elsewhere in North America .

  27. 在耶鲁和康奈尔大学,行政管理人员和教师说博士不能算是正式员工,只能是学徒而已。这些话受到了来自工会的压力。

    though Yale and Cornell , where university administrators and some faculty argue that PhD students who teach are not workers but apprentices , have resisted union drives .

  28. 例如,假设您有一个问题跟踪数据库,并且想要跟踪已分配了问题的正式员工和临时员工。

    For instance , suppose you have an issue tracking database and you want to keep track of the employees and contractors to whom you have assigned an issue .

  29. 作为曾为谷歌做临时工作的人来说,最让人受不了的就是谷歌正式员工自以为是的态度。

    As someone who has worked for a temp job working for Google , the worst part is the smug attitude of those who work for the REAL Google .

  30. 不论诉讼结果如何,它都说明了很多问题:各家公司应该如何衡量实习生工作的价值?实习生是否有权利像正式员工一样获得工资?

    However the lawsuit goes , it could say a lot about how companies should value the work of interns and whether interns have a right to a paycheck like employees