
tiáo jiě zǔ zhī
  • mediation organization
  1. 劳动争议调解的法理探析&兼论我国劳动争议基层调解组织有关规定的缺陷与完善

    Jurisprudent Analysis on Labor Dispute Mediation & on the pitfalls of the mediation organization at the grass-roots

  2. 第二,劳动争议调解组织的完善。

    Secondly , the organization of labor dispute mediation need to be advanced .

  3. 论民间调解组织之重构

    Comments on the restructuring of the civil mediation organizations

  4. 这主要表现在:人民调解组织与政府组织机构及其代表之间的紧张。

    The third question is the main 's role strain of the Community Mediation System .

  5. 国家的权力如何通过社区调解组织与制度渗透到社区内。

    How the powers of the state system through community mediation organizations and penetrate into the community .

  6. 即在活动的过程中由司法机关提议,由调解组织居中协调。

    In the process of activity is proposed by the judicial organ , organized by the mediation center coordination .

  7. 特定民事纠纷非经适格的人民调解组织的调解,不得提起民事诉讼。

    For particular civil dissension , it can not be put forward for civil lawsuit without the intercession of the qualified people 's intercession organizations .

  8. 首先在劳动争议处理机构设置方面建立多层次具备权威性、专业性的调解组织;将强制仲裁纳入司法体系,实行只审不裁。

    Firstly , a multi level , professional mediation organizations should be established . Compulsory arbitration should be into the judicial system , established the only trial system .

  9. 目前我国已成立了医疗纠纷人民调解组织近4000个,调解处理医疗纠纷7.1万起,调解成功率85%以上。

    Around 4000 organizations have been set up to mediate medical disputes and helped in 71000 conflicts , with an estimated success rate of more than 85 percent .

  10. 联动需要通过完善法律机制来理顺各个调解组织的关系,充分调动三调联动机制各组织主体的积极性,实现各种调解资源的功能整合。

    To improve the legal mechanism can rationalize the relationship between the various mediation organizations and fully mobilize the organizations active subjects , to achieve functional integration of various mediation resources .

  11. 要建构我国的家事审判制度,须制定单独的家事审判程序法,设置家庭法院,确立履行确保制度,开发基层调解组织的潜能

    If China wants to construct this system , it must formulate the Law of Family Matters Judging Procedure , set up family court , establish Implementation Guarantee System and exploit the latent power of the basic_level mediating organizations

  12. 充分发挥遍布民族地区民间的如凉山彝族自治州的德古及民间调解组织、基层人民法院聘请的专兼职调解人员的作用,要节省相当的经济成本,并且取得良好社会效果。

    To save a considerable economic cost , and achieved good social effects , We should give full play to all over the National Folk civil mediation organizations such as Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Degu , and the role of the part-time mediators employed courts .

  13. 首先,从行政调解组织的优化与行政调解工作人员综合素质的提高两个方面来入手,探讨如何完善我国行政调解制度的内在机制。

    First of all , this paper discusses how to perfect the administrative mediation system in its inner mechanism , including the following aspects : one is the optimizing of the organization of the administrative mediation ; the other is the enhancement of the synthesis quality of the workers .

  14. 突出的表现在人民调解的组织数量和调解纠纷案件的数量不断减少,调解的效果差强人意。

    Outstanding performance for mediation organization number and the number of cases in the dispute resolution declining , mediation is not optimal .

  15. 虽然在日常调解中,乡镇组织更注重于从情理上予以调解,但国家法的影响却蕴含于调解结果之中。

    Although the village-township organizations preferred to intercede the dissension according to the moral principles , the results of the intercession were affected by the national laws .

  16. 目前我国的诉调对接机制的对接机构主要有设置在法院内的调解机构,各类基层调解组织和一些专业调解组织。

    At present the organizations are mainly set up in court , grass-roots and some professional mediation organizations .

  17. 我国劳动争议调解机制的结构性缺陷为忽视了调解组织中立性、行动能力、行为动因、工会角色安排和交易费用承担等前提条件问题,其基本假设不可靠。

    The structure shortcomings of labor dispute mediation mechanism of China include neglected neutrality , action ability , behavior cause , labor union 's role , and business expense undertaking of mediation organizations . Its basic hypothesis is not reliable .

  18. 社会转型中的人民调解制度&以上海市长宁区人民调解组织改革的经验为视点

    Peoples Mediation System in A Transitional Society

  19. 劳动争议调解主要是在劳动争议发生之后,劳动者和用人单位在调解组织的主持下,将劳动争议解决在基层的一种方式。

    Labor dispute mediation is one way that which occurs primarily in the labor dispute , under the auspices of the mediation organizations , the labor dispute of the workers and employers will be resolved at the grassroots level .

  20. 我国行政调解制度存在六个方面的问题,比如行政调解的法律制度不完善、行政调解自身组织机构不完善等方面。

    Administrative mediation system has six aspects , such as imperfect legal system , administrative mediation , and other aspects of their organization imperfect .