
wǔ qì xì tǒnɡ
  • weapons system
  1. 基于MonteCarlo法的防空武器系统射击效能仿真

    Firing Effectiveness Simulation of Air Defense Weapons System Based on Monte Carlo Method

  2. 基于图像处理技术的舰载武器系统对准方法

    Alignment method of shipborne weapons system based on image processing technology

  3. 武器系统CAD应用开发中的关键技术

    Key Techniques in Application Development of CAD System of Weapon

  4. 制导武器系统的MATLAB仿真

    Guided Weapon System Simulation by MATLAB / Simulink

  5. 随着武器系统复杂性的提高,传统的测试与评估(TestandEvaluation,TE)方法已经不能满足新时期采办的需求。

    As the complexity of weapon systems increases , Test and Evaluation ( TE ) in a conventional sense is not practical .

  6. 基于WISE的鱼雷武器系统弹道仿真模型设计与应用

    Modeling and Simulation of Torpedo Trajectory Using WISE

  7. Bayes序贯决策法在舰炮武器系统试验中的应用

    Application of Bayes SPRT to Shipborne Gun Weapon System Test

  8. DIS在武器系统试验与鉴定中的应用

    Application of DIS in Weapon Systems ′ Test and Evaluation

  9. 将Bayes理论应用于对武器系统研制单位管理水平的评估。

    Bayes theory is applied in the evaluation of the management level of weapon system development departments .

  10. 作战使用过程中导弹武器系统的可靠性模型,分n枚导弹攻击单个目标的模型及m枚导弹攻击n个目标2种模型。

    The reliability model of the missile weapon system in the campaign-using process includes the model of n missiles attack one objective and the model of m missiles attack n objectives .

  11. 然后,针对Flash存储器在武器系统中的广泛使用,分析了NANDFlash存储器的特征。

    And then , discussing the features of NAND Flash Memory in view of the widespread uses of Flash memories in the weapon systems .

  12. 根据武器系统RMS参数指标,建立以系统战备完好性为目标和维修保障费用为约束的RMS综合仿真模型。

    According to the parameter index of R M S , the synthetical simulation models of R M S which taken system combat readiness integrity and restricted by maintenance safeguard fee are established .

  13. 因此,ABL系统也是美国投入大量人力、物力优先发展的弹道导弹防御武器系统。

    However , ABL is also a system that USA invests plenty of manpower and material to give priority to its development .

  14. 致力于武器系统方案决策智能化,研究了智能软计算中的粗集方法(RS)与层次分析法(AHP)的融合问题。

    A fusion of rough set ( RS ) in soft computing method and analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) is studied for the intellectualization of the decision-making of weapon system scheme .

  15. 精确制导武器系统作战效能的LMBP神经网络评估

    Assessment of Operational Effectiveness on the Precise-Guidance Weapon System by LMBP Neural Network

  16. 军事C3I系统由于有了超导计算机,能快速、有效地把各种武器系统、各军兵种和各战场连结成一个有机整体。

    With the superconducting computer , C3I system is able to effectively integrate into one a variety of weapon systems , arms and fields .

  17. 制导雷达是地对空武器系统的重要组成部分,制导雷达采用低截获概率(LowProbabilityofIntercept,LPI)技术可以提高地对空武器系统的有效性和生存能力。

    Guide radar is an important component of ground to air weapon system . Guide radar using Low Probability of intercept ( LPI ) technology can enhance the effectiveness and survivorship of ground to air weapon system .

  18. 现代武器系统由于空间限制,引信电源的使用场合特殊,所以引信内EMI问题尤其严重。

    Because of the space limited in weapon system , and the special application area , the laser fuze internal EMI problem becomes much stronger , especially the interference of its supply .

  19. 文中分别介绍了经典PID控制原理和神经网络自适应控制原理,通过对比分析,最终采用神经网络自校正控制方法设计了该武器系统的控制器。

    First , this paper introduces the principles of both classic PID control and adaptive neural network control , then analyzes the characteristics of the two methods . At last , the method of neural network self-tuning control is used to design the controller .

  20. 采用美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会提出的ADC模型,对某型便携式防空导弹武器系统拦截巡航导弹的作战效能进行了详细的数学建模和分析计算,并得出了计算结果。

    The paper gives the detailed mathematical model and particularly analyzes and calculates the operational effectiveness of one portable air defense missile weapon system intercepting cruise missiles with ADC model produced by WSEIAC , and derives the calculate result .

  21. 惯性测量单元(IMU)用来为舰载武器系统提供准确的姿态并实时监测舰船甲板的变形,对其数目和位置进行优化具有重要的实用价值。

    IMU is used to provide shipborne weapon systems with accurate attitudes and to monitor deck deformation real time . It is worth researching further to optimize the location and number of IMU .

  22. 针对武器系统试验常常具有小子样的特点,分析推导了MTBF检验的Bayes方法,论述了MTBF的Bayes估计方法,并举例进行了计算分析。

    According to small sample of weapon system test , the Bayes inspecting method of MTBF is presented . Then Bayes estimation method of MTBF is discussed . at last , one example is given and analyzed .

  23. TBM末端机动弹道的预测是现代防空C3I系统建模中重要的组成部分,它直接影响着反导武器系统对TBM拦截的精度与概率。

    The estimation for maneuvering tactical ballistic missiles ( TBM ) trajectory in its terminal phase is an important part of the modeling of modern air-defense C ~ 3I system . It has direct effects on the intercept precision and probability of anti-TBM operation .

  24. 应用WSEIAC武器系统效能模型给出了单架反辐射无人机的作战效能表达式,推导了多架反辐射无人机的作战效能表达式。

    The expression of operational effectiveness for single anti-radar UAV is given by means of a WSEIAC weapon system effectiveness model , that of operational effectiveness of multi-anti-radar UAV are de-rived , and the characteristics of operations for multi-anti-radar UAV are also discussed in this paper .

  25. 防区外导弹联合攻击武器系统作战效能评估方法

    Study on Method of Effectiveness Evaluation of Stand-off Missile Weapon System

  26. 武器系统使用可用性评估模型及应用

    The evaluation model of weapon system operational availability and its application

  27. 提高武器系统软件可靠性的技术途径

    Technical ways to increase the reliability of software in weapon systems

  28. 编队对地攻击航空武器系统效能顶层分析研究

    Study on Effectiveness Top Analysis of Group Air-to-Ground Aviation Weapon System

  29. 机载布撒武器系统发展综述

    The development and research of the air borne weapon dispenser system

  30. 关于现代军事武器系统效能评定的研究

    A New Research on Evaluation of Combat Effectiveness for Weapon System