
  • 网络Wujin;wujin district
  1. 以活力空间为导向的近期建设规划方法研究&以常州武进区为例

    The Study of Vital-space-orientated Immediate Plan & Taking Wujin District for Example

  2. 2005&2008年常州市武进区职业健康检查结果分析

    Analysis on Occupational Health Examination Results in Wujin District of Changzhou City from 2005-2008

  3. 基于SWOT重要度序列的现代物流发展策略&以常州武进区为例

    Modern Logistics Strategy Based on Importance Degree Sequence of SWOT & Study Case of Wujin Area Changzhou City

  4. 结果:武进区25岁以上常住居民糖尿病总患病率为5.60%,IFG为5.83%。

    Result : The morbidity of diabetes mellitus at community in Wujin was 5.60 % , and IFG was 5.83 % .

  5. 武进区城市燃气规划设计

    City Gas Planning and Design in Wujin

  6. 2007年常州市武进区学校流感的流行病学特征分析

    Epidemiological characteristics of influenza like illness in schools of Wujin District , Changzhou City , 2007

  7. 常州市武进区伤害死亡流行强度与死因变化趋势分析

    Analysis epidemiological strength on injury deaths and trend of causes of death in Wujin district of Changzhou

  8. 2005&2008年常州市武进区散装熟食卤菜监测结果

    Monitoring Results on Food Hygiene of Bulk cooked stewed dishes in Wujin District of Changzhou City during 2005-2008

  9. 凤凰谷作为常州市武进区标志性的大型公建项目,是全区单体投资最大的工程。

    As a symbolic large public building in Wujin , Phoenix Valley is the largest single project in investment .

  10. 区域生态经济系统的物质输入与输出分析&以常州市武进区为例

    Material flow analysis ( MFA ) of an eco-economic system : a case study of Wujin District , Changzhou

  11. 常州市三佳轴承厂座落在武进区湖塘镇,是滚针轴承的专业生产厂家。

    Changzhou Sanjia bearing plant is a professional needle bearing manufacturer which is located in Wujing district of Hutang .

  12. 家庭结构与儿童社会性发展的关系研究&以武进区农村儿童为例

    A Study of the Relationship between Family Structure and Children 's Social Development & Taking the Rural Children in Wujin District as an Example

  13. 本文选取江苏省常州市武进区进行实地调研,采用面对面的访谈方式获取数据和信息。

    This article selects Wu Jin District of Chang Zhou city to conduct field research , using face-to-face interviews to obtain data and information .

  14. 通过武进区城市燃气规划设计阐述了燃气规划的内容,详细介绍了设计参数的确定、用气量的计算、燃气输配系统的布局与管网水力计算等内容。

    Details of the design parameters in the identification , pattern of city gas R & D system layout and hydraulic calculation in distribution networks in Wujin are set forth .

  15. 结果武进区居民过去13年中结核病发病率维持在42.21/10万-61.96/10万之间,年平均发病率49.28/10万;

    Result : In the past of 13 years , the incidence rates of tuberculosis in Wujin district were kept in the scale of 42.21 / 100,000 to 61.96 / 100,000 per year .

  16. 在不考虑水的因素情况下,武进区物质输入量保持较快的上升速度,其中固体物质的增长速率远远大于气体物质的增长速率;

    Except water , the total material inputs continue to increase , and the input of solid materials grows faster than that of gaseous materials , while the total material outputs kept reducing ;

  17. 常州市武进区位于江苏省南部,太湖平原西北部,境内平原宽广,地势低平,河网稠密。

    Changzhou Wujin District is located in the south of Jiangsu Province , the northwest of Taihu Plain . The district is wide , flat and low , the river network is dense .

  18. 本文在最后结合武进高新区的实际,提出了武进高新区形成产业集群必须进行创新,包括投资环境创新、管理体制创新和产业发展创新。

    In the end , the thesis combines the practice of Wujin Hi-tech Industrial Zone and proposes that the formed industrial cluster must go on innovation including the investment environment innovation , manage system innovation and innovation of industry development .