
  • 网络Wuan
  1. 本文基于两元性设计思想,通过武安市天主教堂设计,讨论了习俗与场所理论及其在建筑设计中的应用。

    This paper , based on the architecture concept of the two property , on the design of Wuan city catholic church , discusses the theory of custom and places , and it 's applying in building design .

  2. 农村治理转型与制度创新&河北省武安市一制三化经验的调查与思考

    Governance Transition and Institutional Innovation in Rural Areas in Hebei Province

  3. 武安市土地利用结构信息熵时空变化分析

    Temporal-spatial Changes in Information Entropy of Land-use Structure in Wu'an City

  4. 武安市可持续发展综合评价及预警研究

    Synthetical Evaluation and Pre-warning on Sustainable Development of Wu'an City

  5. 基于生态足迹的矿业城市可持续发展测度研究&以武安市为例

    A case study on Wu'an city : sustainable development in mining cities based on Ecological Footprint

  6. 冯昌金矿区位于河北省武安市东北部。

    Fengchang gold field is located in the northwestern part of Wu'an city , Hebei Province .

  7. 造成生态赤字的主要原因是由于武安市的能源消耗需求量大。

    The main cause to the ecological deficit is because of the large demand of energy consumption .

  8. 资源型县域经济可持续发展问题研究&以河北省武安市为例

    The Study on Economy Sustainable Development of Resource-based County & Example for Wu'an County of Hebei Province

  9. 通过全国第三次文物普查,武安市的不可移动文物总数超过2000处,进一步巩固了其文物大县的地位。

    The total number of the cultural relic is over 2,000 in the Third National Relic Survey , which consolidates its status .

  10. 涉县东以东郊山、古脑、老爷山为界,与武安市、磁县比邻;

    Shexian to the eastern outskirts of East Hill , the ancient brain , classic mountains sector , with the City , near Cixian ;

  11. 据中国媒体报道,河北省武安市将有16家钢厂被关闭20到30天。

    In Wu ' an city in Hebei province , 16 mills will be closed for 20-30 days , according to Chinese media reports .

  12. 古镇的保护与旅游开发&以河北省武安市伯延古镇为例

    Brief discussion on the protection and the tour development of the ancient town & With Boyan town , Wu'an city , Hebei province as an example

  13. 县域村庄空间布局优化的探索和实践&以河北省武安市域村庄空间布局规划为例

    Exploration and practices of village spatial layout optimization in the domain of county : with spatial layout plan of villages in wu ' an city of Hebei Province as an example

  14. 河北省西南部的武安市,处于晋语、冀鲁官话和中原官话犬牙交错的接合过渡地带。

    Wu ' an , a county-level city in southwest of Hebei province , is a transitional zone where Jin Dialect , Zhongyuan Mandarin and Jilu Mandarin dialects ( mainly refer to Shandong and Hebei provinces ) are intertwined .

  15. 以河北省武安市为例,分析了地方矿业开发造成的地表塌陷对环境的影响及危害,并提出了地方矿业开发造成的地表塌陷问题的防治对策。

    This paper takes Wu An city of He Bei province as example , analyses the effect and damage on environment caused by the ground settlement by local mining industry , and provides the counter control measures about the ground settlement by local mining industry .

  16. 结合国内外学者的研究结果和武安市的实际资源利用、废弃物排放和雨水情况,修正得到武安市生态系统服务功能价值系数,作为生态储存模型估算的基础。

    Combined with the original research results from foreign and domestic scholars in China and the actual resource utilization , waste emission and rainfall situations in Wu ' an , this paper corrects and obtains the final value coefficients of ecosystem services as the basis of ecological storage estimation .