
jū zhù qū
  • residential area
  1. 解析中等城市居住区绿化设计&以宜春市某小区绿化规划为例

    Analyze on the Residential Area Green Afforestation Design of Medium-sized Cities

  2. 居住区绿地2种节水灌溉试验的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Two Kinds of Water-saving Irrigation for Greenbelt of Residential Area

  3. 它看起来像是一个有利于我的孩子们成长的理想居住区。

    It seemed like a good neighbourhood to raise my children .

  4. 在法国人居住区寻找旅馆。

    Look for hotels in the French Quarter .

  5. 开发商们坚称这个耗资8,000万的居住区不会破坏风景。

    The developers insist the 80m village will not leave a blot on the landscape .

  6. 在居住区后面,北边和西边陡然高耸着砂岩悬崖。

    Behind the habitations , the sandstone cliffs rose abruptly to the north and west .

  7. 黑人居住区

    a black township .

  8. 计划的一部分是:这座城市不应该划分为办公区、工业区和居住区,而应把三个部分融合在一起。

    Part of the plan was that the town should not fall into office , industrial and residential zones , but mix the three up together

  9. 在这条街上有一大片华人居住区。

    The street includes a large chunk of ethnic Chinese ghetto .

  10. 导弹是瞄准军事目标而不是瞄准城市人口稠密居住区的。

    The missiles are aimed at military targets , not at urban centres .

  11. 当地已出动警力引导象群,同时派出228辆车,4辆挖掘机,3架无人机协助将象群从人类居住区引开。

    Police officers have been sent to escort the elephants . They are aided with 228 vehicles , four excavators and three unmanned aerial vehicles in case that they need to distance the animals with human settlements .

  12. 居住区公园使用状况评价(POE)应用案例研究

    The case study on application of post occupancy evaluation on parks of residential district

  13. 以北京市青青家园居住区为案例,基于688份住户调查问卷分析,本文利用比奇的分异度指数和GIS分析方法,揭示居住微观区位选择的影响因素和机制。

    Base on 688 questionnaires and fieldwork , the paper analyzed the influential factors and mechanism of residents ' micro-settlement - location choice by the methods of Peach 's Differentiation Index and GIS .

  14. 在分析TM影像各个波段特征的基础上,选取5、4、3波段进行图像逻辑运算,比较精确地提取出居住区影像。

    On the basis of analyzing characteristics of various wave bands of TM images , selecting 5,4,3 bands to make image logical calculation , we can extract the relative exact images of settlement regions of Beijing district .

  15. 在此基础上依据层次分析AHP法提出了居住区室外环境景观的评价模型,并分别对其中的评价方法、评价目标及评价因子权重的确立进行了阐述;

    On this basis , an evaluation model is set forth for the residential district landscape according to analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ), with detailed description and explanation of the methods of evaluation , the target of evaluation , and the ratio of factorial evaluation to be followed .

  16. 地铁中到处都是大眼超模的海报。在上海高消费阶层居住区浦东区,服装店Zara和H&M的巨型广告牌耸立在街道两旁。

    Rail passengers are surrounded by posters of wide-eyed supermodels , and larger-than-life billboards for the Zara and H & M clothing stores line the streets of Shanghai ` s upscale Pudong district .

  17. TOD理念对郊区居住区规划具有借鉴意义,但由于中国自身的国情,不能对其理论进行简单的照搬,而应从解决目前郊区居住区规划中的实际问题入手。

    TOD philosophy is Planning for residential areas on the outskirts of reference , but because of the deference between China and West , its theory can not be a simple copy and should solve the existing suburban residential area in planning the practical problems start .

  18. 聊城市居住区绿化植物利用现状及调整对策

    Utilization and Development Strategies of Residential Area Plant Species in Liaocheng

  19. 居住区改建规划综合效益的探讨

    Discussion on comprehensive efficacy of re-development plan for the residential area

  20. 三峡库区移民居住区人居环境建设初探&以巫山县大昌新镇移民居住区设计为例

    Exploring Construction of Dwelling Environment of Immigrant Community in Three-gorges Area

  21. 城市更新中的旧居住区改造模式研究

    Study on Rebuilding Models of Old Residential Areas in Urban Renewal

  22. 汽车消费进入家庭后居住区规划设计对策研究

    Planning solutions of residential district when cars becoming family consumer goods

  23. 城市居住区空气中苯系物的测定来源分析

    Measurement and analysis of benzene hydrocarbon in urban residential quarters air

  24. 济南市居住区植物景观分析与研究

    An Analysis on Residential District 's Plant Scenery in Jinan City

  25. 居住区生活与环境质量综合评价

    Overall Evaluation of the Living and Environmental Quality in Residential Area

  26. 居住区风水设计理念探讨

    To Discuss the Design Idea in Geomantic Omen of Inhabited Region

  27. 居住区停车空间与绿化空间的结合

    The Combination of Green Space and Parking Lots in Residential Quarters

  28. 居住区公共空间及环境设施中的安全性设计研究

    A Research on Security of the Design of Public Residential Areas

  29. 北京当代居住区植物景观的研究

    Study on the Plant Landscape of Contemporary Residential Zone in Beijing

  30. 北京市团结湖居住区规划设计

    Planning of the " Tuanchi Lake " Residential Quarter in Peking