
  • 网络Longquan;longquan city
  1. 中国灵芝的产量占世界前列,浙江龙泉市被国务院授予中华灵芝第一乡。

    China is the main production place of Ganoderma , and Zhejiang Longquan is awarded First Ganoderma town in China by the State Council .

  2. 基于ArcGIS的城市规划与土地利用总体规划协调&以浙江省龙泉市金沙新区为例

    Study on the harmony between the city planning and the general land using planning based on the arcgis & take the Jinsha new developed area in Longquan City of Zhejiang Province as an example

  3. 龙泉市三江源头的生态保护与建设

    Ecological Protection and Construction of Headstreams of Three Rivers in Longquan

  4. 龙泉市森林资源地理信息系统的研制

    The developmen of geographic information system of forest resources in Longquan City

  5. 浙江省龙泉市肾综合征出血热疫情分析

    Epidemic analysis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Longquan , Zhejiang

  6. 文中对龙泉市兰花资源状况作了分析,概要地提出了保护意见。

    Advice concerning protection of orchid resources is recommended .

  7. 浙江省龙泉市地质灾害易发区划分分析

    LongQuan city geological disaster easy happen area analyses by the zone division in zhejiang province

  8. 龙泉市是浙江省地质灾害的多发区之一。

    Longquan city is one of many districts that fountain municipality in Zhejiang province geological disaster .

  9. 龙泉市安仁溪小流域治理防洪减灾效益分析

    Benefit analysis of flood control and disaster reduction for small watershed management of Anren stream in Longquan

  10. 龙泉市百万亩生态公益林建设模式初探生态林产业&中国林业发展之路

    Discussion on Types of Ecological Forest in Longquan City The Ecological Forest Production Model & The Road of China 's Forestry Development

  11. 通过有限元计算,分析龙泉市岩樟溪一级电站拦河坝在最不利工况时对岸坡溢洪道结构的应力和稳定的影响。

    Through finite element method calculation , we analyse the stress and stability of the bank spillway concrete structure in bad conditions for the dam of Yanzhangxi ( 1 ) Water Power Station in Longquan .

  12. 在分析龙泉市阔叶林资源现状、消长动态及其原因后,提出保护和合理利用阔叶林资源,确保生态公益林顺利开展的途径。

    After analysing the situation of broad-leaved forest resources of Longquan City and the dynamic increase and decrease and its reason , methods of protection and exploitation of the resources to ensure the building of biological forest are suggested .