
  • 网络work from home;Soho
  1. 既充分考虑SOHO族的生理和心理诉求,又要保证居家办公生活的舒适性和协调性。

    Not only considered the physiological and psychological demands of SOHO , but also to ensure that the home office life of comfort and coordination .

  2. 而居家办公又使住宅成为写字楼:商住两用房是两全其美,还是两不能用?

    And the home office has become the residential office : two spaces is both commercial and residential , or two can not be used ?

  3. 而SOHO家具作为SOHO族居家办公的主要依附工具,其作用自是不言而喻的。

    In the meantime , SOHO furniture 's become very important for it 's the main appliance of SOHO clan working in family .

  4. 也就是说,利用电子手段居家办公并非普遍适用。

    That is to say , telecommuting is not universally applicable .

  5. 从2020年3月开始,许多企业关闭或员工居家办公。

    Many businesses shut down or had employees work from home starting in March 2020 .

  6. 居家办公真的很不错。

    Working from home is great .

  7. 在集中办公地点以外进行工作的广义词是电子居家办公。

    The broad term for doing one 's work away from a centrally located office is telework .

  8. 在苹果宣布这一消息之际,该公司正加速摆脱英特尔芯片,并迎合居家办公的环境。

    The announcement comes as Apple speeds its migration away from Intel chips and a work-from-home world .

  9. 因此,由于节省费用,近年来电子居家办公一族的人数大大增加便不足为奇。

    Not surprisingly , given these savings , the number of teleworkers has increased dramatically over the past few years .

  10. 利用电子手段居家办公造成工作与家庭的界限模糊不清,因而延长了工作时间并干扰了家庭生活。

    By blurring the barriers between work and family , telecommuting often leads to more work hours and more interference with family life .

  11. 超过1万8千人抢注参与了这场周末活动。活动的举办地点很怪异,在一个专卖居家办公家具的大型购物中心里。

    More than 18000 people preregistered for the weekend event , located rather incongruously in a sprawling shopping complex specializing in home and office furniture .

  12. 统计局也提到,电脑、机械和科技行业的居家办公率增长得尤其之快,在2000至2010年间几乎上升了70%。

    The bureau also noted that home-based work in computer , engineering and science is rising particularly fast , growing almost 70 % between 2000 and 2010 .

  13. 许多科技公司所生产的仪器和软件都是为居家办公服务的,考虑到这一点,让自己的员工现创现用似乎也是明智之举。

    Given that many technology firms produce the devices and software that make working from home a breeze , it seems sensible to let their employees use them .

  14. 如果你已经对每天进进出出那一成不变的办公室隔间感到沮丧绝望的话,居家办公岂不是会有完全不同的感受?

    If working from the same cubicle day in and day out was frustrating and claustrophobic , do you think it 'll be any different in your home office ?

  15. 在当今高就业率的经济环境下,由于高科技行业的怪异品位以及穿着睡衣居家办公的潮流驱动,上班穿便装大行其道。

    Thanks to the geek aesthetic of the high-tech industry , the work-in-your-jammies home office movement in today 's low unemployment hiring environment , business casual wear has taken off in a big way .

  16. 根据美国环境保护署(EPA)的研究显示,居家和办公楼的室内空气比高工业化城市的空气遭受更严重的污染。

    According to the EPA ' study , indoor air quality is more poor than outside air quality in industrial city .

  17. 阿伦・罗伯茨(AronRoberts),加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)软件开发员:很有可能出现能够帮助我们持续改变生活方式、及早侦测到疾病风险而不只是疾病的可穿戴设备和/或居家、办公传感器。

    Aron Roberts , software developer at the University of California , Berkeley : ' We may well see wearable devices and / or home and workplace sensors that can help us make ongoing lifestyle changes and provide early detection for disease risks , not just disease .

  18. 精致纸篓,多种用途,居家、办公时尚生活。

    Exquisite paper basket , many kinds of uses , the fashionable life at home and office .